Alien God System

Chapter 1998: hijack

Early the next morning, Yang Feng set off with Li Changfa's sixth-grade flying Lingbao.

This is a flying spirit treasure like a carriage. In addition to the ten-meter-long body, there are eight phantom flying horses driving in front.

Of course, these flying horses are not real spirit beasts or monster beasts, or even beasts. They are just some decorations made by the craftsman in front of the car. They can neither fight nor raise, let alone talk and watch. It's just pretty.

Otherwise, without these eight horses pulling in front, the whole body will fly by itself, just like a coffin, and it will be bad luck.

However, Li Changfa heard that Yang Feng was going to negotiate with the senior officials of Jin Yao Auction House this time. He wanted to talk about ostentation, so he arranged for a hundred guards to accompany.

But these guards are basically the same as those eight horses, the strength of the first and second ranks of Wuling, they have no combat effectiveness in front of real masters.

But with hundreds of people flying by the side, they also looked good, nothing more.

Li Changfa wanted to see the world for a while, so he accompanied him and came with him.

In the car, Yang Feng borrowed Huo Yanfeng's body to meditate, absorbing as much energy as possible from the heavens and the earth, and repairing his badly injured soul.

Li Changfa looked at him quietly from the side, and after smacking his lips twice, he couldn't help but doubt in his heart, and asked: "That... ancestor, did the high-level Jin Yao auction house come yesterday? , You guys still had a fight at Pingyang Tower?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Closed his eyes, Yang Feng didn't look at him. Li Changfa smiled brightly and said: "It's nothing, it's just the noise that made a lot of noise yesterday. The whole city has seen it, so I just ask, hahaha."

Jing, Yang Feng didn't reply, and Li Changfa didn't say anything.

After just waiting for a while, he couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "By the way, my ancestor, this time you went to the Jinyao Auction Headquarters. Was it because of the duel yesterday?

Are you going to destroy them?

It's just...Is it so sure?

What is the chance of winning? "

"Old Li, do you want to ask, what should you do if I find your Li family when I lose the Jiu Clan at the Jinyao auction site?"

Not in the mood to practice, Yang Feng opened his eyes impatiently and glared at him.

Li Changfa smiled brightly, and said embarrassedly: "Ancestor, how can you lose?

Even Cthulhu was scared away by you, where is your opponent at the Jinyao auction? "

"Know that you still ask so much?

Excuse me to recuperate! "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng glanced at him with an angry look: "Why don't you go back and wait for my good news, lest you have to go to the battlefield, for fear that you will sacrifice yourself honorably."

"Uh no, I believe that the strength of the ancestors can protect me."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Li Changfa was full of hope and said: "Besides, this time the ancestor, you kicked the Jinyao auction house, there must be a vigorous battle of the century.

As a cultivator, the old man would like to observe it personally. He must sit in the front row and watch the battle, hehehe. "

I'm going, this old guy dare to come to see the fun.

Posing his lips in disdain, Yang Feng shook his head helplessly, sighing inwardly.

Silly boy, come out and chat with your grandpa Li.

The old man is getting old and talks a lot, so I went to hide in advance.

Okay, ancestors, I'm here to increase the relationship with my grandfather, please rest first, hahaha! Yang Feng received a response, and the soul immediately disappeared into the depths of his body and exchanged with Huo Yanfeng.

After Huo Yanfeng's head trembled, he chatted with Li Changfa, and this old Li realized that the man in front of him was no longer the awesome ancestor, but his grandson-in-law. He immediately relaxed a lot, and started Talking endlessly.

The grandfather and grandson chatted enthusiastically, and they never had the embarrassment they had just faced Yang Feng.

Ever since, like this, a whole day passed, and night fell, the moon climbed up the branches, and more than a hundred guards escorted the grandparents and grandchildren to gallop under the bright moon.

call! Suddenly, a stray wind blew by, and the body of the captain of the guard suddenly stagnated: "Hey, do you smell any strange smell?"

"What, Captain?"

"It seems to be bloody!"

"Smell of blood?"

Several team members moved their noses, and after smelling it back and forth, they sneered and said, "You are mistaken, there are no ghosts everywhere in these nine heavens, where is the smell of blood?"

Could it be that I made a mistake?

The captain scratched his head suspiciously, seeing that no one else noticed anything abnormal, he led them on the road again.

However, what he didn't notice was...crack! In the carriage, Li Changfa and Huo Yanfeng's grandson and grandson were growing their relationship and growing passionately. An iron claw suddenly caught Huo Yanfeng's neck: "Don't move!"


Huo Yanfeng was so scared that he froze. When he calmed his mind and looked forward, he saw that at this moment, he was in front of him with a pale face, and his chest was still gurgling. Bleeding.

"who are you?

How did you get in?

Let go of my grandson-in-law! "

When Li Changfa saw this, he was also very anxious, but just as he yelled, the big man glared at him: "Shut up, you dare to scream again, I'll break this kid's neck now."

Well! Li Changfa didn't dare to speak anymore, but looked at Huo Yanfeng nervously, as if waiting for something.

Huo Yanfeng knew what he meant. Grandpa Li wanted the ancestor to come out quickly and solve the thief who had come out from nowhere.

Huo Yanfeng also kept screaming in his heart, calling for Yang Feng to exchange his soul quickly.

But at this time, Yang Feng seemed to be asleep, and he ignored his response, and immediately made him sweat all over his body in a hurry.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

After a few rough breaths, the big man groaned a little, and solemnly said: "Someone is chasing me. When they ask, please help me to hide the past, thank you."


This... Huo Yanfeng hesitated a little, didn't know what to do, but heard Yang Feng's voice suddenly came from his ear: "Promise him."

"Ancestor, you are not asleep?"

"Nonsense, you have been kidnapped, can I sleep?"

"Then why don't you hurry up and stop him?"

"He didn't hurt you. It's just expedient to catch you, and it won't get in the way."

"how do you know?"

Huo Yanfeng was puzzled, and Yang Feng gave a chuckle: "Ancestor, what do I not know?

In short, this person is not a bad person. The so-called saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level buddha. You have the right to cooperate with him.

If you are in any danger, I will not sit back and watch. "

Hearing what he said, Huo Yanfeng immediately felt as if he had taken a reassurance pill. He was relieved a lot, and his complexion was relieved. He gently moved the hand of the man who was pinching his neck, and said lightly: "This man, I'm not asking for that. .

Throw your hand away and I will help you escape. "

"Brother is kind!"

His face couldn't help but froze. The big man seemed to have no idea that this young man could be so fearless. Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face. He was really heroic. He couldn't help but praised instantly, and took the hand away.

But how did he know that the reason why Huo Yanfeng was so calm was entirely because he had a powerful ancestor in his body, otherwise he would have been scared to pee.

"Stop, who are you?

What do you want? "

At this time, the guards clamored outside the car...

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