Alien God System

Chapter 2001: Dulong Silver Snake

Jie Jie Jie! In the endless nine heavens, there was a loud laughter. Not far from the smoke filled with smoke, the one-eyed old man and the woman who had already left before took the three hundred black-robed strong men, staring at all this with treacherous smiles. .

"Huyan Lieyang, do you think we just didn't see you hiding inside?"

"Dulong Yinshe couple!"

call! A refreshing breeze blew away the smoke and dust from the sky, Hu Yan Lieyang stared at the two with a solemn expression, clenching their teeth, behind him were Li Changfa and Huo Yanfeng's grandparents.

At the moment when the other two of them shot, Hu Yan Lieyang found out in time and rescued the two of Huo Yanfeng, but one of his arms was injured as a result.

"Brother Huyan, you..." "It's okay, it's just a skin injury, it doesn't matter."

Shaking his head, Hu Yan Lieyang barely showed a smiling face to Huo Yanfeng: "Sorry, brother, this time I'm hurting you again."

"It doesn't matter. Brother Huyan originally had the glory and wealth to enjoy in the holy mountain, but for the sake of the world, he can break with them without hesitation and protect the people's safety. This kind of courage, the younger brother admires so much, how troublesome?"

"Yes, what's not involved?

Besides, there is still an old man in my grandson-in-law..." Touch! Li Changfa grinned at the corner of his mouth, and raised his head triumphantly, but he hadn't finished speaking yet. Huo Yanfeng had already hit him with a punch on his chest and immediately beat him. She trembled and coughed endlessly.

"Cough cough cough... What are you doing, hit your grandpa with such a heavy hand?"

"Grandpa, I didn't fight, it was him..." Huo Yanfeng gave Li Changfa a helpless expression. Li Changfa was taken aback, and immediately understood what was going on. After a good laugh, he nodded repeatedly: "I won't tell you anymore. That's it, don't be angry, hehehe."

He knew in his heart that this punch must have been given to him by Yang Feng, and he blamed him for talking too much.

Hu Yan Lieyang was puzzled. When the catastrophe was approaching, the grandfather and grandson were not afraid at all. They were still fighting with each other?

Is the heart so big?

With Huyan Lieyang's cultivation base, he could tell at a glance, these two masters are only martial arts level cultivation bases. In front of these masters, they are proper cannon fodder, but it looks like laughing and cursing... Alas, I have to say, the mentality is really good! Reluctantly smiled and shook his head, and soon Hu Yan Lieyang said with a solemn expression: "Little brother, these Dulong Silver Snake couples are both powerful third-tier martial kings, and they have refined spirit beasts, and they have a set of fits. Martial skills are extremely powerful.

You quickly take your grandpa to escape here, I will stop them, hurry! "

"Eh, how can this work?

We met because of fate, how could I leave you a seriously injured person to escape alone?

Brother Huyan, I will stay to help you. "

With a strong chest, Huo Yanfeng stood in front of Hu Yanlieyang with a grin, a heroic spirit, but he asked for help in his heart: "Old ancestor, look at your old magical powers, I will hand over the command of the body Hello!"

"I'm going, I just played for a long time, and I was so handsome. In the end, it was the old man me who went to the battlefield?"

"Of course, this kind of big scene, you have to go out in person, hehehe."

Huo Yanfeng smiled shyly, while Hu Yan Lieyang frowned, and said: "Little brother is righteous, elder brother really admires him.

But your cultivation base is really too weak, there is no use for you in this kind of situation, so don't be a car.

Old man, take your grandson away. "

"Oh, brother Huyan, don't worry, my grandson..." Puff! Li Changfa waved his hand nonchalantly, but he heard a muffled noise for two seconds before he could speak. Huo Yanfeng had already turned his eyes and lay down straight.

Hu Yan Lieyang hugged Huo Yanfeng's fainted body, handed it to Li Changfa, and said anxiously: "Old man, your grandson is a good man, but his temper is too twisted. I knocked him out. You can take him away. Here I am. Come with it."

Uh! With a twitch of face, Li Changfa was immediately stunned: "Who told you to knock him out?"

"I will not stun him for fear that he will not leave!"

Hu Yan Lieyang blinked his innocent big eyes, but Li Changfa jumped with anger: "Idiot, you have lost a chance to survive for nothing, alas."

With that said, Li Changfa hurriedly hugged Huo Yanfeng's body, slapped him on the cheek, calling out, "Grandson-in-law, can you still wake up?

Old ancestor, can you still use this fainted body?

Blink your eyes as soon as you can, and give me reassurance. "

Quiet, Huo Yanfeng's body was motionless.

Li Changfa was almost crying immediately, and he was finished, could it be a fainted body, couldn't his ancestor use it?

What to do then?

Without covering the ancestors, wouldn't we be very dangerous now?

"Uh... old man, what are you talking about?"

Hu Yan Lieyang saw that the old man, who was still calm before, was now like an ant on a hot pot, jumped with fright and couldn't help but wonder again.

Why did he look calm and composed when facing these martial king powerhouses, not afraid at all, his grandson just fainted, he was frightened like this.

It was said that his grandson was just knocked out and there was no serious injury. Does he need to be in such a hurry?

Moreover, does he call his grandson the ancestor?

What is this generation?

Hu Yan Lieyang became more and more weird as he thought about it, but before he could urge him, Li Changfa hurriedly picked up his grandson's body, and ran away as if to escape. Before leaving, he did not forget to exhort again and again: "That... …Brother Huyan, you must resist desperately, don't let them catch up with us.

Even if you die, you should also buy more time, and you can die well enough, say goodbye! "

"Uh...Okay, take care..." The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and Hu Yan Lieyang stared at Li Changfa's fast fleeing figure, and suddenly felt like a world away. Why did this old man suddenly become so courageous? ?

What a weird family! The Dulong hissed his eyes, then smiled coldly, waved his hand and said, "Want to run?

It's not that easy! Anyone who has contact with Huyan Lieyang will be killed without mercy! "

"Yes, my lord!"

Determined to nod his head, two Martial King powerhouses chased them at swift speed, but they still hadn't flown a hundred meters away...huh! A cloud of crimson smoke immediately struck them in front of them. Before the two of them realized what was going on, their entire bodies had completely turned into ashes and disappeared.

Dulong's eyes shrank suddenly, and he sneered: "Twelfth-Rank top spiritual technique, Chilan Yanhai?"

"If you want to kill the pair of grandparents, step on my body first!"

Hu Yan Lieyang's expression was serious, and he shouted.

At this moment, the sky behind him was completely enveloped by a cloudless red mist, wherever he passed, even the space was decomposed and melted, revealing a dark space passage.

At the foot of Hu Yan Lieyang, there was a blood-red devil fish more than a hundred feet long, with a pair of mung bean-sized eyes on it, staring at everyone at the other side murderously, as if to annihilate them all...

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