Alien God System

Chapter 1999: Second generation leader

They are coming! His complexion tightened, the big man looked back dignifiedly, cold sweat dripping.

After thinking about it a little, Huo Yanfeng looked at Li Changfa and said, "Grandpa, is there a place to hide people in this Lingbao?"

"Uh...Yes, there is a closed enchantment space behind this seat, but this enchantment is only a third-rank formation, it is not easy to hide the breath."

"No problem, I refined the mist beast, so I can hide my breath."

After taking a few rough breaths, the big man's expression was happy, full of hope.

Huo Yanfeng also hurriedly urged: "Then grandpa, quickly open the barrier and let this big brother go in and hide."


Do you really want him in? "

"hurry up."

After Huo Yanfeng urged again, he whispered, "This is what the ancestor meant."


As soon as he stood tall, Li Changfa heard that this was Yang Feng's meaning, and when even he had taken a reassurance pill, without saying anything, a dozen tactics were printed in his hands, and a hollow appeared immediately after the two of them seated.

The big man's eyes lit up, his body instantly turned into a wisp of blue smoke, floated in and disappeared.

Li Changfa felt it, "Is it really breathless?"

"Grandpa, quickly seal the barrier, hurry up!"

"it is good!"

Huo Yanfeng urged, and Li Changfa printed the formula again, and the barrier disappeared.

bump! At this moment, the car door was suddenly opened, and a man and a woman burst in.

One is a one-eyed old man, about sixty or so.

The other is a middle-aged woman, about forty.

Seeing that they dared to break in, Huo Yanfeng immediately said angrily: "Who are you, what do you want to do?"

Without speaking, the two of them just searched back and forth in the car. In the end, the one-eyed old man took out a spiritual crystal, and the image of the big man just appeared on it immediately: "Boy, have you seen this person?"



"Of course not, what did I lie to you for?

It's you guys, what do you mean by breaking into my frame? "

Huo Yanfeng was not afraid, the one-eyed old man ignored him, and then looked at Li Changfa, with a powerful momentum approaching suddenly, almost not stopping him; "What about you?

Have you seen this person? "

"No, no..." Li Changfa's head shook like a rattle, cold sweat on his forehead.

The one-eyed old man and the woman looked at each other, nodded slightly, and were about to leave, but they glanced at the foot of Huo Yanfeng before leaving, and suddenly showed an evil smile.

"Go, we continue to chase!"

Wow! The two left the frame and flew away. Behind them were hordes of black shadows, with an overwhelming aura. About three hundred strong men swarmed past their frames.

The terrifying aura shook so much that the entire vehicle was constantly swaying.

After everyone left, Huo Yanfeng looked out again, but suddenly his pupils shrank and clenched his fists.

I saw that at this moment, the one hundred guards guarding the week of their car had long since disappeared, and in the forest under their car, the bodies of those guards were everywhere, and the high ground became a hill.

Obviously, the moment they hid the big man earlier, all the people in their guards were beheaded by those in black.

The key is to have no grievances and no grudges, these people can do so absolutely, it's crazy.

"Who are those people?

Kill so many of us casually?

Is there an enmity between us? "

Li Changfa stretched out his head and took a look, but he was so scared.

Huo Yanfeng did not speak, but murmured in his heart: "Ancestor, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to bring them back to life. You should release that person first and ask about the situation."

"it is good!"

Determined to nod, Huo Yanfeng immediately asked Li Changfa to open the barrier again, releasing the big man.

Seeing that the chasing soldiers had gone, the big man held his fists to Huo Yanfeng and the others very solemnly: "Little brother, old man, thank you, I owe you my life Hu Yan Lieyang!"

"I'm afraid you owe more than our life, but..." Huo Yanfeng glanced at the forest below the car, Hu Yan Lieyang followed his gaze, his face sank immediately, and couldn't help sighing: "I'm sorry , I was the one who caused these brothers.

If there is a chance in the future, the compensation must be doubled. "

"No more, now we want to know why they died."

With both eyes certain, Huo Yanfeng shouted: "Who are you?

Who are those people?

Why chase you? "

Silent, Hu Yan Lieyang did not speak.

Huo Yanfeng glared at him and roared: "Couldn't it be that so many lives can't be exchanged for your real name?

If I knew that, we shouldn't have saved you just now. These people died for you in vain. "

"Little brother, I..." Hu Yan Lieyang was anxious, his brows condensed deeply, and after he pondered for a little bit, he said sincerely: "I won't tell you my name, because I am afraid that it will cause trouble for you and hurt you. ."

"If you want to be involved, you have just been involved.

If you don't want to cause us trouble, you won't get into our car.

Now, we just want to know who is causing us trouble. "

"Okay, little brother.

That being the case, just listen carefully. "

Taking a deep breath, Hu Yan Lieyang shouted: "I am the second-generation leader of the Holy Flame.

And those people are the people of the holy mountain. "

"What, you are the demon leader?"

Unable to stop Qi Qi being shocked, Huo Yanfeng and the two shouted together.

Hearing what they said, Hu Yan Lieyang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, and Yang Feng was also embarrassed.

How come our Holy Fire Cult has become the Demon Cult again?

Has it been the Demon Cult since the second generation?

In fact, Yang Feng knew his identity from the very beginning when he heard Hu Yan Lieyang's heartfelt voice, so Huo Yanfeng was able to help him.

But I never expected that Huo Yanfeng and Li Changfa, the two hillbillies who were shrinking in Yunyang City, knew that the Holy Fire Sect was the Demon Sect. The reputation of the Holy Fire Sect was really notorious, haha.

Silent, facing the prejudiced and hot gaze of the two, Hu Yan Lieyang didn’t know what to say for a while, but after thinking about it for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: “Two, you always say that our Holy Fire is a demon, but I Excuse me, two people, what anger and grievance have I taught the congregation do, so do you think we are the demon cult?"

"You burn, kill and loot, do everything you want, murderous!"

"You commit adultery and looting, everyone knows it, and everyone is angry!"

The two of Huo Yanfeng looked at him cautiously and counted the crimes.

After Hu Yan Lieyang heard this, he smiled sadly and said: "Is this what you saw with your own eyes?

Are we doing evil and killing people without blinking? "

"Everyone says so, it's spread all over the mainland, can there be fakes?"

"Then you are just hearsay, have you ever seen the families of the victims we assaulted?"

"Uh this..." Shaking their heads, the two thought for a while, as if they had never met.

Hu Yan Lieyang sighed and pointed to the outside of the frame, and said in grief: "For more than 30 years, the world has listened to their instigation and treated me like a sacred beast, but it is really like killing innocent people. Who?"

"Holy Mountain?"

The body shook, and Huo Yanfeng said in unison...

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