Alien God System

Chapter 2178: Three Division Trial

On the other hand, Yang Feng leaned Erlang's legs, sitting in the middle of the hall of the judgment office, and outside the door was an endless stream of gods who watched the excitement, and everything was ready.

"Brother Feng, the lights are ready!"

"Sound is ready!"

"Props are ready!"

...A group of interns from the Yang family enthusiastically changed the verdict into a live broadcast. Yang Feng took a mirror and took a picture of his handsome face, beckoning gently: "Come on, make-up artist, give it to me here. Put up some makeup, you must shoot me 360 ​​degrees of majesty without dead ends, you hear?"

"Uncle...Uncle...Uncle..." Hu Tu looked at the crowds gathering outside the door, and then at Yang Feng's arrogant and domineering nostrils, he immediately shivered with fear, clutching his side with a pale face. Hu Lifeng said, "He...he...he is really going to try us publicly, what should I do?

Oh oh oh! "

"You are afraid of a fart! He is just an intern, what right does he have to interrogate you?

You are an upright judge of the human world, you are an official.

He doesn't even have a public office now. He is just a citizen. How can there be any reason why officials are afraid of the people? "

Ho **** ho! After gasping for a few rough breaths, Hu Lifeng stared at Yang Feng fiercely, his teeth were itching with anger: "Look at his disfigured and dying look. You don't even know how much trouble he has caused. .

Dare to beat and kidnap public servants of the God Realm without authorization, this is a capital crime.

Look at it. In a while, the gods of heaven will come in and kill him. Is there still time to be stinky?

I pooh, hum! "

Huh! At this time, a familiar figure hurried in, not someone else, but Chang Wei, the president of the God Realm Committee.

But at this moment, Chang Wei was crying anxiously on his face, but seeing that Yang Feng was still calmly asking people to make up for himself, like a star who was going to walk on the red carpet for a while, he jumped and said: "Ancestor , My ancestor, what are you doing?"

"Yeah, Chairman Chang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have been a lot more polite."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng smiled evilly: "No, I will try these two scum judges in public for a while.

You also received the news to watch the excitement, right?

Hey, I reserved a front row seat for you, and I don’t charge you for the tickets. Isn’t that interesting?

Hehehe. "

"Can you still laugh?

Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time? "

Constantly pacing, Chang Wei is going crazy: "You are just an intern, no matter how big your background is, you can't just kidnap and judge the public servants of the God Realm. This is a big rebellion and provocation to the entire God Realm judicial system.

Fortunately, you have made the stage so big, so that the world knows everything, do you really know how to write dead words? "

"Yes, he is purely looking for death, huh!"

Nodding in agreement, Hu Lifeng sneered not far away: "No matter how old his background is, no one can save him if he dares to do such a thing against the sky today, hahaha!"

Without speaking, Yang Feng was just smiling, smiling casually, without any anxiety or pressure.

Chang Wei took a deep look at him, and after a little thought, he let out a long breath: "Yang Feng, what are you doing?

I asked you to do an internship in the Destiny Department. Why did you smash the verdict in a good manner?

Still beat so many judges like this?

What is their hatred against you? "

"No hatred?"

It didn't matter that he shrugged, Yang Feng smiled and pointed to Huang Laojiu who was aside: "When I was in the internship, I happened to ran into a mortal brother. His case was wrong and he was going to go to **** for three thousand years. I came to reverse his case. "

"It's just such a trivial matter, does it need such a big fight?"

Turning his eyes helplessly, Chang Wei smiled bitterly: "You tell me, I say hello, what he wants in his next life will be rich and honorable, even if the fate of ten generations and a hundred generations, I can also arrange in advance to ensure his generations. No worries."

Shaking his head, Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly: "I don't want this!"

"You don't want this, what is that?"

"You don't understand..." Shaking his head, Yang Feng's eyes flashed with a deep light.

Chang Wei stared at him closely, and after a long time, he sighed leisurely: "I really don't understand, what are you going to do?

Why does a very simple thing have to be so uncontrollable? "

Silent, Yang Feng didn't answer.

Outside the verdict, a pair of peaceful eyes looked at all this deeply, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "He doesn't understand, most people here won't understand, only I understand you, brother!"

"Director of the Department of Human Destiny, Master Yan Shiying is here!"

At this moment, with a shout from outside the door, the crowd immediately split into a straight line as if the sea was cut apart, and Yan Shiying walked in aggressively with a dozen guards.

When Chang Wei saw it, his brows condensed into a lump: "It's over, this old guy is here.

He must have come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, saying that the old man will not be involved in him, hey. "

"Hahaha... Your Lord Secretary is here, Yang Feng, you are dead."

When Hu Lifeng saw this, he said happily: "My Lord Secretary, he has always acted cautiously. He will not come forward casually when he is uncertain.

Now that he is here, it means that his old man has cleared up the relationship up and down, and wants to kill you all at once, and none of you can run away, Jie Jie Jie! "

Hu Lifeng’s laughter was noisy like a crow. Seeing that his uncle was so sure, Hu Tu couldn’t help but laugh, but after Yan Shiying walked in, he didn’t even look at them, just said indifferently: "Who is Yang Feng? ?"

"He he he... he is him!"

Uncle Hu Lifeng's nephew hurriedly pointed at the past, his eyes were full of excitement.

Yan Shiying calmly walked to Yang Feng: "Are you Yang Feng?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just... I'll send a word."

The cold old face quickly unfolded like a spring breeze. Yan Shiying nodded to Yang Feng with a smile, then looked at the suspicious Chang Wei and said: "According to Master Taibai, this case is controlled by the old man and Chang Wei. Brother, and Yang Feng's brother will be tried together.

Brother Yang is the presiding judge, and the two of us are observers! "

Uh! The laughter stopped abruptly, and the two nephews and uncles of Hu Lifeng were stunned.


"The chief judge is... Yang... Feng?"

Click! Hu Tu staggered and collapsed to the ground, crying in his eyes when he looked at Hu Lifeng: "Uncle, didn't you say that this surnamed Yang is dead?

Why is it now the main trial? "

"Yeah, how could he... be the presiding judge?"

Hu Lifeng couldn't figure it out, and screamed: "Master Yan, he is just an intern, and he has no public office. Why can he try public officials and be the presiding trial?

"I don't know this, it's what Master Taibai meant."

With a faint smile, Yan Shiying looked at Yang Feng again and said, "Anyway, Brother Yang is the rightful presiding judge, and can try anyone here!"


With his eyes blank, Hu Lifeng fell on the ground after hearing the news.

It's over, this time is completely out of play...

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