Alien God System

Chapter 929: Destroy the country


The black long sword at his feet flipped upward and fell into Gu Hanyang's hands.

The ancient Hanyang face was sinking like water, and the sword was raised high.

In an instant, the entire sky was boiling, the wind was surging, and the power between the sky and the earth was like a sea tide, rushing towards the black sword in the hands of ancient Hanyang.


All the weapons and steel around here are constantly swelling, and then they emit silver light from inside, converging into the long sword of the ancient Hanyang.

After that, these iron objects decayed and crumbled instantly.

The armor and blades of Yelu's army, whether they were war soldiers or magic weapons, were emitting silver light at this time and flew out.

Then rumbling, all shattered into dross.

The entire army shrank, almost stunned.

This was just a blink of an eye, and their armor and blades were all useless, as if millions of years had passed, they all turned into ashes.

Yang Feng looked at all this with surprise, and then looked up to the sky, only to see that the black sword became sharper after absorbing the light.

As if this sword cut down, even the world could be cut apart.

Xijue's strongest genius, ten thousand swords return to the clan? "

Yelu Chuxiong, the General Marshal of the Yelu Army, had a lot of knowledge. He already understood something. He quickly reminded him: Holy King, hurry up and stop him from absorbing the metal elements, otherwise the power of this sword will be absolutely unstoppable, even if Mo Gao Feng was present and didn't dare to let him complete this sword. "

Without speaking, Yang Feng remained calm and natural, looking up at the star-like brightness above his head, indifferent.


Finally, the black sword absorbed all the light of the metal, and instantly turned into a sharp white blade. With just a slight movement, the entire sky was stirred and began to shatter.

Yelu Chuxiong's old face drooped: It's over, it's done. "

Gu Hanyang was staring at Yang Feng below, and with a movement of his wrist, the horrible sword was severely slashed from the nine heavens: If you want to take charge of my western martial arts, let’s take the old man’s sword first. ! "


With one sword, the world collapses!

The sword just pointed it lightly in the direction of Yang Feng, and a scorching white light and shadow shot straight towards Yang Feng, like an arrow, invincible.

Wherever it passes, the space is immediately marked with a neat black crack.

Yang Feng's eyes trembled, and he already understood how sharp this sword was. It was different from the ordinary earth-level gold elemental energy tactics, and I am afraid it had already exceeded the scope of the five elements.

Even if he touched with earth-level fire, it is estimated that he could be split by this sword.

However, it is a pity that if he talks about the use of gold energy, if Yang Feng recognizes the second, no one dares to recognize the first.


The golden wings spread out suddenly, Yang Feng drew out a golden long feather as a sharp sword, and then his pupils condensed, the bright light on his right arm flashed brightly, and the white tiger totem immediately gleamed.


Suddenly, a white tiger appeared behind Yang Feng.

Among the five great beasts, the white tiger holds the position in the west and is the representative of Xijin. The earth-level gold energy with the white tiger's divine power bonus will be more than a hundred times stronger than the ordinary earth-level gold element.

Suddenly, the long feather in Yang Feng's hand exudes a more dazzling golden light.

Seeing that Xi's sword that destroys the world has arrived in the blink of an eye, Yang Feng suddenly waved his golden wings and slashed forward: Baihu Zhan! "


There was another roar, and the golden wings immediately took on the momentum of the wind and thunder. Following the slash, a golden light was immediately swept out, and it instantly met with the silver sword light.

But soon, the silver light was easily split like a page of paper.

The golden light curtain moved forward all the way, and instantly came to Xi Jue.

Gu Hanyang's eyes were startled, and he was immediately stunned: How could it be possible? A stronger earth-level gold sword edge than the old man Wan Jian returned to the sect..."


A stream of blood went straight for nine days, Gu Hanyang stupidly couldn't react, standing high in the sky, but one arm flew out completely with the black sword.

The light on the blade has been annihilated.

Everyone at the scene looked at all this with shocked faces and could not speak.

But everyone knew in their hearts that Xijue Ancient Hanyang had lost, and the defeat was very thorough. It can even be said that he lost his strength.


The breeze was blowing with some fishy smell.

Gu Hanyang was dumbfounded, as if he hadn't recovered, he didn't even take a look at his falling arm. He just stared at Yang Feng below, his eyes full of shock and complexity.

After Yang Feng inserted the golden feathers back into his back, he put away his wings, and waved his hand indifferently: Remember, I would like to bet and lose, and the Western martial arts will belong to me in the future. "

Into town! "

With that said, Yang Feng led a man and horse into the city arrogantly. The officers and soldiers who defended the city did not dare to resist any more and let them go to another city.

In this way, from now on, Yang Feng's iron cavalry was unstoppable. Wherever he went, many cities opened their doors and surrendered, especially after the news of the defeat of Xijue Ancient Hanyang.

Another half month passed, and the royal capital of the Xijin Empire was in chaos at this moment. The eunuchs and concubines in the harem began to tear each other and looted each other, trying to escape from the palace.

After all, if the army comes, they will die if they don't escape.

The emperor sat alone on the dragon chair, regretting not having it. You said, why did he want to be an emperor through the ages?

It's alright now, he didn't take it as an emperor, but he succeeded.


At this time, the vermilion gate of the palace was pushed open, and black horses entered in a row.

Yang Feng swaggered in and brought people to the front of the court. He looked at the one-man emperor and said with a smile: The emperor of Xijin Kingdom, right? Congratulations. From now on, he has become a captive of our Fenglei. From today onwards, Xijin Kingdom announced its annihilation, and all the boundaries are controlled by our Fenglei. All the relatives and relatives of the emperor will be escorted back to us for arrangements. Let's go, Your Majesty. "

The emperor looked up at him, sighed helplessly, and was taken away depressed.

At this point, Fenglei's west was completely stable, and the territory was doubled, and Yang Feng's forces naturally invaded the western martial arts.

All the people began to receive the holy fire bath.

At the same time, the interior of Fenglei's border has generally stabilized.

Under the planning of Zhuge Thirteen and other advisers, the Dugu Army pretended to be in a gang with the Azure Dragon Army, and joined forces with it, but at a critical time, it joined forces with the Kirin Army to annihilate all of them and stabilize the territory in the east.

Then, the eastern border was temporarily guarded by Nanzhao's elite soldiers, and the Dugu and Qilin armies once again joined forces to pit the northern basalt army.

At this point, Feng Lei succeeded in countering the rebellion throughout the country, and Dongfang, Nangong and Murong were all captured.

In this battle, in order to help Feng Lei quell the rebellion, Nanzhao State also mobilized half of the country's elite soldiers to help, which is a testimony of the brotherhood between the two countries.

Of course, everyone knew in their hearts that Nanzhao was able to provide Feng Lei with such a large amount of assistance without any conditions for selfless dedication. It was entirely up to Yang Feng's face.

It can be said that Yang Feng closely linked the two empires together and became a **** alliance.

Especially after this war, the Xijin Empire also fell. No worries on the west side of Fenglei, it has also formed a protection zone of the Iron Triangle, which can uniformly deal with the enemy countries on the east and north...

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