Alien God System

Chapter 927: Go out in person


Three million soldiers and horses entered the city, and stepped on the young man confidently, leaving a clear footprint behind him in an instant.

The young man raised his head with a grief-stricken waist and aching back. He gritted his teeth with hatred: Good, you, Feng Lei Marshal, you don't even give the face of my master and Xi Jue. You wait, you are dead this time, oops... it hurts, it hurts! "

Gasping for a cold breath, the young man limped and ran towards Yinghu Mountain, feeling depressed and crying when he was wronged.

As a disciple of Xijue, no matter when and where, he is not admired. Even the emperor is three points short when he sees him. When has he been so angry?

But who would have thought that this time when I met a stunned boy, he dared to kill his mount.

It made him fly when he came, but when he returned, he could only run back, not to mention being depressed.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of Yang Feng, he continued to lead his troops forward, breaking through the city continuously, unmatched. Even if the Xijin Empire sent all the remaining ace troops in the country, it could not withstand the attack of the other side's monstrous flood.

Report, the Shenjia Army is defeated, Linyang City is broken! "

Report, the Tianlong Army is defeated, Fenglong Pass is broken! "



One after another funeral reports of defeat came into the royal capital, the emperor sat on the dragon chair with a depressed look, with tears in his eyes, looking at the courtiers below and shouting: You are not saying that Xijue will protect the country. ? What about people now? The opponent is almost hitting the capital city, and the widowed world is at stake, but what about it? Why don't you help? "

Uh this...

Looking at each other, the courtiers were also strange, silent.

It stands to reason that Xi would never stand idly by, but why is he still missing? Is there any urgent delay?

But how did they know that Xi Jue had taken action long ago and sent someone to warn him, thinking that with his own prestige, as long as he sneezed casually, he would be able to scare him back to his nest.

But what he never expected was that it was not an ordinary general who brought troops to attack this time, but Nan Jue, who was as famous as him.

The same as the five masters, who is the best, cut!

Master! "

Huying Mountain, in front of the back mountain secret room, the boy who was ridiculed by Yang Feng on the battlefield, finally ran back, kneeling in front of the door and pouring bitter water continuously: the marshal of Feng Lei, completely does not give you face Yeah. Not only did he not withdraw, but he also killed your mount, the Nine Heavens Golden Feather Emperor. I also commanded an army of three million, stepped on me, and asked you to be careful not to be nosy, or you will tear down your old bones..."

The boy was adding fuel and jealousy to slander Yang Feng, just wanting Master to come out of the mountain quickly and avenge the abuse for himself.

Listening to all this, the boys present were also filled with righteous indignation and gritted their teeth with hatred.

What kind of people are so bold that they don't even look at them.

Gu Hanyang remained silent in the cave. After a long time, he murmured: You really reported the old man's name and conveyed the meaning of the old man? "

Yes, Master. According to your instructions, the disciple has clearly told him that you always hope that he will give up and make peace and stop being aggressive. "

That's weird. How can ordinary people defy the face of my Wujue? Is it possible that he is backing up? That Zhongjue Mo Peak, who has always liked to travel in mountains and water, was also involved in this matter? "

Gu Hanyang murmured, and then asked: Do you know the name of the coach? "

Uh... I didn't ask. "

Hmph, I know, you guys have been with the old man for a long time, are arrogant, don't put people in your eyes, don't even ask people's names, you dare to intimidate casually, this is a disadvantage. "

Gu Hanyang couldn't help but sneered, as if he had understood everything, and then he thought about it a little more, and said leisurely: The other party dared to be so unscrupulous. He must be backed by the big tree and feel confident. It seems that the old man has to go to the meeting in person this time. "


As he said, the stone door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a black figure went straight into nine days from inside, and the figure disappeared for a moment.

Xi Jue the ancient Hanyang, personally go out.

A month later, in front of another heavily defended pass, Yang Feng took the lead and came to a hundred meters away from the city gate. He looked at all the soldiers of the West Jin country who had been scared to death on the city wall and laughed and said: The villager opens the door. Well, we come for peace! "

If the generals really came for peace, they should be goodwill envoys instead of three million cavalry, ha ha ha! "

Suddenly, a ridiculous laugh came from nine days.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and looked up. He saw a figure with black hair and a black beard standing in front of the clouds in the wind, with a dark long sword under his feet.

With just a glance, Yang Feng felt the stern sound from the black sword, which was obviously an earth-level magic weapon with spirituality. It seemed that this person was a master who refined earth-level energy.

With a grin of his mouth, Yang Feng already understood the origin of this person, and immediately laughed and said: The so-called not to be indecent, if the other party sends fine wine, of course we will return the fine wine. But if the other party sent a knife and gun, we can't stick our heads out, let you chop it. Not long ago, you, Xi Jin Guo, sent an army of nearly two million people to Feng Lei. We will take people to give back this time. It is not too much. "

Not long ago, the old man had heard about his country's march toward your country, and hereby represented Xi Jin to make amends to the general. I just hope that your country can disregard previous complaints and make peace. The old man is grateful for great kindness. "

Yo, you invaded us once, and now we are fighting back in self-defense. You said that if you retreat, then retreat, which is so easy. Who do you think you are? "

Xijue, ancient Hanyang! "

Looking up proudly, Gu Hanyang announced his name.

Yang Feng raised his brows, he had already guessed it in his heart, but he smiled and shook his head: It turned out to be the famous Xijue in the martial arts. No wonder he is so arrogant. With a few words, he wants this general to retreat. But unfortunately, this general was entrusted with the emperor's grace and made a military order before leaving. If you don't win Xijin, go back. If you let me withdraw my troops, it means committing suicide. Do you think I can agree? "

General, you don't give face anymore. "

Why should I give you face? Besides, this is a matter of the court. You are a martial artist, what are you involved in? Country, the meat eaters also seek. Are you a meat eater? Do you have the royal salary of Xijin Kingdom? You a martial arts leader, what are you doing about the imperial war? "

Although the old man is not an eagle dog of the imperial court, the imperial war will inevitably cause the people to lose their lives. I can't bear it..."

Gee tut!

Gu Hanyang looked distressed, but before he could finish his words, Yang Feng chirped contemptuously: hypocrisy, whoever said war would definitely cause people to lose their lives. The city laid down by Laozi, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and they are already rushing to a well-off society. Moreover, I opened the granary of the local government to relieve the people. The people rejoiced and supported the king. It's too late for them to love me, so how can people fail to make a living? Otherwise look? "

As he said, Yang Feng waved his hand, and someone behind him launched a piece of Karma Bora that was as tall as a person. From it, it projected the appearance of the people living and working in peace and contentment in the towns that Yang Feng had taken down, and they supported the king's master to remove them from feudalism. Liberated under the mountain...

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