Alien God System

Chapter 2149: Turn face

Rumble! The turbulent power of destruction, like a meteor, pressed Tang Hao and the others.

Tang Jian poured all the long-term jealousy and anger in his heart into this hammer, and the power was simply ruining the world.

Di Abro shrank in fright, hugged his head, and crawled on the hot desert, shaking like chaff.

The rest of the people also looked dignified. Seeing all this, only Yang Feng and Tang Hao, their faces were calm, as if watching a drizzle falling, it didn't matter.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jian couldn't help being even more angry, and he dared to underestimate me! As a result, he added another three points of strength, but it was abrupt. He remembered the essence of the fifth anger of other gods, and tried his best to destroy himself.

If this hammer goes all out, will he be like the old Huo family, completely transformed into a mortal and a waste?

By then, not only Tang Hao, but he could not win, even mortals could deceive him...Such worries were fleeting in Tang Jian's heart, but for an instant, but just this hesitation, let him The power on the hammer was instantly reduced.

Of course, the reduction of this power is minimal, and the gods generally can't notice it, but Yang Feng and Tang Hao clearly felt it.

"Oh, I still can't let go. I have rational anger. Is that anger still?"

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng's eyes flashed with sparkling light: "Twenty-five sons, you can't be another god.

Do you think that the horror boss is so good?

You are at best the horse among the terrorists, ha ha ha. "

Tang Hao stopped paying attention to the giant hammer above his head. He just slapped the hammer with a palm: "Weak, too weak. It's not a little bit weak from the hammer I faced before, it's a world of difference. Ugh."

boom! Almost just in an instant, that terrifying hammer suddenly disintegrated, turned into a few dots, and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Jian suddenly felt his hands were empty and was shocked immediately.

how is this possible?

It’s so easy to give me the avenue of anger that I’ve been working hard for...Huh! A slender palm suddenly appeared on the top of his head. Tang Jian shivered and raised his head stiffly, facing Tang Hao's indifferent eyes: "So... the director..." No matter which camp you are in, you can only be the second child.

Boss, this flagpole, you can't stand it up! "

As he said, Tang Hao swiped lightly in front of Tang Jian.

Wow...Like powder, Tang Jian's body, soul and mind all broke apart, turning into a little bit of aura and flying towards nine days.

Tang Jian was stunned, letting everything disappear. He only looked deeply at Tang Hao's tall figure and sighed feebly: "After all...I'm still inferior to you..." Everything was over. Tang Jian was killed by Tang. Hao completely wiped out, and the whole plane returned to calm.

When everyone saw this, they were overjoyed, cheered and hugged excitedly.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows proudly: "What am I talking about?

Even if hope is slim, there is still life, hahaha! "

"Big brother, you've got it all done, really awesome!"

"Of course, or why did I try my life to save this director Tang back and serve it deliciously?

Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use soldiers for a while, hahaha! "

Yang Feng laughed very happily, and everyone felt a sense of joy after the disaster. Jin Ling joked even more rarely: "Then my son can be born smoothly?"

"Of course, as long as you survive as a mother, of course a son can be born."

"Doesn't your dad survive? Then can our son be born early?

Ok? "

Jin Ling cast a wink at Yang Feng, her eyes full of happiness.

To be honest, although Yang Feng and Jin Ling have lived in this era for a long time, they have always been well-behaved.

On the one hand, Yang Feng's respect for his wife, on the other hand, Jin Ling has learned from the past, how could she give herself to another man so easily?

Don't study it for a few years, lest you get married wrong.

But in Jin Ling's words just now, it was already full of hints that the two could formally become a married couple.

It's just that when Yang Feng heard her say this, he smiled with joy, stiffened slightly, and slowly sank.

Jin Ling was taken aback: "What's the matter, you don't want to?"

"Uh no, it's just... after the child arrives in the God Realm, you will have to spend more time..." "What?"

Jin Ling was still puzzled, but when she saw a figure who swished, she suddenly appeared behind Yang Feng and said coldly: "Next, it's your turn, don't God!"

Sa! The cold palms faced Yang Feng's head, and Tang Hao looked solemn.

Jin Ling was surprised: "What are you doing?

We are in the same group. Did he save you? Did you cross the river and demolish the bridge? "

When the rest of the people saw this scene, the originally cheerful atmosphere immediately became serious, and they all froze on the spot.

They couldn't believe it. Tang Hao, who had previously saved Yang Feng from Tang Jian's hands, turned his head and stretched the killer to Yang Feng's neck. Did he turn his face so quickly?

Tang Hao didn't care about other people's puzzled eyes, just staring at Yang Feng's back.

Yang Feng didn't turn his head, Cancan smiled twice, as if he had expected all of this, he looked at Jin Ling and said indifferently, "Hey, why cross the river and demolish the bridge? Don't slander Director Tang Hao like that.

Everyone knew in their hearts that from the beginning, we were just supporting each other and taking advantage of the relationship.

Now that the foreign enemy has been eliminated, it is time to solve the problem between us. "

"But elder brother, you tried your best to save him, and now he turns his face so ruthlessly, it's too unjust."

Wen Liang was not angry and cursed loudly, Di Ablo quickly waved to him, motioned to Tang Hao's indifferent face, closed his mouth in fright, and said nothing.

Yang Feng looked nonchalant, shrugging his shoulders and said, "Brother, don't be too naive. We didn't save him in vain, so what morality?

Do you still remember what I told you at the beginning, the story of the Song, Liao and Jin Kingdoms? "

Ok! Shen Shen nodded his head, with tears in Wen Liang's eyes.

"I am Song, but I am not as stupid as Song. In the face of the rise of the Kingdom of Jin, I asked the Liao Kingdom for help, but at the same time I had to guard against the Liao Kingdom."

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng said leisurely: "I originally thought that I would develop the Song Dynasty to a stronger level. I am not afraid of the threats of Liao and Jin. This is the best ending.

Next time, I didn't develop, but after the Liao Dynasty destroyed the Jin, the Liao Kingdom can give me a little bit of vitality in the Song Dynasty.

Of course, the worst thing is that Jin wiped out Song Liao.

Fortunately, we don’t have the best ending, but it’s not the worst, do you think?

Liao, Director Tang Hao? "

Without saying a word, Tang Hao groaned, and after a while, he said, "The conditions you just mentioned to Tang Jian, let the two mortals go, I promise you!"

"Oh, that's for Jin Guo. Given the friendship between us for so many days, does Liao State have more discounts?

Don't forget, I just said earlier that you owe us. "

"Well, I will try to save other people's lives, but also try my best. If they don't cooperate, I can't help it."

"Thank you!"

The corner of his mouth turned, Yang Feng let out a long sigh of relief and smiled...

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