Alien God System

Chapter 2179: Threat

"I've placed a bet, I'm sure to leave your hand..." In the living area of ​​the God Realm Cthulhu, in the Shenmiao Gambling House, a crowd of Cthulhu Gods are fighting hard at the gambling table. Smile.

Ever since Yang Feng bought this property for her, she is no longer an unknown little Cthulhu within the Cthulhu circle, but has become the overlord of one party, never worrying about her livelihood.

Suddenly, the mortal TV series played on the spar on the side wall of the gambling house suddenly changed and became a bustling scene.

"Dear viewers, this is the Judgment Office of the Department of Fate of the Human World. I heard that the judge of Human World is going to be tried today, and the presiding judge is still a little-known intern at Sanctuary College. The anchor is a **** eater. , Naturally came here without stopping, vowing to give you the first-hand news from the audience..." "What?

The judge was tried? "

Hearing this explosive news, all the gamblers stopped their movements and looked at the live broadcast on the spar together. Hating Wushuang also stagnated and looked over suspiciously.

"Didn't judges always judge others before?

Why was it judged today?

Is the sky about to change? "

"Master, look, isn't that Mr. Yang?

Isn't he double-regulated?

Why did it appear there? "

At this moment, a younger brother pointed at Yang Feng's figure on the screen, and Heng Wushuang was also surprised: "Uncle Yang?

He is among those who will not be judged, right? "

However, the reporter from the front continued: "After interviews by the anchor, I heard that the public trial was approved by the Destiny Department. It was led by Lord Chang Weichang, Chairman of the God Realm Committee, Lord Yan Shiyingyan, Director of the Department of Human Life, and Sheng. Chairman of the Student Committee of the Domain College, Mr. Yang Feng Yang, the Trial of the Third Division... Huh?

Student committee?

Is there this department in the Six Paths?

And Sanctuary Academy is not in the six public office system..." "What, Master Yang? "

As soon as this remark came out, not only hated Wushuang and the others screamed, the other two Seven Great Sages who had not been subdued by Yang Feng also couldn't help but screamed.

"It's a big tone, when will there be a student union in the college, and he will become the president?"

"Three divisions will try, which division is he?

Why can you be on an equal footing with the two top adults in the human world?

Still try a judge?

Why didn't I get such a high salary when I was doing an internship there? "

"Who gave him this name?

Why don't we know? "

Chang Yanyan was also watching from the crowd, looking at Jin Shiyuan and Hong Xuan who were equally helpless beside him.

Obviously, this name must have been added by two **** followers of the Yang Family Gang, Zhong Lihun and Zhao Gongming, just to build momentum for Yang Feng.

Otherwise, everyone else has a resounding name, but Yang Feng, the chief judge, doesn't have a decent title, wouldn't it be shameful?

Since Yang Feng was going to a public trial, he naturally wanted to beat his reputation as much as possible.

Following his majestic steps, Yang Feng stopped and walked into the court, followed by Chang Wei and Yan Shiying, two old men who kept rolling their eyes.

"I said, can you go faster, let's hurry up after this public trial, so as to save so many irrelevant people on the human world from being surrounded here, so chaotic?"

"No way!"

Slowly shaking his head, Yang Feng is still sluggish: "I want to give my friends in the media a chance to capture my handsome moments!"

"Chairman Yang, look here!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded, and Yang Feng immediately looked there with a confident smile, followed by a chuckle of white light flashing back and forth.

The two old men smiled bitterly and shook their heads, and could only follow him.

After all the procedures were completed, Yang Feng sat in the middle hall, and the other two were sitting in the audience. Yang Feng shouted: "Bring the plaintiff Huangfuren!"

"Plaintiff Huangfuren is here, your lord has been wronged."

Huang Laojiu immediately took a step forward and bowed and said, "The little brother is a little emperor in the world, so I dare not say that he is diligent and loves the people. That would not harm the country or the people.

As a result, the judge Hutu actually sentenced me to three thousand years of hell. I was wronged. "


Was it just a mortal? "

"Is it really a mortal who came to complain?

Mortals tell the gods?

It's unprecedented, can this win? "

"In the realm of the gods, officials protect each other, the people sue officials, and the evil gods can sue the righteous gods, let alone mortals?"

...As soon as this statement came out, the crowd watching the lively outside the hall immediately became noisy.

Not only them, even all the various strata of the entire God Realm had a violent response.

The sensation of this case is no different from that of a beggar in a lawsuit with the emperor. How can it be possible to win?

But if it really wins, it will completely change the judicial system of the entire God Realm.

For a while, everyone still had a little expectation.

Yang Feng looked solemn, and then shouted: "Bring the defendant, judge Hu Tu to court!"

"Yes, my lord, Hu Tu will bring it here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two Zhong Lihun, who had been prepared, escorted Hu Tu forward.

Yang Feng glanced at him lightly: "Hu Tu, have you heard the accusation of the plaintiff just now?

Why do you want to judge the case indiscriminately and go to **** for three thousand years?

Do you have enemies with him? "

"" In front of so many people, the whole world of public opinion was broadcast live, and two adults, Yan Shiying and Chang Wei, were also watching. Hu Tu wiped the cold sweat on his head and shook his head severely. : "My lord, I sentenced him to three thousand years, but I didn't make a mistake. I made the sentence based on the record report of the Lord God of his plane."

"Is that right, come here, pass the Lord God Mengyun!"

"grown ups!"

After a few breaths, a graceful woman came up leisurely, frowning, glanced at Hutu with sullen eyes, then looked at the three judges in the hall, Yang Feng, and immediately bowed: "Mengyun of humble position, but The main deity of Huangfuren's plane, see the three adults."

"Mengyun, let me ask you, in your records, how is Huangfuren's life?

But the human tyrant that Hu Tu condemned? "

"Uh, this..." Frowning frowning, Meng Yun gritted his teeth tightly: "My lord, there are so many creatures in the world, how can I remember so clearly?"

"Then you, as the Lord God, always have records, right?

Bring the good and evil book you provided to the Judgment Division, and we have our own judgment. "

This... Mengyun hesitated again, not knowing what to do, but suddenly heard a transmission from the northwest corner.

His body shook, Mengyun peeped to see Hu Lifeng lying weakly there, his eyes narrowed into a line: "Mengyun Lord God, you must think clearly, now this kid can only show off his prestige and wait for him. Go away, who decides your future and destiny, you should have a number in your heart, hum."

Whoa, dare you to threaten the witness?

As soon as his ears moved, Yang Feng's expression became much colder, and he hurriedly said, "Master Mengyun, your good and evil are thin..." "Master Qi, my book of good and evil is lost!"


"Yes, it is a felony to lose the good and evil books of the world in a humble position, and I am willing to be punished."

Holding a fist tightly, Mengyun lowered his head.

Wow! When everyone else heard it, they were shocked.

The Book of Good and Evil, as the record of the Lord God's inspection of the plane, how could it be lost casually?

And it's such a coincidence?

Yang Feng's face sank, and he raised his right hand in a pleasing manner, "Are you sure you really lost it?"

Don't regret it! "

Huh! As he said, the gold seal of Sanskrit characters in his hand already emits a dazzling light...

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