Alien God System

Chapter 921: All off

Withdraw, the front team changes to the back team, quickly withdraw! "

After a short period of shock, the leader finally gave a whistle and issued a retreat command. Now the other party arranged ahead of time, and the ace Iron Army was ambushing again. They were already in a disadvantaged position, and they would only die if they did not withdraw.


The Xijin Empire’s army is also a good soldier and well-trained. After hearing the order, he immediately turned round and ran back in the direction he had come, wanting to immediately escape the dangerous situation of the sky.

However, they had just rushed to the entrance of the tunnel and bumped into the ground. On one hand, the iron shields had been erected like a city wall, completely blocking their escape.

General Xi Jin was taken aback, and then looked back, only to see that a large number of Yelu army also flooded the road ahead, and the passages on both sides of them were blocked.

In this way, they can be said to be completely caught in the tunnel.

No, we are surrounded, rush out, or we will all die here! "

With a scream, the Xijin generals issued a shocking order, and the whole Xijin army swarmed forward.

Unfortunately, the terrain here is too narrow.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't give play to their advantages. Moreover, at this moment, they are also blocked by the top Yelu army of the Nanzhao Kingdom. Their combat power is not weaker than them. Coupled with the advantages of terrain, they want to stand out from the encirclement, and it is almost impossible to reach the sky.

Go! "

Divine Formation! "


The armies of the two sides slammed into each other at the entrance of the tunnel. The Xijin army flew like a tiger, unstoppable, but was instantly blocked by the Yelu army's iron shield like a rock.

Next, the fighters of both sides released their powerful combat skills one after another, they hedged each other, stuck together and were evenly matched.

If in normal times, the armies of the two sides should be tied, but for the current situation, it is obvious that the Xijin army has lost. They couldn't rush out of the tunnel entrance and break through, and they had been blocked in this long and narrow place, and they had already stepped into the grave with one foot.

Sorcerer group, volley of spells! "

The Yelu army issued an order again, countless fireballs thundered, and the gust of wind and rain slammed into the middle of the corridor. The Xijin army had no way to dodge, so they had to hold up their shields and fought hard.

Suddenly, the war became a one-sided suppression.

With the strong combat power of the Yelu army, the Xijin army can only support it hard, and has no room for counterattack. But I have been so passively beaten, and sometimes I can't hold it.

General, if this continues, our army will die here. What should I do? "

A general screamed at the leading general.

The general turned his eyes, gritted his teeth, and looked at Yang Feng above his head suddenly: Catch the thieves first, catch the king, grab the marshal of the soldiers and horses, and let them let Dao'er let us out. All Shu Ling, War Emperor, follow me! "

Huh huh!

As soon as the words fell, dozens of masters of the battle emperor and magic spirit level all broke out from the army, passed through the fire and rain, flew high in the sky, and rushed towards Yang Feng in the nine heavens.

Yang Feng looked at these ants scornfully, and said with a disdainful mouth: With you, you actually want to catch the thief and the king in front of Lao Tzu, don't be too self-conscious. "

You have to try before you know, do you think you are the ninth patron king in the world? How hard is it to catch? Lao Tzu's two-headed snake Chi Pho, but the eleventh master in the world! "

With a loud shout, the general who rushed up first, his eyes flashed with confidence.


However, his voice just fell, but there was a muffled sound. Somehow, a dark hole was burned through his forehead, and then his eyes whited, and he fell weakly, actually in front of Lian Yang Feng. No one is close to three meters.

General Red Phosphorus! "

Unable to be surprised, all the masters who rushed up with him were shocked.

With the eleventh place in the world ranking of General Red Phosphorus, how could...

At this time, everyone looked at Yang Feng above Nine Heavens, and saw that his raised finger had not yet been put down, and there was even a curl of smoke from his fingertips.

One move, just one move, will kill General Red Phosphorus who is about to enter the top ten in the world.

What is this man sacred?


Swallowing hard, a group of masters of the Xijin Empire stood in the air, not daring to move, but the waterfall above their heads was even more sweaty.

Ignoring their pale faces for an instant, Yang Feng flicked a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth and muttered: I don’t have time to deal with you one by one. It just happens that this terrain is quite good for me, so let you **** fame and mastery. Skyfire meteor shower! "


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng's palms pressed down, and the entire sky instantly burned. Flame meteors the size of half an imperial capital, like dumplings, smashed down one after another.

Seeing this scene, the entire Xijin army couldn't help being stupid.

Not only the ordinary soldiers, even the masters of the magic war emperor, they were all dumbfounded, and they almost cried: Who on earth is this wind and thunder marshal, can actually use such a powerful and terrifying technique, Is he the five best? "

Help, let us go out quickly and get hit by that thing, absolutely dead, oooooo! "The soldiers also wailed and rushed outwards, trying to escape the narrow terrain.

Unfortunately, under the strict defense of the Yelu Army, none of them could escape from their lives.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, those bolide slammed into the canyon, turning the entire land into a **** of fire. Whether it is a master of the battle emperor magic spirit or an ordinary soldier, under this terrifying twelfth-rank top-level spell, it instantly turns into ashes. Looking around, the millions of troops are so steep that half of them have been removed.

Moreover, this ground-level flame is still spreading, and wherever it passes, it is wailing and howling, no one can stop it.

They wanted to break through, but unfortunately they were still blocked by Yelu's army.

So, here is like a melting pot, the little mouse thrown in can't escape, and can only watch the sea of ​​flames swallow itself.

Yang Feng looked down at all of this and shrugged nonchalantly: That's it. Now the Western Jin Army will be wiped out. Next, it depends on the situation there, ha ha ha. "

On the other hand, Murong Yinfeng was still watching Zhuge Shisan and Sikong Lengguang closely, silently, wondering whether what they said was true or false.

Do they really have another army that can stop the attack by the Xijin army?


Suddenly, the car door was knocked open for the third time, and a small **** hurriedly ran over and wailed: Lord, it's not good, our army found a large number of enemy troops blocking our back road, and we were surrounded. "

what? An enemy appeared behind us? Which aspect? "

Look at their banner, it is the Suzaku Army, the people of Dugu's family. "

Dugu? "

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, Murong Yinfeng opened his mouth suddenly and was speechless. He seemed to want to ask, why would the Duke Army suddenly appear behind them and be surrounded by them with the Qilin Army?

Is it possible...

Not bad! "

Seeing that he seems to have guessed it, Sikong Lengguang sighed helplessly, and muttered: Lord, now you know why the old man said you can't beat Yang Feng. In fact, the Dugu Army has already served Yang Feng's subordinates. Yang Feng has been secretive, just waiting for you to raise an issue and hit you by surprise. You put all your attention on the Qilin Army, and you miscalculated the enemy's military strength. How can you be undefeated? "

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