Alien God System

Chapter 922: Would rather die than surrender

what? The Suzaku Army is also in the hands of the Yang family? What shall we do? "

Now that we are being flanked by the two empires' ace army, we have no chance of winning. "

Lord, let's surrender! "


Twitter, when the staff in the car heard the news, there was a mess immediately.


A cold light flashed by, and a counselor who had just declared that he was going to surrender, his head flew directly into the air, and blood was spilled on the ground like a fountain.

When the rest of the people saw this, their bodies trembled, and they dared not speak anymore.

Murong Yinfeng held a sharp long sword in his hand, his eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth and said: Who dares to say another word of surrender, kill without mercy. "

Lord, why bother? The Murong family is gone, you should comply with God's will, otherwise there is only a dead end. "Shaking the feather fan gently, Zhuge Shisan couldn't help but chuckle.

Murong Yinfeng stared at him fiercely, his fists couldn't stop tightening, and roared: This king would rather die than surrender. Come here, kill both these two traitors to this king. "


With a loud noise, the luxurious carriage burst open immediately, and the nine black shadows swished towards Zhuge Shisan and Sikong Lengguang like nine evil spirits, with a strong killing intent.

Sikong Lengguang's eyes trembled, his palms came out, and countless ice needles shot out suddenly.

And those dark shadows turned into black vortexes, sucking all the ice needles in, disappearing without a trace, but when they were about to rush forward, they suddenly shook their bodies and quickly retreated.

Then, the black smoke dissipated, revealing nine human figures. Although the eyes were fierce, but the body couldn't stop swinging, and muttered: The ice needle of the earth-level water system energy bonus? "

Everyone is the famous Black Cliff Nine Ghosts on the underworld. Together, the nine people can make any spell and combat skills of the opponent into no trace. However, it is a pity that warfare technology can be transformed into law, but it cannot be transformed into energy. "

The beard moved slightly, and the cold light of Sagong smiled rarely: If the old man had not refined the energy of this earth-level water system, I am afraid that you would take your head off today. The prince, it's amazing, it turns out that you still hid such a master by your side, and the old man almost capsized in the gutter, ha ha ha. "

The most remarkable thing is you, old fellow, when are you so strong? "

Click it!

Murong Yinfeng clenched his fists unwillingly and breathed fire in his eyes.

Sikong grinned coldly: Lord, the old man said earlier that Patriarch Yang can give it to the old man, but you can't. "


Murong Yin's spirit was so frustrated that his lungs would explode.

The Black Cliff Nine Ghosts approached him immediately and shouted: Lord, we can't help this old fellow, let me wait for you to **** you back first. "

Lord, the enemy is coming...uh..."

At this moment, a cry of wailing came, and a messenger immediately vomited blood and fell in front of the crowd with blood dripping from his back, as if he had been cut dozens of times.

And the shouts of killing around are getting closer.

Defeat the White Tiger Army and capture Murong Yinfeng alive; defeat the White Tiger Army and capture Murong Yinfeng alive..."

The shouts rang out in everyone's ears, frightening the staff all over, and they were almost urinating.

At this time, everyone could see that the White Tiger Army was defeated and Murong's family was over.

Lord, let me wait to **** you away. "

The Black Cliff Nine Ghosts asked for instructions again, Murong Yinfeng didn't reply, but his face was gloomy and frighteningly black.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, there were bursts of sound, and in the blink of an eye, Mo Shaoqiu, Poison King, and Kaoshan King had already rushed into the protective circle behind the White Tiger Army, came to Murong Yinfeng and looked at him with a sneer.

Dugu Zhantian also brought people to kill from the other side, completely broke through the rear of the White Tiger army, surrounded Murong Yinfeng, and shouted: Murong Yinfeng, hurry up and catch it, you have already lost. "

Catch it? "

With a raised eyebrow, Murong Yinfeng looked around at the people around him, and smiled disdainfully: As the northwest general, the king of our town has made great contributions to the Fenglei Empire. Even the emperor met me with three points. I didn't expect to lose today. In the hands of a countryman, hahaha... ridiculous, ridiculous. My three hundred-year-old nobleman in the Murong family can't compare to a maotou boy who has gained power all the time. God's will..."

Okay, don't sigh with emotion, you are the winner, and you quickly kneel down and beg for mercy. "

At this time, Duguhai waved his hand impatiently, and ridiculed.

Murong Yinfeng glanced at him, then shook his head with a grin: It is true that the king is a winner, but the king is unwilling. This king has smashed his horses and killed his enemies on the battlefield for decades. There is always only win and death, there is no third way. Want me to drop? Or to a stinky guy who is still wet? It's not that easy, I would rather die than surrender. "


As soon as the voice fell, Murong Yinfeng directly lifted the sword to his neck with a stroke, splashing blood instantly.

Then, after hearing a thump, Murong Yinfeng's body fell straight down, but the two eyeballs were still staring, full of unwillingness.

Lord! "

Seeing this, the staff members knelt down and wept bitterly.

Dugu Zhantian and Backer King looked at each other and sighed: After all, this Murong Yinfeng is also a strong soldier, so let him be buried. As for the prisoners of the White Tiger Army, they dispersed and detained them on the spot, waiting for Marshal Yang and His Majesty to send off. The Murong family broke into the jail, waiting for the tribunal! "

Then, the Suzaku Army and the Kirin Army began to clean up the battlefield.

In this battle, they won a complete victory and put down the Western rebellion in the shortest time and at the least cost. Immediately afterwards, they will immediately rush to the eastern and northern battlefields to put down the Qinglong and Xuanwu rebels.

At the same time, above the nine heavens, a puff of black air hovered in the sky, and finally slowly condensed into a human-shaped phantom, which was definitely Murong Yinfeng.

Murong Yinfeng looked at the surrounding clouds and then at his illusory body. He couldn't help but wonder: What's the matter, haven't I already committed suicide? How could..."

That's right, you committed suicide, but the deity saw your grievances, so before you rush to reincarnation, I will give you another chance, but the chance of lasting wishes in your heart, Jie Jie! "


A black hole appeared in front of Murong Yinfeng, and at the same time a contract was attached: As long as you put a soul mark on this contract and sell your soul to the deity, the deity will fulfill any of your wishes. "

What, soul? "

Murong Yinfeng glanced at him deeply: Who are you? What do you want my soul to do? "

I am not a human being. The deity wants your soul to be useful, you don’t care. You just need to know that the deity is capable of fulfilling any of your wishes. Press your handprint quickly, hurry up. "

What are you doing in such a hurry? There must be a ghost. "

Murong Yinfeng's heart trembled and he was a little more cautious, and then stared at the contract for a while, muttering: According to the provisions of the God Realm Soul Management Treaty, the soul purchase contract needs to be negotiated by both parties before it can take effect. Soul sellers must read these regulations in detail and understand the importance of soul before trading. the first……"

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