Alien God System

Chapter 928: South is absolutely absolute

What is this? "

Seeing this scene, Na Xi Jue was taken aback and couldn't help but be surprised.

Yang Feng grinned and yelled to everyone in the city: This is a treasure of fate and a weapon for improving people's livelihood in our Fenglei Country. When we came all the way, the Yang Family Consortium, the largest merchant in our country, immediately followed up to maintain the local economy and people's livelihood, so as to prevent the people from being deprived of livelihood during the war. In addition, we are beating the local tyrants, dividing the fields, and distributing all the property of those bullies to the common people. We don't take any money. Did the people inside hear it? Not only are we here for peace, we also give you money and land. "

What, real or fake? "

As soon as this statement came out, the people in the city were still panicked, and suddenly all their eyes lit up, and hope appeared on their faces, and some even shouted with courage: What you said is true and false, no You lied to us? "

My grand marshal Fenglei, can I lie to you? Lie you are puppies. Otherwise, you all come to the city to take a look. The lives of the people in our new Fenglei area are definitely 10,000 times better than you are now. Because they are no longer oppressed, and you are still struggling with exorbitant taxes, don't you envy them? "

Yang Feng's roar spread to everyone's ears, everyone looked at each other, and after a little thought, they rushed towards the city.

Although there are those defending the city, they still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the people.

When the people came to the city and looked at the images projected from Yang Feng's mysterious crystal and the reporters reported the interview in real time, they immediately showed their surprise.

What he said is true. Now the civilians in Xinhai City are lining up to divide the land. I saw my grandma and she was there. "

Someone excitedly spread the news down, and the result was spread ten or ten, and everyone was boiling.

Is there such a good thing in this world?

The invaders not only did not burn, kill, and looting, but also gave the people money and land. How could it be possible?

The people were suspicious, but soon began to riot, shouting: let them in, let them invade us, you royal eagle dogs, don't get in the way! "

The whole city is boiling, chaos before it breaks.

Yang Feng grinned and listened to the movement inside, and said to the lofty Xi Jue: see if it is, what the people want, I have come to liberate them, and the people here need me. "

Deceptive talk! "

With a cold complexion, Xi Jue immediately yelled: Since ancient times, when fighting the rivers and mountains, who didn't mean to ask for orders for the people? But after sitting in the country, he is levying and miscellaneous taxes. You can fool the ignorant and foolish people with this kind of words, don't even think of fooling the old man. Anyway, there is an old man here today, you never want to pass this level. "


With that said, Xi Jue's body was shocked, already releasing his powerful aura.

Suddenly, the entire sky became a clouded cloud, and the gurgling sharp edges shuttled through the nine heavens, causing the hearts of the Yelu army soldiers to tremble.

Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently, and said with a smile: Then let's make a bet. If you can hold this pass today, we will immediately retreat. Otherwise, you and the entire western martial arts will look forward to my head, how about? "

What, it turns out that you want to invade not only the Xijin Empire, but even the martial arts? "

Brows trembled, Xi Jue's eyes turned left and right, Wu said: Is this what Mo Gaofeng meant? Where is that old guy? Wouldn't he make a move in a while? "

Why, are you afraid of that old man? Hehehe, don't worry. The bet between you and me is only related to the two of us. For a while, I am the only one to take the shot, and one more shot counts me as a loss. How about it, don't you worry now? "

Are you saying that you are the only one challenging me? "

With a tremor in his heart, Gu Hanyang took a deep look at Yang Feng, incredible.

Xindao, such a young general, actually dared to write a letter of war to him, how could he have the courage. Even if he was Mo Gaofeng's apprentice and got the true biography of Mo Gaofeng, he wouldn't be able to do that at this young age.

Gu Hanyang is suspicious, but Yang Feng, a junior, has already said that. If Gu Hanyang shirks, doesn't it mean that he is afraid of a young man and invites ridicule?

Therefore, even if Gu Hanyang felt strange that this 80% was a trap, he still gritted his teeth and nodded and said: OK, the old man promised you, he would have two tricks with you. It's just that you have to pick it up, don't say that the old man bullied you after losing, hum. "


As soon as the voice fell, in the nine heavens, countless dark long swords appeared, just like steel needles, staring at the bottom motionlessly.

Then, with a light wave of Gu Hanyang's hand, those long swords rained toward the three million army below. Wherever it passed, the air exploded, as if even the space was going to be pierced.

Everyone in the Yelu Army looked at all of this and felt the horrible fluctuations. They couldn't help being shocked, and they hurriedly propped up their shields, connecting them into one piece, and biting their teeth.

Gu Hanyang looked down at the people below, curling his lips in disdain.

Each of his long swords were transformed by earth-level gold elements and were invincible. No matter how they defend, they can't get down. However, even so, he was already merciful.

Otherwise, if it weren't for fear of provoke Mo Gaofeng, the world's number one man, Gu Hanyang would be able to slaughter all these three million soldiers with this trick alone.

Now, he just wants to teach the other side a lesson, let the other side retreat from the difficulties.

However, just when the countless long swords were about to reach the target, there was a loud bang, and a huge flame of flame suddenly appeared three meters above the generals' heads.

Those dark long swords hit the giant screen and instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared.

Gu Hanyang's eyes couldn't stop shaking, and he was surprised: Earth-level fire magic weapon? Could he be..."


Everything calmed down, Yang Feng casually shrank the huge flame screen into a fire cloak, draped it on his back, looking up to the sky with an evil look: Senior Gu, bet on the future of the entire Western martial arts, and returned. Be merciful? Do you think it's unworthy to fight with you? Hahaha...then you have to be careful, otherwise I'm afraid you will lose all your wealth if you didn't even use the trick. "

you are……"

With his brows frowning tightly, Xi Jue's eyes shrank, and he said with difficulty: Nanhuo...Sacred Fire? Are you Nan Jue, the leader of the Holy Fire, Yang Feng? "

Without saying a word, Yang Feng just grinned, acquiescing.

As the leader of the southern martial arts, how could you lead the Zhongtu Fenglei army to invade our country of Xijin? Could it be that you and the old man Mo Gaofeng joined hands? "

Let me put it this way, but although I occupies an absolute position in the south, my hometown is amidst the thunder and earth. Now that my hometown has been invaded and filled with outrage, is there anything wrong with joining the army to serve the country and helping the motherland fight a self-defense counterattack? "

But as a martial artist, how can you join the court? "

Are you the same? For the Xijin imperial court, did you come to block our army? "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help but laughed and said: Okay, the rules are set by people, how can there be such a rigid dogma? In short, today I will fight with you, Nanjue and Xijue. The main bet is the ownership of the western martial arts. You should also know that now that the Demon Gate of the Nether Palace has risen, the five martial arts must be commanded in a unified manner to resist the Demon Gate. Who will be the master of the martial arts can now be determined. "

It turns out that you are fighting in the Western Jin Kingdom for the ownership of the Western martial arts. "

Nodding clearly, Gu Hanyang's expression gradually sank: If this is the case, the old man can't help but treat it seriously! "

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