Alien God System

Chapter 2181: Don't talk nonsense

The turbulent magma quickly disappeared with the screaming Hu Lifeng, and the earth closed again and recovered as before. Everything looked like nothing had happened, but everyone on the scene, including the whole God Realm watching the live melon-eating crowd , But they were all stunned.

Quiet, deadly quiet! There was no sound around the entire verdict, except for heavy gasps, even the sound of dropping a needle could be heard clearly.

Perhaps these low-level melon-eating people didn't know the power of Brahma's seal before, and they hadn't even heard of it, but now after witnessing it with their own eyes, they are instantly shocked.

You must know that Hu Lifeng is a senior executive of the human world. Under this trick, he has no resistance at all, and he is sent to hell. What a power against heaven.

In particular, the public officials of the Six Dao God Realm knew more about the horror of this trick.

Because they are in the system, they know the six ways each perform their duties and how heavy the barriers are in the middle.

Even if the case of the ordinary human world is settled, the Shura Dao directly sends it back for retrial, or the Hungry Ghost Dao does not accept the criminal, this case still cannot be handled.

In other words, in the God Realm, if you want to follow the formal procedures to win someone, you need the six ways to work together. If any one of the links goes wrong, it will not be done.

But among the six officials and their family children, which one is not a person with hands and eyes open to the sky?

As long as you find a good way in any of the six links and set the checkpoints, you can protect the people you want to protect.

Even if you can't keep it, you can get a corresponding reduction of sentence through benefit transfer, and you will soon be able to return to the God Realm alive and well.

Therefore, the officials of the six dao ministries guarded each other, covering the sky with one hand, and had long ignored the rules of the sky. Like the hungry ghost king Luo Lie, there are too few gods who cherish feathers.

But now, as soon as Yang Feng's Brahma seal was published, he was able to directly avoid the red tape trial of the six officialdoms and immediately convicted and sentenced him, with no room for relaxation.

There was no room for turning and manipulation in the middle, which made the senior officials of the entire Liudao feel chilly and restless.

Yang Feng, who came to the world like an imperial minister, holds the authority of the ultimate judge, and really makes all the officials feel the deep fear and tremor.

In particular, those who were beaten into the realms of hungry ghosts and the realms of **** by the Brahma seal did not say that their sentences were reduced.

If the Ksitigarbha King refuses to help, the criminals who fall into **** may not be able to get out for life.

This is what makes the six gods the most fearful.

"Brahma printed, is Lord Tiandao trying to rectify the Liudao officialdom?"

Gurgle! Swallowing bitterly, many famous families in Liudao, and even the deeply entrenched family that has been in the business of Heaven for hundreds of billions of years, feel the anxiety of approaching danger at this time.

"All the eyes are in full view of using the Brahma Seal and the magic of the Great Dao, this kid will not be the enemy of all the gods in the future, or the sweet pastry of all the gods vying to win.

But in either case, he was dead, hum. "

In the hall of Shura Dao, Kaba sneered, his eyes exuding sharp light.

"Sure enough, after he cultivated the Death Curse, I wondered if he would receive the legendary Brahma Seal.

Sure enough, he deserves to be the descendant chosen by Lord Ksitigarbha. "

Hungry ghost said, the hungry ghost king Luo Lie had a smile on his mouth, but his expression was extremely serious: "It's just that although the Brahma Seal represents the supreme power of the entire judgment world, it is also the heaviest responsibility of the gods.

Countless temptations and pressures will follow one after another, I hope you can survive, just like we had put our hearts together at the beginning, don't be corrupted, good son-in-law. "

"Wow, I slapped the director of the judgment office to hell. This Mr. Yang turned out to be such a high-powered person. It's no wonder that the Asura gods respected him."

Shenmiao Gambling House, a group of evil gods who work here, looked at Hen Wushuang in surprise: "Master, what is the relationship between Mr. Yang and your mother and daughter?

You have such a backer, what kind of evil **** do you still run such a small casino?

At the very least, just like that Jobs, it should monopolize an industry, right?

Now, behind the monopolistic industries in the God Realm, aren't they all the enterprises run by the senior leaders of the Six Paths?

And also tax-free! "

Ignoring their exclamation, Heng Wushuang just stared at Yang Feng on the screen. Her eyes were both amazed and confused, and she couldn't help muttering: "Uncle Yang, who are you?

Why did you come to help us personally? "

...In short, at this time, the entire God Realm caused an uproar because of Yang Feng's legendary palm, and the judgment hall was no exception.

Meiyan, Satan, and Mengyun glanced at each other, their mouths opened like duck eggs.

Especially Satan is even more incredible.

I go, how long has this kid left for an internship in Hell Road?

Why is this strength becoming more and more perverted?

He doesn't look like an intern now, it's a monster! "uncle!"

Hu Tu wailed again after staying for a long time.

Yang Feng smiled coldly, then looked at that Hutu and said: "This is the end of contempt of the chief judge and dishonest.

Judge Hu Tu, if you know what you know, please call me one hundred fifty one ten. Otherwise, the owner will examine the evidence and you will go to **** with your uncle and never turn back! "

"My lord is forgiving, I'll do it, I will do it all."

Frightened, Hu Tu no longer dared to resist, and immediately said, "Huangfuren's case, indeed, I have given a heavy sentence, because he was cursed by the evil **** Achilles!"

"How could the curse of the evil **** affect your judgment?

Are you a righteous god, or a judge, allowing the evil **** to dominate your opinions? "

"The adults don't know, the lower realm of the Heretic God must sign a contract to collect mortal souls to satisfy the wishes of mortals, and those talents will willingly sacrifice their souls.

Among them, some mortals hate certain people deeply and curse them.

Of course, the curse of mortals is useless, but after the Cthulhu deal with them, the curse of the Cthulhu will be a disaster for those mortals.

However, the Cthulhu can only harm mortals for one life, reincarnation, and life after life, not under his control. At this time, the Cthulhu will find us to help a little. "

"You mean, someone used his own soul as a price to curse Huangfuren to hell, and the evil **** will let you sentence Huangfuren to hell?"

"My lord Mingjian, that's the case."

Shen Shen nodded, Hu Tu told the truth, and Yang Feng narrowed his eyes: "Why do you listen to the evil **** like this?

What benefit did he give you? "

"He gave it to me..." Hutu slapped his mouth twice. Hu Tu was a little hard to speak, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said: "They **** our best souls and provide them on a regular basis, so generally these small favors will help. of.

Otherwise, those mortals who sold their souls will feel resentment when the Heretic God has not done things for them, and the quality of their souls will be bad..."What?

His body shook, Yang Feng said in surprise: "As a righteous god, you also eat human souls?"

"What's the big deal about this? Everyone does it like this. In the entire six realms of the gods, more than 80% are..." "Shut up!"

However, before he finished speaking, Yan Shiying yelled and stopped him: "Just explain your case, don't talk nonsense!"

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