Alien God System

Chapter 2177: He really has this power


Unable to scream, Hu Tu looked at Hu Lifeng in the blink of an eye before embedding his whole body into the wall next to him, his whole body convulsing constantly, completely dumbfounded.

When he stiffened his head and looked towards the door, he saw that at this moment, Yang Feng was standing there with his face full of face, and he took back the flying kick he had kicked out, and said with disdain: "The old guy who is overpowered, Give you a face, right?

Lao Tzu said that he wanted to put your nephew on trial here, but he wanted to go on trial. Do you dare to block Lao Tzu's way?

Turn you back, cut it! "


Who is this?

Are you really an intern?

Hu Tu was trembling with fear, staggered, and fell to the ground.

Ever since, Zhong Lihun and the others no longer hindered, and immediately rushed out, spreading news all over the street.

In an instant, all the main gods of the entire human world knew that Yang Feng, an intern, was about to try the shocking news of the judge.

Moreover, this news spread like wildfire, spreading across the entire God Realm in an instant, becoming news that all the gods knew, and immediately caused an overwhelming sensation, and the public opinion of the entire God Realm also paid attention to this.

"Let’s go and see, trainee Yang Feng is about to try the judge of the verdict. He wants to turn over the first unjust case in the God Realm. If you go too late, you won’t look down on it!"

Outside the gate of Jinling's castle, a whispering shout came into the ears of the women.

Jin Ling was taken aback for a moment: "Didn't the dead ghosts go to investigate Huo Yanfeng and their reincarnation? Why did they get caught up in the judgment of the Destiny Department?

Oh, it's not worrying! "

"Sister Ling, do we want to go..." Yang Yuchan looked at her eagerly. The other girls were also full of expectations. Jin Ling smiled and shook her head: "Go, see what the dead ghost is doing!"

The Director of the Department of Fate of the Human World, Yan Shiying’s mansion, received a notification from his subordinates that this 200-level senior executive of Human World, like President Chang Wei, immediately took the scene and said angrily: “It’s totally unreasonable. An intern in this area. They are not the official six gods, so why open a court in private and interrogate an official public official?

Still the judge of the court verdict! Doesn't this become a civil judge?

Even if Chang Wei loves him as a student, he can't be so lawless to this point, huh! "

"Director, what should I do now?"

His brows were deeply furrowed, and his eyes were full of solemnity: "Now this news has spread throughout the six realms of the God Realm. After all the gods heard about it, many people came to see our excitement.

If the kid really got any clues, this would be the shame of our Destiny Department. "

"Fart, he's an intern who can detect a fart.

Those judges are all the main gods above level 180, can he let him go? "

"Director, the judges have all been beaten to the ground now, that kid is too capable of beating.

Now I am afraid that he will be severely tortured to extract a confession, and it will be no good if he really extorts some black material. "

"[笔趣阁] What?

Got all down?

how is this possible?

The other party is just a group of interns. "

Yan Shiying was already stunned, but after checking with his subordinates, his expression became more gloomy after he was correct: "A conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy.

How can a mere group of interns have so much courage and strength to find trouble with the judgment office?

This is someone who wants to bring down the old man by the judgment.

It must be Chang Wei behind the scenes. This is a naked political persecution. "

"Then Director General, what should we do now?"

"Huh, what should I do?

The old man is going to sue the Department of Heaven and Dao to bring Chang Wei and these interns together! "

Flicking his sleeves fiercely, Yan Shiying turned around and disappeared.

Half an hour later, in the hall of the Department of Fate of the Human World, in the hall of the Department of Fate, Yan Shiying cursed Chang Wei and a group of interns.

"My lords, that Chang Wei, as the chairman of the Human World God Realm Committee, did such a shameless thing, let a bunch of children go to the verdict and interrogate the judge inside.

It's simply the world's greatest scrutiny, what power do they have to interrogate a magistrate..." "Don't tell me, he really has this power! "

Huh! Suddenly, a white light flashed, and a group of Heavenly Dao officials who were listening to Yan Shiying's complaint immediately stood up together and respectfully bowed down to the light. Yan Shiying also hurriedly said, "See Master Taibai!"

"All get up."

There was a majestic sound from the white halo, and the officials straightened up after another bow.

Yan Shiying took a deep breath, filled with doubts, and then asked, "Master Taibai, what did you just say?

He...has this power?

No, even though Chang Wei is the chairman of the God Realm Committee and is in charge of all the appointments of the main gods of the human realm, our Destiny Department is a separate law enforcement agency directly under the Destiny Department. No matter how long his hands are, he will not reach us Huh? "

"I'm not talking about Chang Wei, but Yang Feng!"


He is just an intern, and he has not yet become a regular, so he has the right to try a judge? "

Yan Shiying felt incredible, and Li Taibai sneered coldly: "Not to mention a small judge of the human world, even everyone here has the right to judge!"

hiss! Qi Qi took a breath, everyone present was shocked.

You must know who they are, the great **** of heaven, a member of the heavenly destiny division, who is in charge of the destiny of all gods.

They have always been the only ones who judge others. How can others judge them?

They are equivalent to the ultimate court, with supreme power.

But now, Lord Taibai, one of the six elders, actually said that the Maotou boy who was still an intern had the right to judge everyone here?

For a moment, all the great gods present were all bewildered, and Yan Shiying was even more incredulous: "Why?

How sacred is that kid?

Why is there such a big power? "

"You will know soon, ha ha ha!"

There was a mysterious laugh in the white light, and Li Taibai said lightly: "Go back, there is no conspiracy against you, you don't need to be afraid.

If you are still not at ease, go to the verdict in person and tell the little brother that it is what I meant, and let you and Chang Wei participate in the trial of this case, and have a three-secret trial! "

His cheeks couldn't help but twitched twice. Hearing these three words full of affection, all the officials present were shocked, their mouths were so wide that they could fit a dinosaur egg.

Who could have imagined that the great master of Heaven, who is one of the six elders, would actually call Taibai Xingjun a brother or an intern?

Doesn't this mean that this intern can be on the same level as the six elders?

How is this possible?

Uh uh uh... everyone present was dumbfounded, Li Taibai ignored them, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared instantly.

When everything returned to calm, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, they all stared at Yan Shiying and shouted: "Get out, you are all a lot of age, what's the matter?

We won't take your case! "

I dare not pick it up.

With a double slap, Yan Shiying's eyes are full of confusion...

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