Alien God System

Chapter 941: Real master


The earth cube made a slight vibration, flew to the ground, and instantly disappeared into the depths of the earth.

In a short while, the whole earth squirmed, and thirty-six natives slowly emerged from the ground.

Seeing this, Qiu Xiaotian squinted his eyes, wondering: Earth clone? Hum, do you want to use these unresponsive soil clones to compete with my Nether Palace? Simply overwhelming. No matter how strong you are, these earth clones are just a mud puppet, how much strength can they have? "

Yes, ordinary soil clones are just miscellaneous soldiers, but mine is different, because I can help them open up their wisdom, hehehe. "

With a grin, Yang Feng shook his body again, and thirty-six fire lights flew out of his body one after another, falling among the earth clones.

In a short while, all the natives ignited hot flames, and finally turned into thirty-six familiar figures.

Qiu Xiaotian's eyes shrank, and he couldn't help crying: This is..."

Successive leaders of the Holy Fire Sect were resurrected, and the dirty soil was reincarnated successfully, hahaha! Yang Feng shouted with a loud laugh.

The natives also twisted their necks immediately, moved their muscles and bones, and became their original appearances.

The saint ancestor looked down at his flesh body made of soil, and smiled suddenly: After being a ghost for tens of thousands of years, he felt the existence of the entity again. Although it was made of soil, it was okay. Go, the masters of the past, go and move your muscles and bones. "

Having said that, the ancestors were already walking towards the battlefield swayingly, and the remaining leaders followed closely.

At the same time, in the battlefield that broke through, almost fell to the ground and slaughtered, because the masters of these nether halls were too strong, and the decent sects in the martial arts, no matter how many people, were not their opponents.

Mo Gaofeng's resistance to the three absolutes was under great pressure, and the Poison King and the others were also forced to breathe.

At this moment, an apprentice in the Netherworld Hall hit the old poison with a palm of his hand, and when he was about to kill him on the spot, there was a loud bang, and a ball of flames immediately blasted that person into dregs.

The old poison was taken aback for a moment, then looked back, and smiled: He is an expert, come to help, the old man will be... uh! "

However, before he finished speaking, he was stunned, his eyes moistened instantly.

The saint ancestor brought more than thirty leaders of past dynasties, like a mafia, neatly dressed in a flame cloak, and walked over: little guy, are you okay? "

Thank you Saint Ancestor, no...nothing! "

Well, the past leaders, let's work! "

With a soft drink, the thirty-sixth generation of leaders immediately scattered around and went to fight with those Nether Hall apprentices. You know, these sacred flame masters were all peerless masters with strong cultivation bases during their lifetimes, and the worst Ouyang Feiying was also a five-level existence.

In the past, they were ghosts, without entities, without a source of energy, and unable to exert their strength.

Now they have got Earth clones, and their energy is shared with Yang Feng. Although they are still not as strong as they were before they were alive, it is more than enough to deal with the young people in these Nether Palace.

Yan Long Lie Killing Array! "

Huayu Orchid Arrow! "

Skyfire meteor shower! "


Boom boom boom!

With a loud explosion, the envoys of the Nether Palace were repelled one after another, and the thirty-six flame silhouettes protected these thousands of celebrities in it, making them finally take a breath.

When they looked at these powerful flame masters, they couldn't help screaming: Who are you? Which sect, thank you for your help? "

Fellow martial arts fellows, this is our master Yang, who has been called by my teacher in secret, to come to help. Don't be silly, everyone, run quickly. "

At this time, the Poison King shouted loudly and urged everyone to continue running for their lives.

Everyone was surprised that Guru Yang could even call for help from the ancestors of the past. It's really awesome, he has friendship with the underworld?

Mo Gaofeng and the others are also very strange, Yang Feng himself is already very powerful, and he actually has a great summoning technique, calling his ancestors to help? The secret technique of the Holy Fire Sect is too against the sky.

However, they just exclaimed for a while, and ran away.

Those Nether Envoys had to stop again, but they were immediately blocked by Hokage.

Little guys, give them face, let them make a living. "Yan Luohan, the 16th-generation leader of the Holy Fire Sect, laughed.

The nether messenger looked angry, and two water dragons ran around all over his body, and roared: "Stop in the way, you old ghost." Water overcomes fire among the five elements, and beware of Lao Tzu pouring out your holy fire. "

Without speaking, Yan Luohan shook his head helplessly, and then quivered slightly, which suddenly became blurred. Waiting for the next moment, screaming, sizzling flames slashed in front of the person. He didn't realize what was going on, so he banged and was cut into seven or eight pieces of meat by the flames, and both water dragons disappeared. Gone.

Yan Luohan's figure appeared behind him, curling his lips disdainfully: Little guy, the realm that we old guys used to reach is not what you can imagine now. Even if the cultivation base is now limited, the control and application of earth-level elements are above you. The simple five-element restraint can't deal with us unless you are at the same level as ours, ha ha ha. "

When the voice fell, Yan Luohan continued to talk with the other messengers of the Nether Palace.

Of course, if you don't agree with a word, the convenience is the end of a different place.

The leaders of these sacred flames are all old monsters. Although their strength is limited to the level of five absolutes, they can rely on their extremely high realm to hang the nether messengers every minute, and immediately kill them to the ghosts and the wolves, howling and mourning .

However, after a while, more than a hundred nether messengers have been completely killed.

Looking at this scene, Long Xiaotian in the sky was almost stupid.

After these old guys have a physical body, are they so powerful?

Yang Feng also called up his game panel. Looking at the data on it, his blue volume dropped swiftly, almost as if he didn't need money.

After all, now I share energy with those old guys, and every time they develop a skill, they pay for them themselves.

Fortunately, at this moment, I have more believers. The believers of the two empires can replenish their belief points anytime and anytime. Even if they use 1 million mana, they can quickly replenish them in three seconds.

Otherwise, how could he drive the high consumption of these thirty-six ghosts alone, tusk!

Yang Feng sighed, as a righteous god, the number of believers is really important. But the evil **** actually wants to eat the souls of his believers, which is tolerable or intolerable.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng looked at the martial arts people below, and saw that they were about to escape, he smiled and said: Qiu Xiaotian, this level is almost the same, let's make a brief conclusion. "

what did you say? "


Qiu Xiaotian was taken aback, but he didn't realize what was going on. Yang Feng flashed and came to him in an instant, just one centimeter away from his face, he was smiling strangely, but he didn't make any movement. .

Qiu Xiaotian trembled in horror, and his body instinctively lifted a palm and hit Yang Feng's chest fiercely.

Yang Feng trembled, puffed, spit out a mouthful of red, and fell backward like a kite with a broken string.

Qiu Xiaotian was startled, he didn't know why, he himself couldn't believe it, how could he hurt the opponent so easily? But only to see Yang Feng's face floating in the air, the strange smile still did not dissipate, and then suddenly raised a finger and raised an eyebrow at Qiu Xiaotian.

Our second round is over, the next time is your death date. "

call out!

A flame instantly passed through Qiu Xiaotian's shoulders, making Qiu Xiaotian unable to stop spitting out a spit of hot blood. His Phaseless Divine Array defense was useless in front of Yang Feng's finger.

At this moment, the two seriously injured each other, and it seemed to be a tie again. But only Qiu Xiaotian knew in his heart that the other party was playing with him, and all this was under his control.

He is the real master...

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