Alien God System

Chapter 2000: Raid

However, after thinking about it a little, Li Changfa was a little unbelievable: "No, it is said that the strong men on the holy mountain are all with noble morals.

It also ended the dictatorship of the previous generation of powerful and powerful people. It is the great savior of the entire continent. "

"Yes, I heard that the dignitaries of the previous generation used the name of the Lord God to search for the people and the people, bully the men and the women, and finally were united by a group of foreign powerhouses and wiped out. Only now is the peaceful world.

These powerful men later assembled the sacred mountain to maintain the stability of the mainland. "

Huo Yanfeng nodded hurriedly, too.

After Hu Yan Lieyang heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "You only know that the rulers of the previous generation were brutal, and a group of strong men rallied to overthrow them, but you know who raised his arms and gathered these strong men to be unfair. Challenge initiated by the world?

It is we, our Holy Fire Church, our first generation of Holy Hierarchs who put an end to this dark world and have the light now. "


you guys? "

"Yes, our Holy Flame comes from the lower realm, and we feel the oppression of this world here.

At that time, the sacred mountain dignitaries acted by the orders of gods.

I taught the first generation of Holy Hierarchs, and immediately recruited unyielding men from all walks of life, united, expelled these powerful and powerful people, and liberated the people of the entire mainland. "

"Really, if that's the case, then, as victors, shouldn't you enjoy the blessing on the holy mountain?

How can he become a demon and be chased by others? "

Huo Yanfeng was puzzled, Hu Yan Lieyang let out a long suffocating breath, and a sorrow flashed in his eyes: "After the war is over, I teach that the saint leader can rise into the gods and become gods because of his great contributions in the world.

It's just that the previous mainland dignitaries performed unrighteous things in the name of gods, which made the gods angry, so they descended the decree to deprive people of faith in this plane, and forbid people to perform sacrifices.

This task is handed over to our saint master, and only after he has done this can he be qualified to become a god. "

So that's the case, I just said how good it is. Over the past 30 years, anti-feudal superstitions have been everywhere. It turns out that the gods want to abandon the mortals.

Nodded clearly, Li Chang found nothing.

Yang Feng, who was inside Huo Yanfeng's body, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

As a person who came over one hundred thousand years later, he knew very well in his heart that this was the trick of Na Di Ablo by Brother Saint Ancestor.

In fact, if he does not do this, he can pass the test and become a god.

In the end, he was still obsessed with his mind. In order to enter the **** realm and suppress people's beliefs, he lost the qualification to become a god.

Alas, a little bit of **** has ruined the future of life! "Later, our sacred leader disbanded the Holy Fire Sect and destroyed all the temple sacrifices in the mainland, and finally ascended to the gods and left us."

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yan Lieyang continued: "But shortly after he left, our comrades in arms who originally fought together were divided into two factions because of disagreements.

One group believes that since people's belief in gods is to be eliminated, it cannot be as simple as smashing temples, but must fundamentally destroy people's motivation for belief.

For those who dare to worship the gods in private, no matter who they are or how many people there are, they will all be punishable and slaughtered.

In addition, a four-level system was introduced to restrict families of different strengths to a controllable range and cannot be surpassed. "

"Four levels?

what is that? "

"It's a system that restricts people from []. It is still being piloted, but it will be implemented across the mainland soon.

This is a very evil plan that will allow you to stay in your own position forever, without a step beyond.

For example, if you are a rich man in a small city, as long as you are smart enough and work hard enough, you may be able to become a rich man in a big city through dozens of hundreds of years. "

Taking a deep breath, Hu Yan Lieyang solemnly said: "But once this plan is implemented, your family will be completely trapped in one place and will never be able to get out.

You are a small rich man, so your children and grandchildren are small rich men. Without the approval of a higher level, you can't get out of the poor country where you are.

No matter how good you are, it’s useless. Once you break the rules, they will let you die without a place to bury you and your family will be destroyed.

In the end, you can only hide in the place where you were born, for a lifetime, without hope. "


Huo Yanfeng shocked his body and said, "Why did they do this?"

"Because to make you desperate, to make you obedient.

All your destiny is in their hands, and you can't live without being obedient.

In the end, you can only become a begging dog.

And their goal is to turn people across the continent into such obedient dogs. "

His eyes trembled, Hu Yan Lieyang looked at the sky outside the car, gritted his teeth and said: "The reason why people are born different from animals is that people have goals and people have hope. People will look up at the starry sky and never stop. Take your own pace.

People believe that they will go further. This is faith.

Belief is not to believe in a certain person or a certain god, but to believe in one's own power to create the future. "

"Those people don't want you to believe in your own power, because you believe in your own power and you will believe that one day you can replace them.

Human beings have become great because they have dreams and can create miracles.

But this kind of dream is the most terrifying hidden danger for those powerful and powerful.

On the surface, they say they are following the will of God, but in the bottom of their hearts, they are paving the way to consolidate their country.

Otherwise, since they want to destroy their faith, why do they still act according to the will of the gods?

Doesn't this contradict itself?

To put it bluntly, the will of the gods was just a secret to the evil intentions in their hearts, which was nothing more than an excuse. "

There was silence, Li Changfa and Huo Yanfeng heard this high-level secrets, and they were speechless.

Unexpectedly, in this peaceful continent where the war had just subsided, a conspiracy against the future lives of all people on the entire continent would soon begin to be implemented.

Huo Yanfeng pondered for a while, then asked: "What about you?

Are you going to be angry with them? "

"Of course, otherwise they won't hunt me down, ha ha ha."

With a grin, Hu Yan Lieyang's eyes suddenly radiated hopeful light: "Our Holy Fire religion believes in Vulcan, and even if the Holy Fire is disbanded, the faith is still there.

Our doctrine is to save people from fire and water.

The blazing sacred fire burned my remains, so how happy is life, and why die..." With that, Hu Yan Lieyang began to recite the doctrine.

Hearing his sincere words, Huo Yanfeng couldn't help being infected, and began to recite gently.

At the same time, Yang Feng in Huo Yanfeng's body couldn't help muttering: "Pity me, the world, there are so many worries!"

call out! Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Hu Yan Lieyang's eyes glared: "Not good..." Boom! But as soon as the words were spoken, the entire frame was completely turned into fly ash in a violent explosion, and scattered in every corner of the nine heavens...

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