Alien God System

Chapter 925: Unstoppable


The cavalry galloped and the dragons danced together, but after a while, Dongshan City, which had no protective barrier, was directly razed to the ground by the black-suppressed soldiers and horses of the Yelu Army.

After Yang Feng left some people to garrison the newly built city, he immediately marched westward.

Wherever it goes, it is unstoppable and invincible.

On the other hand, ten days later, in the royal capital of the Xijin Empire, at this moment, the emperor and the courtiers are rejoicing and holding banquets in a staggered manner.

With the sound of the sound, a group of beauties danced in front of the hall, which was dizzying.

Your Majesty, this time General Red Phosphorus marches eastward into the wind and thunder, which will surely open up the frontiers and expand the territory for your majesty, and establish unparalleled achievements. This will be the first expansion of our territory in the Xijin Empire in five hundred years. Your Majesty must also be the eternal emperor of our Xijin Kingdom. "

Yes, your Majesty's rule of martial arts has already surpassed the emperors of the past dynasties. "

I, Xi Jin Country, will be in the hands of His Majesty and enter a new prosperous age. Long live our emperor! "



A group of officials slapped their horses and slipped their beards, stinking and shameless, and slapped the emperor to the heart of the dragon.

Okay, well said. I want to be the emperor of the ages and expand the territory of our Xijin to the east by more than half, so as to achieve the achievements that the previous emperors have not achieved. There is no one before and no one to come..."


However, his cowhide hadn't finished blowing, a hurried shout suddenly sounded from outside the door, followed by the sound of drums, a messenger rushed in in a hurry, and knelt and hurriedly said: Your Majesty, Dongshan City is besieged by the wind and thunder army. , Request reinforcements. "

What, Dongshan City is trapped? what happened? "

The body shook, and the emperor was immediately stunned: isn't Feng Lei now in a civil war? Where did the soldiers and horses attack Dongshan City? Where is General Red Phosphorus? Where did he go? There is also Murong Yinshan, the king of Zhenxi, whose territory is in the northwest. How can he send troops to besiege Dongshan City when he cooperates with us? "


The emperor was puzzled, and another deafening shout came: Enlighten Your Majesty, General Chi Pho's entire army of 1.8 million soldiers was attacked in a wind and thunder situation, and the entire army was wiped out. General Chilin...he died bravely. "

what? "

The emperor was instantly dumbfounded with a twitch of his face.

Not only him, but even the ministers were stunned and unbelievable.

As the chief general of the Xijin Empire, General Chi Pho has won countless battles, invincible, and never lost. This time, he took a million lions and dozens of masters to fight the war of annihilation. How could he be wiped out so quickly?

Who? Who did it?

Fenglei Nation's five ace legions, I am afraid that no one alone will have this strength, unless they are hit by the head and tail.

Thinking of this, everyone seemed to understand something.

The Northwest Murong family pretended to cooperate with them to attack Fenglei Emperor Capital. It was actually a trap, specifically to destroy their Xijin Empire's ace army, the Red Phosphorus Army.

Thinking of this, the emperor gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes flushed and said: Murong Yinfeng, I believe you wrong. Said, did the White Tiger Army and Feng Lei’s other legions set a trap to kill General Red Pho. "

In reply to your Majesty, according to the spy's return, the White Tiger Army of Murong's family...has been wiped out, and Murong Yinfeng will kill him! "


Suddenly, the emperor was lost again: he committed suicide? That is to say, he did not frame General Red Phosphorus? So what is going on? How did my Red Phosphorus Army be completely destroyed? "

Back to your Majesty, according to the report from the front, General Red Phosphorus and White Tiger Army chief Murong Yinfeng were both defeated by the new Marshal Marshal of the Feng Lei Empire and Lord Yang Feng of Zhen Guo. Now Yang Feng is leading a three-million-horse cavalry to attack our Xijin Empire. "

Yang Feng? Marshal of soldiers and horses? "

With his eyes squinted, the emperor immediately asked the ministers around him: Have you ever heard of Feng Lei’s famous generals, is there such a number one? Where did such a General Marshal come out, so that even General Murong Yinfeng and General Chi Pho of the army's life were defeated by him? "

Uh this...

Looking at each other, the courtiers were also confused.

Although they knew all about the main characters in the Fenglei Dynasty, such as King Pao, Wang Boren, Nangongba and other famous figures, and even Qi Kuohai's second-rank military officer, they knew all too well.

But for Yang Feng alone, there was no news at all.

But they can't be blamed. After all, Yang Feng's rise in Fenglei's political affairs is what happened in this year. Let alone foreigners like them, even if the natives knew Yang Feng, it hadn't been a few months.

Who knew what he did before!

Hmm... Your Majesty! "

At this time, a white-bearded veteran who looked more savvy and capable stood up and bowed and said: This marshal of soldiers and horses named Yang Feng, I have never heard of it. But since he can be named a marshal standing on top of the five generals by Emperor Fenglei, his military ability is bound to be different from ordinary people. The fact that the two powerful forces, the White Tiger and Red Phosphorus, were defeated by him this time fully proved this point. So now, we should not guess where he is sacred, but rush to help Dongshan City to prevent him from continuing westward. "

Oh yes yes yes, the old prime minister makes sense! "

He nodded in a hurry, the emperor gave a solemn expression and shouted: I will pass on my will, order the Eastern Emperor Mountain Armour, and rush to help..."


However, his will hasn't been conveyed yet, and another eager wailing sounded: Enlighten Your Majesty, Dongshan City has been destroyed, and the wind and thunder army is marching westward towards our king. "

what? Was broken so soon? "

As soon as his body shook, the emperor was a little confused.

But before he could recover, another anxious shout came.

Report, Enlighten Your Majesty, report urgently, Yuejiang City is besieged, request reinforcements! "

Hurry, send someone..."

Report, your majesty, the city across the river is broken, and the wind and thunder army is pressing hard. "


The emperor hadn't finished speaking again, so he didn't need to say it anymore. Yang Feng was advancing faster than his imperial edict. Before he had time to draft his will here, the city over there was broken.

Report, Your Majesty, Longlan City is besieged and ask for reinforcements. "

The report, Longlan City was broken, the wind and thunder army is marching westward. "

Report, Your Majesty, Tiansheng City is besieged, request reinforcement. "



Immediately afterwards, sheets of urgent papers sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and handed them to the emperor and his officials one after another.

But at this moment, everyone was stunned.

The speed of the opponent's attack is too fast. The cities along the road, no matter how big or small, seem to be paper, they can't stop the opponent at all.

What is going on, what is going on?

How sacred is the opponent's Marshal Marshal? The battle started like a flood, completely unstoppable.

How to do? Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, the emperor was about to cry, and he regretted it in his heart.

You said he was okay, why did he participate in the civil war? It's all right now. When people come back in revenge, he can't stop him.

Who will save the widows, oh...

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