Alien God System

Chapter 1997: Your wife is so nice

With his body floating up, Yang Feng raised his hand and wiped the cake residue from the corner of his mouth. In the respectful gaze of the three spirit beasts, he flew to the front of the three ghost hunters.

At this time, the three of them had completely understood the gap between the two sides, really like a gap.

Even if the three of them work together and use the power of feeding, they are not the enemy of each other.

In despair, the three of them lowered their heads, showing a desperate expression.

"Are you served?"

Yang Feng glared at the three people, and said lightly.

Without speaking, the three of them just gritted their teeth and remained silent. After a long time, the Nether Hunter clenched his neck and roared: "We are willing to go down, you kill us."

"As long as you are willing to surrender and fetch for me the heads of those who sent you to kill me, I will spare your lives."

Yang Feng's expression was indifferent, and he made a request. When the three of them heard it, they immediately laughed together, so hearty.

"Home Master Huo, you are too underestimating the three of us.

Although the three of us are not as skilled as others, we are not the shameless people.

For thousands of years, the Chamber of Commerce has not been thin to us. How can we do such ungrateful things because we are afraid of life and death?

You can kill us, but you must not humiliate us, hum. "

"You really are not afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid, but we are even more afraid of being laughed and generous, being poked in the back."

Lifting their heads proudly, the three of them were not afraid: "Life, what I want; righteousness, what I want.

The two cannot be achieved at the same time. "

With a slight movement on his face, Yang Feng couldn't help letting out a long suffocating breath, murmured: "It's also in the spiritual world, the spiritual world one hundred thousand years ago and the spiritual world one hundred thousand years later, why is there such a big gap in folk customs?

It stands to reason that the higher the cultivation base, the higher the status of people, the more they cherish their lives.

It's hard to think that these three old guys can still sacrifice their lives for justice. "

"Forget it!"

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng said very generously: "You go, take your spirit beast with you."

"Uh... why, don't you kill us?"

"Don't kill, you are also following orders, we don't have much grudges, what to kill?"

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng's face soon came down again and solemnly: "However, your Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to provoke Lao Tzu this time, and there is no end to this.

When you go back, give me a message to the decision-makers of the chamber of commerce.

A month later, I personally go to your headquarters, have a good talk with them, hum. "

Uh! My heart shuddered, and the faces of the three of them all became extremely difficult to look at.

With Yang Feng's perverted strength, even if he was single-handedly, if he reached their headquarters, wouldn't they kill all of their chamber of commerce?

It's over, this time the Chamber of Commerce will completely disappear from the mainland.

However, they couldn't stop it, so they could only lament for the Chamber of Commerce. Why did they get such a fiend so well?

"Then... I'll wait for Patriarch Huo to drive!"

In the end, the trio recalled the three spirit beasts, and after paying respects to Yang Feng, they left dejectedly.

But before leaving, Yang Feng called the Nether Hunting King to stay again: "The King Wu, wait a minute!"

"What else has Patriarch Huo ordered?"

The Nether Hunter stopped and turned his head to look at Yang Feng suspiciously, only to see a stream of light flashing by. He raised his hand to catch it, and suddenly felt a heavy coldness in his hand. When he fixed his eyes, he almost didn't stare out.

"Old man's ghost hunter's axe?

How could it..." "Isn't this twelfth-rank top spirit soldier broken just now, why..." Fudo Buddha and Taiyi Zhenxian couldn't help screaming when they saw this, but they were... 咻! There was a cracking sound, and the two raised their hands to connect, and another Nether King Hunter axe that was exactly the same appeared in front of them.

All of them were stunned in a moment.

"How come... the family spirit soldiers uploaded by our ancestors should be unique, how can there be two... er no, plus the destroyed one, it is three!"

His eyes trembled and the Nether Hunter looked at Yang Feng in disbelief.

Yang Feng grinned and cursed his lips playfully: "As long as I am willing, you will have a broken axe in the hands of the entire continent tomorrow. This is the strength of our Huo family.

Go back and talk to those high-level officials to see if they have the confidence to fight with me, hahaha. "

Yang Feng let out a big laugh, Yang Feng turned around and left, leaving only the three of them staring at his back in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

"The Huo family master is really a god, the three of us shouldn't be here this time, alas!"

An hour later, the three chamber of commerce bosses left in a desperate manner, and Yang Feng also returned to Huo's house, greeted Li Xiaolan, and announced his plan to travel for a month.

Li Xiaolan was anxious: "Ancestor, you want to take Yanfeng away for a month?"

"Why, reluctant?"

With a grin, Yang Feng sat on the main seat with a big grin and teased: "This time Jinyao auction house has some contradictions with our Huo family. I have to take this stinky boy to solve it, otherwise I'm afraid it will take a long time. , The contradiction expands and it is difficult to clean up.

I'm afraid I went this time and left for more than a month.

But you don't have to worry too much. In the past few months, even if this brat stays with you at home, you can't do anything. "

Well! Her cheeks flushed, and Li Xiaolan jumped in shame: "Ancestor, what are you talking about?

I can't bear to Yanfeng, not for...Oh, I'm not serious! "

"What, am I wrong?

Who clamored to give her grandfather a great-grandson last night? "

"Ancestor, why do you still say..." Li Xiaolan was so embarrassed that her entire cheek was hot, and her eyes looked angry and hateful at Yang Feng.

Yang Feng was non-committal. After Yang Tian smiled dumbly, he said lightly: "By the way, I'm going to the Jinyao Auction Headquarters this time. If I just fly over, I can't show my identity and consume too much spiritual energy. , Is not conducive to my recuperation in this stinky boy.

Do you see if there are any flying spirit treasures in our house? I sit and fly over, so that I can recuperate and show my face? "

"Well... our Huo family hasn't bought it for a while, but our Li family has a sixth-grade flying spirit treasure, which is used by my grandfather. The ancestors can take advantage of the modern walking tool this time."

"Really, it's just that I borrowed your grandpa's car. When your grandpa goes out, why don't you walk?

Is this appropriate? "

"Hi, anyway, he hasn't traveled for decades, and it's useless to ask for that thing.

Patriarch, you wait, I'll go back to my family's house and ask for you to come. "

With that said, Li Xiaolan had already left the house quickly.

Seeing her fast disappearing back, Yang Feng couldn't stop nodding his head and praised: "Smelly boy, you are a good wife.

Not only did he not take things from her husband’s house, but she was also willing to take things from her husband’s house to her husband’s house.

This elbow turned, you really made a profit, hahaha! "

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