Alien God System

Chapter 1996: Shenwei

Hum! An invisible wave vibrated slightly around Yang Feng, and those lightsabers, fire and rain disappeared.

Even if the sky thunder and fire are linked to destroy the sky and the earth, once they reach Yang Feng, they all disappear without a trace.

It was as if there was a black hole around him, absorbing everything in it.

When Taiyi Zhenxian and Immovable Buddha's moves were exhausted, when the three of them looked down in the air, they saw Yang Feng licking the cake residue on his fingers, opening his eyes pretentiously, laughing and glancing at them. Said: "You're all tired, you've spent a lot of spiritual energy, don't you come down to eat?

It tastes good, ha ha ha. "

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... that the three of them couldn't help but froze high in the air, dumbfounded and speechless.

After a long while, the Nether Hunter trembling voice murmured: "Monster, the three of us have already used our life skills, and didn't even hurt him?"

"More than that, he didn't even get a drop of sweat."

"Without a drop of sweat, he didn't even move his **** off the chair."

Gurgle! By coincidence, the three swallowed hard together, their backs were already wet with cold sweat.

"The old man has traversed the world for more than two thousand years, and has never met such an unfathomable master, who is he?

Which expert trained it? "

"Don't say it's you, I have never encountered such a pervert, what should I do, do I still want to fight?"

"What if you don't fight?

Before we came, we promised them that if we couldn't agree, we would take this kid...Uh no, it was the head of the Huo Patriarch. "

"Stop kidding, take someone else's head?

We have done all the tricks, how can we do it without moving a finger? "

The Nether Hunter kept wiping the sweat on his head, his eyes filled with anxiety.

If you know his current situation and understand that he is frightened, otherwise, seeing his sweaty appearance, think he has kidney problems.

Unmoving Buddha's brows were condensed into a lump, and Yang Feng stared closely at the bottom as if he was really coming to the banquet. Yang Feng was still tasting the food. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Let the spirit beast!"

"What, release spirit beast?

This is our last means of life-saving, do we really want to let it go? "

Hearing his words, the Nether Hunter was anxious: "And with the strength of this Huo Patriarch, I don't think it will help to put the spirit beast?"

"Combine the power of the three spirit beasts and the three of us, and fight him to death. The poor monk thinks there is still a chance."

After taking a deep breath, Immovable Buddha suddenly revealed an awe-inspiring expression: "We have been enshrined by the Chamber of Commerce for thousands of years. Now that the Chamber of Commerce is in trouble, it is time to give up."

Uh, this...the heart was stagnant, Taiyi True Immortal and Nether Hunter were a little hesitant at first, but after thinking about it, their eyes became firmer: "Well, it doesn't matter whether the old man is a spirit beast or the old man. Strength is supported by the huge financial resources of the Chamber of Commerce.

Now that the Chamber of Commerce has a need, it should be deadly. "

As soon as the voice fell, after the three of them looked at each other, Qi Qi laughed, so hearty.

Then, the three of them trembled one after another, but seeing three streams of light flying out of their bodies, accompanied by the sound of the beast roaring continuously, three spirit beasts that were more than one hundred feet long came into everyone's eyes.

Taiyi True Immortal is a Lan Beast, a giant python with a flaming air all over the body; Nether Hunter is a thunder beast, a thunderous beast, a unicorn that is all-powerful; the one that does not move the Buddha is a light beast with nine tails floating. , The fox in the sky.

As soon as the three spirit beasts came out, they immediately caused a commotion among the people in this remote place in Yunyang City. Only Yang Feng, the one who had seen the world, had long been surprised, and he didn't even look at it straight.

Seeing that Yang Feng could still be so calm and calm, the three immediately shouted and shouted, "Go on, kill him!"

Rustle! Upon hearing the order, the three spirit beasts swooped toward Yang Feng violently, and the three of the Nether Hunter King followed closely, preparing to cooperate with the three spirit beasts to launch a final lore on Yang Feng.

But the three spirit beasts hadn't come to Yang Feng. Yang Feng was already yawning and looked back at them: "Why, I don't think the vegetables are enough. I want to add vegetables. I want to eat game?"

Huh! It was just this random glance, Yang Feng just glanced at the three spirit beasts from the corner of his eye, and the three spirit beasts suddenly shook their bodies, and they trembled in terror.

This gaze... is as profound as the creation of the universe, and is definitely not owned by ordinary people.

Who is he?

"Chong, use our housekeeping skills!"

Spirit beasts are all psychic, especially their perception of the spirituality of heaven and earth. Above human beings, Yang Feng's eyes are profound, human beings can't see it, but they have already noticed it.

At this moment, the Nether Hunter yelled to the other two, and rushed forward looking like death, giving the three beasts an order, and the three spirit beasts immediately stopped doing it.

Brother, you want to die, but don't hold us.

Although we are beasts in this life, we still want to be human in the next life and don't want to offend the superiors.

Bang bang bang! Without warning, the three spirit beasts instantly turned against the water and slapped the three human powerhouses behind them directly with a slap.

The three of them turned hundreds of somersaults in the air, and finally smashed into a private house in the city, involuntarily vomiting three mouthfuls of red blood.

However, they didn't care, they just stared blankly, dumbfounded.

They really don't understand, what is going on?

Why would the spirit beast refined by the three of them suddenly attack them?

And the start is so heavy?

When the three of them climbed up from the ruins with difficulty, a scene that made them unforgettable in their entire lives, instantly shocked them, and their eyes almost didn't come out.

I saw that at this moment, Yang Feng was still tasting the refreshment leisurely, but their three spirit beasts had already bowed down to Yang Feng respectfully, as if they were seeing their king.

"This...what is going on?

Why did our spirit beast surrender to him all at once? "

"Yeah, no matter how strong he is, the spirit beast shouldn't be so unkind. Before you start, just give in?

When we refined them before, they were very stubborn, why this time..." "These traitors! "

The Nether Hunter jumped his feet in anger, rushed to the sky, and roared: "You three beasts, unscrupulous things, do we usually treat you badly?

Even if you turn against each other, you don't need to be so fast, right?

Who is he?

Can you bow your heads as soon as you meet? "

"Shut up, ignorant mortals, actually even..." He gave him a fierce look, and Lei Qilin yelled at him, but as soon as the words were spoken, Yang Feng's cold drink suddenly sounded: "Shut up!"

"Uh yes, my lord!"

Lei Qilin was very obedient, his neck shrank, and he stepped aside honestly and said nothing.

The Nether Hunter was so dumbfounded, why didn't this girl be so obedient when he was with him?

Finally met a stranger, so humble?

Special, who is your master?

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