Alien God System

Chapter 2147: The birth of a new generation of Asura masters

Red blood was floating on the dry desert, and Tang Hao lay weakly on the hot ground, his breath gradually dissipating.

Because of the Shura power of the Shura Sword, Tang Hao's soul was quickly dissipated, completely annihilated.

thump! Kneeling on the ground weakly, Di Ablo was frightened and stupefied: "Even Director Tang Hao of the Shura Adjudication Office is dead, don't we even have nowhere to survive?

Great God, what should we do? "

Di Abro looked at Yang Feng for help again, not only him, everyone here put their last hope on Yang Feng.

But in the face of such a desperate situation, Yang Feng could only helplessly close his eyes.

The faint light of survival originally planned in his heart is slowly dissipating.

Click it! With his fists tight and tight, Tang Jian stared at Tang Hao's body unblinkingly, as if to breathe fire: "Who are you talking about the fake beam jumping clown?

I'm not another god, is that the waste of power dissipated?

Tang Hao, you didn't even look at me until you died. Isn't my current strength enough to make you look squarely?

Don't be too arrogant! "

boom! Roaring, Tang Jian suddenly waved his hand, Tang Hao's entire body suddenly turned into debris, and drifted into the boundless sky with the wind. The powerful shock wave caused Di Ablo and the others to stagnate.

Mortals like Yang Feng and Huo Yanfeng almost weren't broken by the shock wave, but Jin Ling hurriedly took care of them.

When everything calmed down, Tang Jian's gloomy eyes were staring at Yang Feng: "Tang Hao is dead, now it's your turn, a misnomer other god!"

"Oh, how could this be?

Am I destined to die in the past when I travel here from the future? "

Gritting his teeth hard, Yang Feng's brows were condensed into a lump, but suddenly, a pair of soft jade hands grabbed his thick palms.

Jin Ling gave him a firm look: "It's okay, I'll be by your side!"

"Madam..." After squeezing his lips, Yang Feng murmured: "Everyone is dead, and I must honestly explain some things to you.

Lest you die and don't know who I am, we will have a good time. "


Jin Ling was puzzled, Yang Feng laughed and said: "My last name is Huo, my last name is Yang, and my name is Yang Feng. I came across a hundred thousand years later.

You and I were married after 100,000 years, and we have a son, Yang Ritian! "

Uh... Jin Ling was stunned and couldn't recover for a while.

Yang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I know you can't accept it for a while, so I haven't mentioned it to you before, but now it won't work if I don't mention it, otherwise I won't die..." "Old stuff!"

However, after Jin Ling was shocked for a long time, she suddenly said: "Why are we giving our son such a bad name?

Day by day, day by day, day is separation, is fire, sky is dry, is gold, fire suppresses gold, and lower is a sign of great evil. "


Yang Feng was taken aback and blinked his big confused eyes: "That... madam, your focus seems a bit biased.

Shouldn't you be surprised that I have worn it here for 100,000 years? "

"I'm surprised, but what does that matter? Can it get us out of danger?

What I care about now is whether our son’s name is so arrogant, will he be bullied in the God Realm in the future?

Did you know that bullying in Sanctuary Academy is very serious. "

"Then what?

With Laozi under my cover, who dares to bully my son?

The family style of our Yang family, we have never bullied others, no one can bully us, hahaha. "

Yang Feng laughed up to the sky, but smiled and his face sank again: "It's just that if I am going to die here, my son will no longer have his father in 100,000 years. Only you, a mother, an orphan and a widow, don't know. Can it be covered? Will it be bullied? Tsk tsk."

Ugh! Jin Ling also let out a long sigh, but she was stunned soon: "Hey, since you said that we will get married in one hundred thousand years, how could I die one hundred thousand years ago?"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if I die, but you shouldn't die."

Yang Feng was also shocked and murmured, but after thinking about it for a while, he muttered: "Will history be changed because of my arrival?

If you die here, what will our son do?

He will not be born. "

"Hey, what are you whispering there, have you left the last words?"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and Tang Jian stared at Yang Feng coldly and shouted: "If you have finished your mutual complaints, then I will send you on the road."

As he said, Tang Jian raised an index finger and faced the two, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

Yang Feng swallowed hard, and grasped Jin Ling's jade hand tightly, his throat was a little choked: "Madam, if my crossing caused you to die one hundred thousand years ago, I'm really sorry."

"Why do you still say such things now, my old lady has no regrets!"

Jin Ling's eyes were firm, without any fear at all.

Tang Jian's pupils glared and cursed, "I'm all dead, and I'm still here. This seat will send you to the dust forever."

Sa! A green sword glow suddenly shot out, and instantly came to Yang Feng and the other two. Yang Feng and Jin Ling were so frightened that they immediately closed their eyes, but they were...poof! With a muffled sound, the sword light disappeared so steeply that it was three centimeters away from them, as if it had encountered some hard barrier, and it was directly broken into pieces without a trace.

When Yang Feng and Yang Feng opened their eyes, they saw a hazy white light and shadow flowing in front of them at some unknown time.

This is... "Who?"

The pupils suddenly suddenly, Tang Jian furiously said: "Who is it?

Get out of here! "


Suddenly, a familiar voice rang through nine days and ten places, full of mockery: "You are not worthy to kill him!"

Uh! His complexion stiffened, and Tang Jian was instantly dumbfounded.

Wen Liang and the others were all stunned on the spot, shocked by the inexplicable sound.

Yang Feng was the same, caught in a short-term stun, but soon a cheerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's right, that's almost zero vitality, at this moment, it has become 100%!"

"Tang Hao!"

Tang Jian was furious, hissing fiercely and roaring towards Nine Sky Void.

Wow! The wind was surging, and the entire plane began to tremble and shatter. It seemed that the sky was about to return to nothingness. Even the blockade enchantment carefully arranged by Kabbah began to shatter, collapse and dissipate without a trace.

The powerful Shura power spread to the entire universe, and even the gods of the Six God Realms felt the chilling sensation deep in their hearts.

Some people who were not determined, even shivered, and fainted when they rolled their eyes.

Kabbah, who was meditating in the secret room, opened his eyes so steeply, his eyes were full of surprises: "Haoer, you are finally qualified to take the seat of the old man, you will be a new generation of Asura master, hahaha!"

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