Alien God System

Chapter 2148: Clean up the portal

The chilling air, like a tornado, quickly gathered in the nine heavens and condensed into a ball.

But after a while, the whole body was plain white, and a resolute figure appeared in front of everyone, not Tang Hao, but who?

Tang Jian tremblingly took two steps back, shaking his head in disbelief: "Impossible, you are already gone, how can you survive?"

"The soul is gone, and the soul is broken, but you can be reborn if your thoughts are not gone."

At this time, Yang Feng smiled and took the two steps forward: "Tang Jian, you are also a master who has mastered the use of mind. Don’t you know that a strong person who has reached this state can live forever as long as his mind remains. Will it never be extinct?"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Shaking his head constantly, Tang Jian stared at Yang Feng with his eyes open, still unwilling to believe: "Tang Hao has already exhausted his strength and ruined his foundation in that decisive battle with you.

He is not even a **** of Shura anymore, and he has degenerated into an ordinary **** state, how can he be considered a master of mind?

Once his soul is destroyed, he should die, and it will never be resurrected! "

"Yes, I also thought I was going to die, but unfortunately, after my fascination was extinguished, I suddenly discovered that my thoughts still existed, and I did not dissipate in the world."

He took a light step forward, but in an instant, Tang Hao appeared three feet away in front of Tang Jian, and said lightly: "Moreover, I also want to thank you for giving me a death.

If you hadn't been driven to desperation and died martyrdom, I would never have comprehended the sixth formula of the Shura Zhu Shen Jue. It turns out that you have to break and stand, and then live after death, in order to be reborn from the fire and break through the bottleneck. "


Tang Jian's eyes trembled, and his fists were clenched with anger.

The corner of Tang Hao's mouth curled up, and he murmured: "The sixth formula of Shura's Divine Judgment Technique, the origin of Perseverance Dao, is whether you can stick to the heart of Dao in the most helpless desperate situation, and be full of the most sincere belief in Shura Dao. .

Originally, by myself, it was difficult for me to take this step, but thanks to your persecution, I broke through this bottleneck.

Since then, the Tao is in my heart, the world will last forever, and I finally master the power of the Taoist master, thank you! "

"How come... I actually helped you break through..." Involuntarily backing two steps back and forth, Tang Jian was going crazy, unwillingness and regret spread in his heart.

Tang Hao glanced at him lightly, with disdain in his eyes: "However, although you helped me break through the difficulties, I still have to clear the door.

Tang Jian, you have betrayed the Asura Dao, and you are no longer worthy to become an upright Asura God. As the new Dao Master, I will completely erase you from this world and rectify the heaven and earth! "

"Want to kill me?

I am also a state of mind, not so easy! "

His body trembled, Tang Jian was obviously scared, his clenched fists trembled unconsciously, but he still laughed **** his face, and roared, "What about you becoming the master of Asura?

I am another god, your nemesis, gluttony! "

Wow! In an instant, the entire plane was instantly surrounded by a thick green light, and everything was swallowed up wherever it passed.

Tang Jian's face also became more ferocious and violent, and he laughed and said, "You see, the power of the other gods and the four realms that I have now has already surpassed that counterfeit.

I can swallow all this face with just one thought. Can you do it with the scope of your two previous battles?

What if you realize the sixth form now?

In the face of my current strength, what do you do to me?

Hahaha! "

"What to do, his current power seems to be really much stronger than the power of the Great God before.

After all, no matter how fierce the battle between the Great God and Director Tang Hao was, it was limited to a small area of ​​the holy mountain, but Tang Jian now has the power to destroy the entire plane in an instant, no less than that of the Asura master Kaba Palm, we are dead, oooooo! "

Tang Jian's laughter filled every corner of the plane, like a demon king of **** coming to the world. All the mortals on this plane were trembling with fright and hugged.

Di Ablo, the demon god, was even more frightened and crying, facing the green light in all directions, he didn't know what to do.

Wen Liang was also shocked, and looked at Yang Feng anxiously, "Big Brother, is he really stronger now than you used to be?

Can Director Tang Hao be able to deal with it? "

Without speaking, Yang Feng just smiled, his smile full of sarcasm and contempt.

Tang Hao also didn't take it seriously. He stared at Tang Jian's arrogant face, his face was indifferent. After a little while, he said leisurely: "Clown, how ignorant it is to be so arrogant! "

"what did you say?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Tang Jian stared at Tang Hao angrily: "Don't you see my current strength?

This world-destroying power comparable to Kabbah! "

"What I saw is just showing off from the outside and the inside. What is the power?"

Sa! The eyes did not condense slightly, and the green light on the entire plane instantly dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Jian was taken aback and looked around inconceivably, his eyes full of horror: " could it... my world-destroying power..." "Enough, don't be ashamed!"

With a loud shout, he interrupted him, and Tang Hao said coldly: "You and the old ghost of the Huo family have all of them when they understand their second ways.

It just extinguishes the power of a plane in an instant. What's the big deal?

It's just that both of us have converged our strength tacitly, without spreading out.

The real powerhouse will only leave his power to his enemies, and will not show off with the trash fish around him.

Only the clown can show off his muscles by bullying the weak! "

Uh uh uh... his face couldn't help twitching, Tang Jian's complexion was already completely stiff.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, raised a palm, and faced Tang Jian, with a gurgling and terrifying aura of destruction flowing on his palm: "That’s why I said, second child, you don’t deserve the title of God. .

Our Asura God’s old enemy, the strongest opponent, the other gods, is not a small character like you, even if you do already have half the power of the other gods! "

"what did you say?

You say I am a small character? "

Kap, squeeze...the fists were tightly squeezed, and bursts of bone burst, Tang Jian's eyes were red with anger: "You... still look down on me, why?

I already have such a strong power, is it not enough to be your opponent?

Tang Hao, don't be too arrogant! "

Wow! With a roar, Tang Jian suddenly jumped up, went straight for nine days, raised his hand, and a huge hammer full of emerald green light and thunder burst suddenly appeared in his hand, and suddenly hit Tang Hao's head. .

"Accept the move, don't be the fifth way of the gods, angry!"

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