Alien God System

Chapter 2180: True ultimate judge

Brahma Seal?

hiss! Involuntarily took a breath, everyone present who saw this scene was shocked, especially that Yan Shiying.

He now finally understands why Yang Feng, a little intern, has the power to judge all of their gods, because he has the inheritance of the Brahma Seal.

The Brahma Seal is the strongest kind of Dadao Art, and its attribute is to judge everything! Although this kid hasn't become normal, but with the Brahma Seal, it's the same as getting the Shangfang sword of Lord Tiandao, cut first and then play, no one can stop it! Although Yang Feng had used the Brahma Seal in the Hungry Ghost Road, it was not in public. The Brahma Seal is also his assassin and has not been exposed to the public.

But now, Yang Feng has become the general ruler of the six elders, and the Brahma Seal is no longer his secret weapon, even if it is exposed, it does not matter, so he used it in such a large public.

In an instant, the entire upper ranks of the God Realm shook, and they showed horrified eyes.

The birth of the Brahma Seal made almost all the high-level positions of the God Realm unstable.

Maybe they used to protect officials from each other, and they could still use the chain of interest to ensure that they would not fall.

But now, as long as Yang Feng determines that you are guilty, then a Brahma will be printed, and wherever you love to be photographed, you will be photographed wherever you are.

Whether to go to **** or go to the Hungry Ghost Road to serve his sentence is nothing more than Yang Feng's thought.

It can be said that Yang Feng is the real uncrowned judge and the ultimate judge in the eyes of a group of big men in the God Realm.

I wiped it, but fortunately I didn't have the urge to tear it up with this kid, otherwise the old man would be dangerous too.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Shiying suddenly felt his heart pounding, and a cold sweat on his head was frightened.

Hu Lifeng was also dumbfounded, and 10,000 horses were running wild in his heart.

If he had known that Yang Feng was holding the Brahma Seal in his hand, he would have sacrificed his nephew instead of confronting this master.

But at this time, everything is too late, the enmity is over, and it is difficult to recover.

At this moment, Hu Lifeng really wanted to slap himself and then stabbed his nephew twice, but what's the use?

It's a pity that his nephew hasn't discovered the terrible Brahma seal at this time.

Not only him, but even most of the people who ate melons gathered outside the door, they didn't know how high the authority of this legendary Brahma seal was, and they were still watching with relish.

"Hey, what is the light in his hand?"

"Is it what magical technique?

Is this presiding judge going to beat people in court? "

"No way, isn't this a trick?

That's too low quality, hehehe! "

...The so-called ignorant are fearless. Most of the people here are in the lower level of the God Realm. They have never seen it at all, or even heard of the terrible Brahma Seal.

When all the senior leaders of Liudao were silent, these people still talked and laughed and didn't care.

Just like Hu Tu, as a judge, he didn't have such knowledge, and he really didn't know how to write dead words.

Without paying attention to the noise outside the hall, Yang Feng just said coldly: "Mengyun Lord God, you have to think clearly.

If this unjust case was caused by you, all the consequences will be borne by you.

Three thousand years of torture in hell, can you bear it? "


The punishment of three thousand years of hell?

The body shook, Mengyun shivered with fright. Hu Lifeng stared at her tightly. She didn't know the power of the Brahma seal when she saw it. She immediately confuses her in whispers again: "Lord Mengyun, it's okay, it's just the loss of good and evil. , Lost public office at most.

When this matter is over, I will transfer you back again.

And our Hu family will give you a generous report.

But if you dare to run away and throw the pot on Hu Tu, I promise you will never get mixed up in the human world. "

"I...I...I..." Gritting his teeth, Mengyun made a difficult decision, Yang Feng stared at him, and then shouted: "Mengyun Lord God, don't listen to others bewitched, if you dare to perjury, sentence Ten times that, starting from 30,000 years of torture in hell, you think clearly."

"Lord Mengyun, don't listen to him, he has no right to measure punishment.

If you lose good and evil, you just lose your public office and won't go to hell. Don't be scared by him. "

"Lord Mengyun, I didn't scare you, you figured it out clearly!"

"Mengyun..." "Don't say anything!"

Mengyun closed her ears tightly, fell to her knees in fright, almost crying.

Under the pressure of the two big bosses, she didn't know how to choose, after all, neither side was easy to mess with.

One is the high-level person above her head, and the other is the chief judge. Even the chairman of the committee, they have to make way for him. She is a little master god, sandwiched in the middle. She can't afford to offend any side, and she immediately collapsed.

"Auntie..." Heng Wushuang watched the live broadcast remotely in the casino, and jumped in a hurry.

At this time, two familiar soft drinks sounded.



The crowd dispersed, Meiyan and Satan rushed in and came to Mengyun to comfort him, Meiyan looked at Yang Feng with a bit of complaint, "Don't force my sister, we low-level civil servants, what Dare to provoke those senior officials above?

Let us testify is to let us die! "

"Who do you say will make her die?

You point it out, I will do him first! "

There was a strange gleam in Yang Feng's eyes, Mei Yan took a deep look, and then looked at Mengyun and said: "Sister, don't be afraid, who are you threatening you?

You point it out! "

"Magic, are you crazy?

Do you think he said that if he can do those high-ranking officials, he can do it? "

Hearing what she said, Satan was anxious: "If Mengyun really speaks out, not only will she be retaliated against in the future, but we will also be retaliated against. You can't be impulsive."

"Oh, don't worry, he said that if it can be done, it will definitely be done.

Sister, believe me. "

Meiyan gave Mengyun a firm look. Mengyun glanced at her timidly, then secretly looked at Hu Lifeng: "He...he wouldn't let me say..." "Eh, don't talk nonsense..." "To shut up!"

With a loud shout, Hu Lifeng's threat was interrupted, and Yang Feng looked at Mengyun again and said, "What is going on in this case?

Huangfuren’s tyrant judgment is really your record?

Have you really lost your good and evil? "

"No, I didn't lose it, nor did I record him as a tyrant.

In fact, there are all unwritten rules in the judgment, and the general case is judged according to the record of the main god.

Special case, special sentence! "

"The special case is..." "The case designated by Cthulhu!"

With a flick of his brows, Yang Feng looked at Hu Tu, who was already trembling with nervousness, and said, "That Huangfuren case is a special case?"

"Fart, you **** are crazy, nonsense..." "Shut up!"

Hearing this, Hu Lifeng cursed immediately, but as soon as he said the words, Yang Feng yelled and slapped him with a palm: "You are not worthy of being the director of the Judgment Office of the Department of Life and Death. Go to hell!"

boom! The golden handprint, like a giant sword, slammed on Hu Lifeng's body. With a burst, the ground cracked and the magma of **** soared to the sky, turning into a giant hand of three feet, grabbing his body instantly. It drags on, no matter how screaming it is, it won't help...

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