Alien God System

Chapter 943: World Martial Arts Leader

What, withdraw?

It's rare that those old monsters have all disappeared. I have just been crushed and beaten, and he took a sigh of relief in his heart. Now I am about to retaliate and fight back. You let me withdraw?

what's the situation?

The Nether Envoys who were already ready to kill the Quartet with a fierce look, heard this cry from the Nine Heavens, they couldn't help being stunned, inexplicable.

However, since the master has given orders, they have no choice but to retreat from gold.

Whoosh, black shadows returned to Qiu Xiaotian's back again, and stood bowed. Only at this moment, their number is less than half.

Qiu Xiaotian clutched the burn on his shoulder tightly, gritted his teeth severely, waved his hand gently, opened a space channel in the air, and walked in with the people.

Just before he walked in, Qiu Xiaotian turned his head and stared at the evil smile of Yang Feng who was lying on his back in the huge pit on the earth, and said bitterly: Yang Feng, you wait for this seat, today’s account, sooner or later Get it back, huh! "

As soon as the voice fell, Qiu Xiaotian walked into the dark passage, took all his subordinates, and disappeared.

A group of martial arts righteous way, on this earth full of corpses, looking at the misty sky, couldn't help taking a long breath.

Everyone present, including those three musts, felt a sense of rejoicing after the disaster.

It was too dangerous just now. If the boss was not seriously injured and had to stop and leave, it is estimated that none of them would want to live today.

Although the previous battle between the two sides was very short, but only half an hour, but they, representatives of the right way of martial arts, nearly one-third of the people have been killed.

It's just that afterwards, Guru Yang didn't know what secret method he passed and invited his ancestors to help, so that they could save so many of them.

Otherwise, it is estimated that they would all go to **** long ago.

Thinking of this, people looked at the big hole in the distance and shouted: Master Yang, how are you? "


At this time, people stopped running away and returned to inspect Yang Feng's situation, but when they came to the big pit, they saw that Yang Feng was already in a dying coma, his face was bloodless, and his chest was red.

Master! "

Seeing this, the Poison King couldn't help being surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to pick him up, and shouted anxiously: How are you? We can’t live without you. "

Yes, Master Yang, our righteous martial arts can't live without you! "

The representatives of the other sects also shouted together at this time, with sincere affection.

Indeed, in this situation, everyone here understands that, except for Yang Feng, no one in the world can deal with the peerless magic door of Nether Palace.

Yang Feng is their only hope.

If Yang Feng had any shortcomings, then they could directly surrender to the Nether Palace.

So at this time, Yang Feng's life is no longer his own, but the hope of the future of the entire righteous martial arts.


As if awakened by this noisy sound, Yang Feng's brows trembled slightly, and finally opened his eyes weakly, and looked around and said: Why are you back again? Run, I'm holding it here! "

With that said, Yang Feng still stood up and continued to fight, but he was staggered and collapsed into the arms of the Poison King.

Watching this scene, a group of representatives of various martial arts factions looked at each other with respect and nodded secretly.

Yang Jiaozhu is worthy of being the respect of Nanjue, unparalleled benevolence and justice. Now that they are all seriously injured, and thinking about their safety, it is simply to deny themselves and be chivalrous.

The first righteous hero in the martial arts is really the leader Yang.

Everyone had a consensus in their hearts, and the Poison King hurriedly said: Master, don't worry, that group of demons have been outside because you have seriously injured the relationship with Qiu Xiaotian, and they have all withdrawn. Now we are safe. "

Isn't it? I just injured him badly and failed to kill him. "

Hearing his words, Yang Feng immediately said with a look of guilt: This demon is immortal, there will be great chaos in the martial arts in the future. I just summoned me to teach my ancestors, and it cost me so much energy that I didn't have enough energy to leave the demon behind, betraying everyone's trust, and I am really ashamed. Here, I am sorry for everyone. "

With that said, Yang Feng would barely get up and bend over to everyone.

When everyone saw this, no matter where they dared to be his gift, someone hurriedly came forward to support him, and said anxiously: Master Yang, don't do this, I will wait. If it wasn't for Guru Yang who cared about my safety and couldn't fight the demon with all his strength, how could I be seriously injured by the demon? I was the one who dragged him down. Guru Yang actually wants to wait for me to make amends now, I am really ashamed of waiting. "

Where, this is all supposed to be, who made me Nanjue? It is our responsibility to maintain the righteousness and justice of martial arts. To let such a big demon go away, this seat is negligent, alas! "

Shaking his head, Yang Feng sighed again.

A group of martial arts colleagues watched this scene, listened to his sincere words, looked at each other, and immediately all nodded tacitly, and then all knelt down.

Tens of thousands of people knelt down together, including many martial arts seniors and elders. This scene is so vast that it is really rare.

Yang Feng was stunned, he had already understood everything in his heart, and he kept secretly happy, but he was anxious on the face: What are you doing, get up! "

Master Yang is benevolent and righteous, and is a model of my righteous martial arts. Therefore, our world martial arts, regardless of the east, west, north, south, are willing to recommend Master Yang as the general leader of my world martial arts. In the future, we will fight against the Demon Gate Nether Palace, and everything will be seen by the leader of Yang. "

what? Recommend me? This... how dare I be? I am young, with little qualifications, and I used to say that I'm competing against each other. Now that Wu is still in the competition, I'm just so high, I'm afraid someone will not accept it. "

Master Yang understands the great righteousness and is the best candidate for the leader of the martial arts. We are convinced by all schools and factions in the world, and we admire you. Besides, you just fought with the Lord of the Nether Palace, Qiu Xiaotian, and only you can fight against it. We are all aware of your strength. Who dares to refuse? "

An old man looked straight, and said with sincerity: Besides, now the Nether Palace is so powerful that it threatens the safety of the world's martial arts righteous way, and only Guru Yang can compete with him. For the peace and prosperity of the world, the majesty of righteousness will endure. Please don't refuse, please take the position of the leader of the martial arts, lead me to the right way of martial arts, and punish those evil spirits. "

Please master Yang to lead us to revitalize the right way and punish evil spirits! "

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people shouted in unison, shaking the sky.

Mo Gaofeng and Gu Hanyang looked at each other and saw Yang Feng's desires, and they followed suit: Master Yang, please agree, don't let everyone down. "

Yes, if you don't agree, the world of martial arts without a leader will definitely be defeated by the Nether Hall, then you are a sinner in the world. "

Yuan Fangsheng also intervened at this time.

He was originally a neutralist, and even at first he was wary of Yang Feng and Long Xiaotian, both north and south, but now that the rolling historical trend is advancing, he can't stop it anyway, so he has to adapt to current events.

Seeing all this, there were people's sincere eyes and sincere words in his ears. When Yang Feng saw the fire, he nodded reluctantly: If so, then I will be the martial arts leader for the time being. Alas, in fact, I'm not good for fame and fortune. The situation is really critical now. For the sake of martial arts, I will do it for two days. You understand. "

Hmm, we understand, hehehe!

Busy nodded, everyone like chickens eating rice...

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