Alien God System

Chapter 926: Xijue's face

His Majesty! "

At this moment, the whole court was frowning and terrified. Only the old prime minister thought about it and said suddenly: It seems that this wind and thunder military marshal is indeed different from ordinary people. Start a war, really invincible. Ordinary generals are difficult to fight against. Even the elite and strong generals of our country are probably not their iron-shoe opponents. For today's plan, only one person is required to do it. "

Who? "

West End. "

he? "

His brows trembled, the emperor thought for a while, but he was a little embarrassed: Xi Jue is a senior in the Jianghu, who has never participated in court and politics. Will he act for the widow? "

His Majesty! "

After a deep bow, the old prime minister's eyes were full of firmness: Don't worry, he will definitely take action this time. After all, this time is not an ordinary crisis, it is likely to be a battle to destroy the country. If Feng Lei were to really annex my Western Jin Empire, wouldn't the martial arts forces in Middle-earth be able to use the imperial power to invade our western martial arts areas? This has already involved Xijue's interests, and he will never allow his own territory to be controlled by China. "

Nodding clearly, the emperor understood, and then hurriedly said: Come on, take a ride in Yinghu Mountain, I will personally invite Senior Xijue to do it. "

Yes, Your Majesty! "

With that said, everyone was immediately ready to drive, carrying the emperor out of the palace.

And this battle is really huge. Not only the Imperial Forest Army followed, but the Manchu civil and martial arts were also on the side. Just like the pilgrimage, three kneeling and nine knocking all the way to the foot of the Yinghu Mountain, it can be said to give enough face to the old Xijue. Up.

However, Xi Jue didn't seem to care too much about the face of a secular child like the emperor.

stop! "

With a loud shout, a fifteen or six-year-old boy immediately stopped the emperor's Luan, and smiled: Your Majesty, this is a place for family and teachers to clean up. Secular mortals should not step into it. "

Bold, how dare you talk to your Majesty like this, looking for death? "

Hearing his rants, a soldier of the Imperial Forest Army shouted angrily. But when the boy saw this, he smiled disapprovingly, his face full of contempt.

Presumptuous, how do you talk to this little brother? No rules! "

The emperor saw the boy's extraordinary temperament and realized that his origins are not simple, so he directly denounced the Yulin Army, and said with a shy face: Little brother, dare to ask if the master is one of the five must-sees in the world, Xijue, ancient Hanyang, ancient senior what? "

Exactly! "

That's great. I am the emperor of the Xijin Empire. I have important matters to see the teacher, and I hope my little brother will pass it on. "At this time, the emperor saw the descendants of the five masters, as if the rich second generation met the official second generation, and the usual scores disappeared instantly.

What about the royal children? What about the emperor?

In front of this peerless master, nothing is fart.

The boy curled his lips in contempt, smiled and said: Your Majesty, the family and teacher already understand the purpose of your visit today. The teacher is concerned about the sufferings of the people in the world, and has already sent someone to resolve this grievance. If you want to come to see the face of your lay teacher, you will have to forgive and forgive, and you will take a step back. Put it down, just go back and wait for the news. "

Oh, it turns out that Senior Xijue has already taken action. Sure enough, the world's expert, well-informed, thank you very much! "

Nodding hurriedly, the emperor had a shy face, like a licking dog, humbly, there is no trace of the emperor's majesty.

The little boy sneered at him, then turned around and disappeared.

On the other hand, Yang Feng led the army to march forward violently, and has already passed through most of the Xijin Empire, and captured dozens of cities with great power.

On this day, as usual, he rode a big horse with a tall head and leisurely came to the foot of a magnificent city, shouting: fellow, open the door, we are sending blessings during the Spring Festival, we are here for peace. "

Fart, you invader of wind and thunder. Let me tell you, don't come here, we Tengyang Guan has a strong army, and we won't be attacked so easily by you. "

On the head of the city, a general was drinking high, but his legs kept swinging.

The news that Yang Feng led the army all the way through the generals has already spread throughout the entire city of Xijin. Everyone was afraid that this terrifying General Marshal soldier would approach the city, because so far, there is no city that can hold him for a long time.

Where Yang Feng goes, the city must be opened, and no one can stop it.

However, I heard that their military discipline is quite good and they will not harass the people. This is what everyone feels gratified so far.


A powerful wave came out, and this Tengyang Pass's guardian formation enveloped the entire city, and its energy was much stronger than those in the past.

However, for Yang Feng, there is really no difference.

After all, all the formations are within the law of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint. With his five-element zhutian wheel, what formation can't be broken.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a colorful glow appeared in Yang Feng's hand, slowly spinning: the Spring Festival spree, received it, and set off firecrackers. "

That's it, a weird trick that all formations in the legend can crack! "

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, and the soldiers on the wall were horrified and crying.

When it's over, our city won't be able to defend it, oooooo.

But before Yang Feng threw Caixia out of his hand, he suddenly gave a soft drink, and suddenly a huge monster of Demon Emperor class flew up from the sky above. There was a fifteen or six year old boy standing on it, and he shouted: General , Please be merciful and listen to me. "

Who? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng looked up at the boy and shouted: Whose child are you? What are you doing on the battlefield? This is nothing to do with you. "

General, disciple under the seat of Lord Hanyang in Xiaxijue, ride the wind! "

Looking down at Yang Feng below, the boy looked arrogant and said: In the name of a family teacher, it is here to resolve the grievances between the two countries. I hope that Master General will consider the face of his lay teacher, and let it go. "

A good friend should be settled but not settled. Why didn't you come out when the Xijin Empire attacked me? Now let me give you face, why? "

You can't afford to provoke you just by virtue of the name of Jiashi Xijue! "

Lifting his chin proudly, the boy was full of shame.

Can't afford it?

With a jump of his brows, Yang Feng's eyes immediately became cold, and he sneered: With your words, I..."

Why, do you want to retreat? "

I killed you! "


As he said, Yang Feng shook his arm directly, instead of throwing Caixia in his hand toward the city, but directly to the demon emperor in the air, and he was there in the blink of an eye.

The Demon King hadn't realized what was going on, he suddenly felt a strange energy invading into his body, and then there was no time to shout with a wailing, and it instantly turned into ashes.

The young man also slammed into the ground, screaming and fell from millions of feet in the air, and with a clatter, he lay down on the ground, convulsed, unable to move.

The general of Xi Jinguo in the city looked at all this and couldn't help being frightened.

Such a big demon emperor disappeared in ashes in an instant, what was that thing, it was terrifying.


With a soft sound, the defensive array of the entire city was revoked, a white flag was erected on the wall, and the city surrendered.

Yang Feng grinned and waved his hand. The entire Yelu army did not spend a single soldier or sweat, and then another city...

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