Alien God System

Chapter 920: Encircle

Quiet, deadly quiet.

At this moment, everyone in the carriage was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the top ten strategists of these ten empires would join forces to lure the prince to the bait. In this way, the White Tiger Army is surrounded by the Kirin Army, and even if it can break through, it will suffer heavy losses.

How to do?

All the staff in the carriage panicked, Murong looked at the two men gloomily, especially Sikong Lengguang, angrily said: Mr. Sikong, what benefits did the Yang family give you so that you could betray this king? ? "

Patriarch Yang gave the old man, you will never be able to benefit the old man in your life, it's that simple. "

Just because of that good point, have you forgotten the favor that our Murong family once gave you? "


Frowning and thinking about it for a while, Sikong coldly said: The old man can plead with Patriarch Yang and give all Murong's corpse a whole body, which can be regarded as repaying Murong's care for the past few years. "


A mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out, Murong Yin was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Okay, you Sagong cold light, you are so cruel, you are absolutely heartless. No wonder that when my eldest brother was killed by the Yang family, you were able to retreat.

Sure enough, he is not a loyal minister and good general, I'm!


At this time, the carriage door was knocked open again by the messenger, but this time, the messenger was more anxious and almost crying: Lord, let's order the withdrawal of troops. The opponent's offensive is too strong, and there are peerless masters in the battle, our army is about to be unable to withstand it. If we don't withdraw, our army will be wiped out. "

Withstand, our army still has reinforcements. As long as reinforcements arrive, they will be able to turn defeat into victory. "

With a roar, Murong Yinfeng dismissed the messenger.

Zhuge Thirteen raised his brows and smiled: Reinforcement? Why don't I know, Lord, you still have reinforcements? "

There are so many things you don't know. Have you forgotten our agreement with the Xijin Empire? "

I know, but their horses probably haven't arrived yet. "

No, they have arrived, but I didn't tell you. "

A touch of evil came across the corner of his mouth, Murong Yinfeng raised his head again and proudly said: Since this king has never trusted you, reinforcement is such an important matter, the news you received is naturally false. In fact, this attack on the Qilin Army is not only our White Tiger Army, but also the elite divisions of the Xijin Empire. As long as we fought back and forth, the Kirin Army will be defeated, hahaha. "

Fringe back and forth?

Rolling his eyes, Zhuge Shisan thought for a while: That is to say, they are going to sneak attack behind the Qilin Army from the front line? "

Not bad! "

However, the terrain is narrow and suitable for ambushes. It can be dangerous to go there. This is definitely a dangerous move for soldiers, you are not afraid that they will be in an ambush and the whole army will be wiped out? "

Now that the Kirin Army is at war with us, who would have thought that there would be other troops behind the scenes? Besides, the main force of the Qilin Army is entangled here, who can stop the elite soldiers and powerful generals of the Xijin Empire? In particular, the leader sent by the Xijin Empire this time was the eleventh master in the world, the double-headed snake, General Chi Pho. Even if it is compared to the patron king, it is not too much, hahaha! "

Murong Yinfeng looked up to the sky and laughed, as if the chance of victory was in his hands again.

Zhuge Shisan looked at each other with Sagong Lengguang and said: It seems that we have guessed correctly, Lord Murong really prepared an ambush attack. "

Well, with the prince's suspicion, it is impossible not to make perfect preparations for this critical juncture of determining the victory or defeat. The soldiers and horses of the Xijin Empire have indeed arrived in advance. "

Sikong Lengguang nodded slightly, and couldn't help laughing.


The body stagnated, Murong Yinfeng's laughter stopped abruptly, his brows were deeply frowned again, and his heart became uneasy.

Could it be that all the king's plans were guessed by these two traitors? What if they guess it? The Kirin Army is now at war with my White Tiger Army. Even if I know that the Western Jin army has arrived, who can stop it?

Murong Yinfeng was puzzled, and his expression was a little confused.

At the same time, there is only one long corridor, but it is ten meters wide and stretches for dozens of miles.

Millions of troops marched here, like a long snake. Once sniped, there is really no way to go to heaven or to earth. All leading generals who encounter this type of terrain will avoid them and dare not approach.

But now, there are people who are not afraid of death and have brought the entire army into this dangerous place.

General, the terrain is so dangerous, I always feel a little uneasy. "

Don't worry, Zhenxi King has already made arrangements. There will be no ambushes here..."


Suddenly, the two generals leading the way were discussing the terrain here, but before they could finish their words, a large fireball with a diameter of several tens of meters fell from the sky.

Everyone's eyes shrank, and they were shocked: No, enemy attack, defense of the whole army, tortoise shell formation! "


As soon as the voice fell, a group of soldiers immediately raised their shields above their heads, and everyone’s vital energy was united into a giant shield with glittering golden light. At the same time, they were accompanied by the magic spirits and the magic divisions. Immediately teamed up to cast defensive spells, piling up the tortoise shell layer by layer.

Finally, after hearing a loud noise, the defensive technique on the tortoise shell burst immediately, and the whole army couldn't stop shaking the body, but there was no damage, which was considered as a defense.

Whoops, that's right, it's worthy of being a military formation, can you actually prevent a meteor shower in this constellation? On this basis, I admire you as men, hehehe. "

At this time, a laugh came from Jiutianzhi.

The general in front suddenly raised his head, and saw that it was a man wearing a cloak of flames, floating in the air, unconsciously roaring: Who? Why attack us? "

I should ask this sentence. Lao Tzu is the General Marshal of the Fenglei Empire, the leader of the Three Lords, Lord Zhen Guo, and Yang Feng. What is your army of the Xijin Empire, sneaking away from us? Aggression! "

Yang Feng stared at the bottom, everyone's heart was shaken, and they all started to sigh.

General, he is Feng Lei's Marshal of Soldiers and Horses, there is indeed an ambush here, let's withdraw. "

No hurry, maybe he is the only one. The King of Zhenxi said, now that Major General Fenglei is short of soldiers, there are not so many soldiers to ambush us. It is estimated that this Marshal of Soldiers and Horses is a polished commander..."


However, he still didn't say what he said. The entire cliffs on both sides of the sky were waving flags, and the mountains were whistling and tsunami. Clusters of silhouettes rushed out from various places, and the sound shook the sky, so dense that they could not be seen.

Only in a moment, these elite soldiers and powerful generals of the Xijin Empire were all surrounded here on the front line.

Especially the waving handsome flag with two big characters written on it impressively, Yelu!

When the generals of the Xijin Empire looked at it, they couldn't help but all their eyes suddenly burst, and said in shock: What is going on? Why did the ace iron master of Nanzhao State and Yelu Army appear in the western part of Fenglei State? Jinxi King, why didn't he say anything? "

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, a drop of cold sweat slipped from everyone's forehead...

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