Alien God System

Chapter 924: Xizheng


On the vast land, after a series of tense battles, the three armies continued to march non-stop, rushing to the next battlefield.

Yang Feng briefly met with a group of generals, and after making arrangements, he led the Yelu army on his own and continued to march west.

This time, although Yang Feng and the others destroyed the White Tiger Army of Murong's family, in this way, the western border would not be guarded by a large army, and the soldiers and horses of the Xijin Empire could directly invade the imperial capital.

At this time of internal and external troubles, the west gate must not be opened.

Therefore, Yang Feng decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue, lead the Yelu army through the northwestern territory, and attack the Western Jin Empire.

In this case, replacing defense with offense will not only block the gate to the west, but also take this opportunity to solve the threat of the Xijin Empire in one fell swoop.

Anyway, this time it was the Xijin Empire who first sent troops into their storm, so he had a reasonable excuse to fight back, it wouldn't be considered aggression.

Yang Feng thought about it.

At the same time, the Vermillion Bird Legion of the Dugu Family and the Kylin Army of the Backer King rushed to the Eastern Battlefield through the transmission channel of the Holy Fire to extinguish the rebellion of the Azure Dragon Army.

Lord, do you not need my assistance when you go to the West on your own? "Zhuge Shisan shook the feather fan, caring for the authenticity.

Yang Feng grinned, his eyes exuding divine light: It's okay, you just need to guard the wind and thunder before I take the Xi Jin Kingdom. When I turn around, I will take the east and north countries. The ten empires are all in our hands. "


Everyone nodded together, everyone believed that Yang Feng had this ability. Although there were five masters guarding the east, west, and north, as long as their Patriarch came out, it shouldn't be a problem.

Then... Patriarch (teacher), take care! "

Take care! "

Everyone hugged Yang Feng's fists, and after Yang Feng returned the gift, they ran away.

I'm furious! "

At this time, a flame flashed by and appeared on the horseback of Yang Feng's westward march. It was the saint ancestor undoubtedly.

Yang Feng looked back at him strangely, and said with a laugh: What's wrong, brother. Going out for a stroll, why are you so atmospheric after coming back. "

Lao Tzu found the evil **** who caused trouble everywhere and casually searched the souls of everyone in the mainland. He actually dared to despise me. Saying that I'm too angry, look down on me, a retired veteran cadre, and don't put me in the eye. It's totally unreasonable. When I was in trouble, he didn't know which corner he was in. Damn it! "

The saint ancestor was so angry that his forehead burst into flames, Yang Feng took a deep look at him, but his expression instantly sank: You mean... have you found the **** worshipped by the Nether Hall? Then you didn't take him down? "

How can I win it? I have a ray of remnant soul, no entity, no source of energy at all. Now the only thing that can be attached to is you, and I want to take you. "

I? "

As soon as his eyes rolled, Yang Feng murmured: What do you mean... I can take him down? "

It may not be taken down, but you are certainly not afraid of him. Although your current skills have not yet been fully developed, your entire body is here anyway. He is a clone, he can't exert his full strength at all. You will definitely be able to give him a heavy blow. By then, I think he still dares to be stunned, hehehe. "

Clone? You mean he only has a clone? "

Of course, the main body of the gods is in the **** realm, and the lower realms are all consciousnesses. Although they can differentiate countless law bodies, they cannot exert much power. Therefore, they need a spokesperson to do things for them, and that Nether Palace is his spokesperson. As long as we get rid of his spokesperson, he will have no place in this interface. "

Oh I got it!

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood.

To put it bluntly, there is no **** in the lower realm on the body, and it is no different from a stronger ghost. Otherwise, the old brother Saint Ancestor and the evil **** have run into each other, but they just slapped a gun, and went to each other, indicating that no one can do anything.

In this way, I can sit back and relax and feel relieved.

Sure enough, it was difficult for a strong dragon to crush the earth-headed snake, and this realm was still its own paradise, and the evil **** was not to be afraid of.

However, what he wants is soul, what he wants is faith.

What he wants is the power of the dead, and what he wants is the power of the living, and the interests still conflict.

He must be driven out as soon as possible, and he should not be allowed to harm his believers and those who will become his believers in the future.

Before that [], it is imperative to unify the ten empires and destroy the Nether Palace.

Yang Feng's eyes became more determined as his eyes sparkled.

Three months later, at the junction of Fenglei and the Xijin Empire, the first city in the east of the Xijin Kingdom, in front of Dongshan City, the iron hoof of the Yelu army pressed over, and Yang Feng rode a tall horse, walking in the forefront, roaring into the city. : The Xijin Empire dared to invade the territory of my wind and thunder. Today, the Marshal, Yang Feng, I will take the land of Xijin with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The general in the city, hurry up and get caught, don't ask for trouble. "

What, Feng Lei's army is coming? "

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, and the guard on the wall immediately went down to report in a hurry, shouting: It's not good, General. What should I do if the wind and thunder army is approaching the city? "

What, the wind and thunder army actually invaded? "

Unable to stop his body shaking, the general immediately came to the head of the city to take a look, only to see the black and invisible figure, his legs suddenly softened and he was about to kneel down.

My god, so many people? Quickly, open the defensive formation, and in addition, Wanli hastened, and report to your Majesty for help. "

Yes! "


As soon as the voice fell, a layer of invisible waves suddenly rose around the entire city, covering the entire main city. All the guards of Xijin also came to the city wall immediately and stood ready.

The magic divisions lined up neatly in the city, ready to shoot at any time, remote fire support.

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain: It's really a toast without eating and fine wine. With such a defensive castle, do you think it can stop Lao Tzu's Five Elements Heaven Wheel, huh. "


As he said, there was already a touch of five-color light in Yang Feng's hand, constantly flowing and blending, and then threw it out like a frisbee.

call out!

The five-color Caixia quickly came to the front of the city along the horizon, and it slammed into the city barrier, but there was no violent fluctuation. It was as if hot magma poured into the snow, without even a splash of water, the enchantment quickly dissipated without a trace.

Similarly, the various profound crystals that provided energy to the barrier disappeared suddenly as if they had evaporated.

Watching this scene, the soldiers of the Xijin Empire were dumbfounded.

What kind of trick is this? How could it be possible to break through our great defense formation all at once?

No, that is not so much a breach, as it is a direct obliteration.

Suddenly, all the enemy generals were dumbfounded.

Yang Feng yawned and waved his hand gently: Siege. "

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