Alien God System

Chapter 930: Good news

Dear Aiqing, I announce that I will conquer the rebellion by the royal driver! "

When Feng Lei was in the hall, Old Jiu sat on the high dragon chair, looked at the victory in his hand, his eyes lit up and laughed loudly.

When the hundreds of officials below heard it, they were shocked and exhorted again and again.

Your majesty can't, it's too dangerous to go personally, please take care of your dragon's body. "

Yes, your Majesty, Marshal Yang personally directs the front line, it is not a problem. "

Now that Murong's family has fallen into trouble, the remaining two are already in trouble. Your Majesty can just wait for the good news, so why bother to take the risk personally? "


There was a chatter. At this moment, the results of the battle ahead had not yet been reported back. The whole court only knew the news of the destruction of the White Tiger Army and the successive victories on the three battlefields, and did not know that the war was over.

Taking advantage of this last chance to win the head, Huang Laojiu was eager to try, but the courtiers were still worried about the emperor's safety and were unwilling to let him go to that dangerous situation.

After all, the country cannot be left alone. If the emperor makes something wrong on the front line, wouldn't the country be in turmoil?

But Huang Laojiu didn't care so much. After being the emperor for so long, he could only be locked in the palace hall every day, and he couldn't get out. He was almost suffocated.

Now his brothers are making contributions on the battlefield, but he sits like a monk in this court every day, which makes him a restless heart and depressed.

That's right, this rare battlefield has an opportunity to increase military merit. Yang Feng, the general marshal, made an exception for the generals of the Tianxiahui to participate in the war before graduating from Tianfeng Academy, as an opportunity to sharpen and accumulate military merit.

Only Huang Laojiu, he has taken the highest position, so he doesn't need to hone his merits.

With a long sigh, Huang Laojiu looked at the sincere faces of these ministers, and said helplessly: Dear Aiqing, now there are frequent reports of wars ahead, and our army is victorious, what else can be dangerous? My imperial conquest is just to cheer up the soldiers in front of me and make our army more powerful. This is my heart of love for the soldiers below, and there is no hidden danger on the battlefield. Why do you stop me? "

Uh this...

Suddenly, all the officials below were speechless.

In short, I must go to the front in person this time to wipe out the rebels in one fell swoop. This is an important achievement of our new Deng Dabao, and all the Aiqings must no longer persuade, otherwise they will be punished as a major crime of disobedience. "

Uh, yes, your majesty! "

In the end, Lao Jiu made the final decision. The courtiers, look at me, and I look at you. There is nothing to say, so I can only bend.

Huang Laojiu grinned, his heart jumped with excitement, and now he can finally go out and play...Uh no, he is fighting side by side with the brothers, hehehe.

The Ministry of War Shangshu, immediately prepare for the ceremonial ceremonies, and I will first conquer the Azure Dragon Army of the Dongfang Family..."

Report! "

However, before he could finish his words, a loud shout rang out from outside the door: Enlighten Your Majesty, the victory ahead, the Azure Dragon Army has been wiped out under the attack of the Qilin and Suzaku armies. Three hundred and twenty-eight members of the Eastern family were captured, and they are now being taken to the imperial capital, and the rebellion in the Eastern Theater has subsided. "

Oh? Is the east level also? Great!

As soon as the eyes lit up, the courtiers were overjoyed, only Huang Laojiu frowned and said in his heart.

How come it is leveled so quickly, I haven't gotten out yet. Fortunately, the chaos in the northern theater made me show off.

Um...Since the Dongfang family has already punished, then I will go to the north to conquer..."


However, before he finished speaking, there was another rumor that made the soldiers ran in beamingly, and bowed down and said, "His Majesty, a good news ahead, the Xuanwu army is united inside and outside the Suzaku and Qilin armies, and with the assistance of the Nanzhao reinforcements, it is already. All annihilated. Nangong's family of 256 members, all captured, are being taken to the imperial capital, and the war in the north has subsided. "


As soon as this statement came out, all the courtiers present jumped up with excitement, and the Minister of War Shangshu hurriedly said: Your Majesty, you don’t need to conquer yourself this time. The world is peaceful. This is your Majesty’s Hongfu. Long live my emperor. . "

Long live my emperor long live long live long live! "

With an excited howl to take the lead, the rest of the ministers also screamed excitedly.

Huang Laojiu stared at them with a sullen expression, sullen: Before I went out, the rebels were all wiped out. What's so happy about this? Such a big battle, I didn't have any personal conquests, and it all subsided. Doesn't it seem that I am irrelevant? It doesn’t matter if there is one in this country, right? No, I must go out to fight a battle myself. That... Isn't Marshal Yang going to the west to conquer Xijin country? "

No, your majesty. Naxi Jin is not in our country, and it is dangerous, different from the domestic counterinsurgency war. Your majesty will expedition to other countries, I am afraid the dragon body is in danger, so think twice! "

It doesn't matter, as long as Marshal Yang is there, I will never have an accident. Anyway, I must fight this battle. If the order goes on, I want to fight west..."


At this critical moment, the annoying messenger came again: Enlighten Your Majesty, the victory ahead, Marshal Yang went west to the West Jin Empire and returned triumphantly. The national boundary of Xijin has been occupied by our wind and thunder. The Xijin imperial family, along with the emperor, princes, concubines, etc., were all arrested, and they were coming to our Fenglei Emperor. "

what? Marshal Yang took down Xi Jin, who is also the top ten empire, so quickly? "

All the faces were shaken, and the courtiers present couldn't believe it was true.

In less than half a year, destroying a huge empire of the same size as Feng Lei, the title of Marshal Yang Feng's soldiers and horses is indeed not covered.

People really have this ability, standing on top of the five legions.

With just this military exploits of opening up the territory, there has never been a prince and general in the history of Fenglei.

Suddenly, all the ministers danced with excitement, tears streaming down.

This time, the three warlords of Fenglei came together, and it was originally a disaster for the country, but it was not only quenched in an instant, but also directly captured a neighboring empire.

Such a ghostly operation immediately stunned all the courtiers, and at the same time deeply admired Yang Feng.

In the past, all the court officials had been monks for a day and hit the clock for a day, thinking that this country was going to end sooner or later. But now, this Fenglei Empire is unprecedentedly stable.

And all of this was brought about by Yang Feng as the marshal of soldiers and horses.

The people were grateful, and at the same time they kept asking the emperor for their merits: Your Majesty, Marshal Yang's contribution to the expedition lays in the community and benefits the generations to come. It is an unworldly merit and must be rewarded again. "

Without speaking, Huang Laojiu sat blankly on the dragon chair, depressed.

Alas, Brother Feng, why did you fight so fast? Why didn't you wait for the brothers to go out and show your face?

Huang Laojiu understands Yang Feng’s ability and never doubted that he would fail to win this war. It’s just that he fought too fast, and he hadn’t felt the grandeur of the battlefield yet. He couldn’t help saying: That...decree, take the soldiers Ma Liangcao will return it to Murong, Dongfang, and Nangong. Let's call it again. "


With a twitch of face, the courtiers were all dumbfounded.

Your Majesty, don't go too far, even if you want to play again, you can't play like this...

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