Alien God System

Chapter 1984: Unpunishable Cthulhu

"Who asked you to come?"

Yang Feng didn't look at him, just said leisurely.

King Abelo looked at Yang Feng cautiously and answered honestly: "It's a woman named Liao Tingting. She sacrificed the souls of one hundred thousand virgin boys and girls and asked me to kill the Huo family."

"That **** again!"

With a clenched fist, Huo Yanfeng gritted his teeth.

Li Xiaolan also frowned deeply, angrily: "Why is this woman so vicious?

In order to repay her private grievances, she was able to sacrifice the lives of 100,000 innocent virgins. Isn't she afraid of God? "

"Those who believe in evil gods are afraid of God's condemnation?

If she was really afraid of God's Scourge, she would not believe in our evil god. "

King Abelo muttered, and Huo Yanfeng stared: "What did you say?"

"Oh, I mean, you don't have to be too angry, she will get retribution.

Anyone who has ever made a deal with our evil **** will never be overborn after death and will go to hell.

All these accounts are kept in the Demon God.

So that woman must not die well, don't worry. "

With a grin of his mouth, King Abelo became very well-behaved at this time: "If you die, you can be reincarnated, maybe your next life will be happier than this life.

She's done, she must go to hell.

Mortals, because of their short lifespan, pay too much attention to the present, and do not know the causality of reincarnation.

Therefore, in the eyes of our evil gods, that woman is just a fool, hehehe. "

Looking at each other suspiciously, Li Xiaolan was puzzled: "If that's the case, why does she still sacrifice so many virgins to you?

Obviously retribution is so big! "

"We don't tell them. For this kind of customer, we only talk about the advantages, not the disadvantages, otherwise who would dare to trade with us?"

"Then no one has exposed the drawbacks of trading with you evil gods?"

"Yes, but who believes it?"

Standing proudly, King Abelo looked at her mischievously and smiled.

Yang Feng also nodded his head with approval: "Actually, the evil **** is not a secret. The main **** of every plane has warned humans, but most humans don't believe it. They only believe in the benefits that can be obtained immediately.

Therefore, everyone knows the truth, but whether you want to believe it or do it depends on your personal cultivation. "

"Yes, in fact, this is also a test of the heavens on mortals, and our evil **** is also a part of the test.

We didn't use knives to force them to trade with us, all were voluntary.

To put it bluntly, everything we evil gods do has the origin in your mortal hearts. "

Nodding slightly, Huo Yanfeng and the others understood.

King Abelo glanced at them, then looked at Yang Feng, and suddenly said with a flattering smile: "You see that I am also instigated by others, and I have a good confession attitude. Can you just let me go?

I will never dare again next time. "

"what do y'all think?"

Yang Feng looked back at Huo Yanfeng and said, "You are the owner of the house, you can make the decision."

"I..." Huo Yanfeng glanced at the begging face of King Abeluo, and then looked at Li Xiaolan on the side, and said: "Go away, let you go this time, and never show up in front of us again. "

"Thank you, thank you, I will never dare anymore."

King Abelo hurriedly nodded his head, then looked at Yang Feng, and saw Yang Feng waved his hand gently to withdraw the barrier of Hellfire, and said solemnly: "Don’t show up in front of us in the future, otherwise I will see you next time. Your death date."

"Yes, SIR, I will never come to this plane again, so as not to get your eyes off.

It's just...When did the demon **** of this plane be replaced by you, why don't I know? "

"You are asking too much."

"Uh... I'm sorry, I'll leave right away!"

Yang Feng let out a cold drink, and King Abelo immediately shrank his neck and left quickly, but before he flew far away, Yang Feng shouted again, "Eh, what's your name?

I also know a few people in Cthulhu Circle, so I don’t know you are familiar with them! "

"Return to your lord, the younger is King Abeiro, who is still a little famous in the evil spirit circle.

In the future, you will find me wherever you are useful. Hehehe. "

"King Abelo?"

His body shook, and Yang Feng was puzzled: "Didn't King Abeiro have been killed by me? I also snatched all his contracts. Why is this evil **** also called King Abeiro, is it the same name?"

Thinking about this, Yang Feng reacted immediately and shouted: "Hey, don't run, leave the stolen goods, where are the souls of those virgins and men?

Bring it to me! "

Well! The corners of his mouth flattened, and King Abeiro reluctantly handed over the soul contract to Yang Feng and left lonely.

Alas, I thought I took a large order this time, but I was all fined away at once, and I was so busy.

Whoosh! Suddenly, at this moment, a white light appeared on the path of King Abeiro's return, shouting: "The bold evil god, who dared to smuggle a private soul in the mortal world, what should be the sin?"

"Who are you?"

"Intern Demon God, Wen Liang!"

call! A azure fire blazed up suddenly, and the white light immediately turned into a tall figure, looked at him intently, and shouted: "Hand over your illegal gains, or you will be burned to death!"

Well! The corners of his mouth slumped, and King Abelo couldn't help crying: "A SIR, I just got punished for a while, why are you here again?

Alas, it is said that our evil gods are black, and your evil gods are even blacker.

Blocking the road and robbing this kind of unprofitable business is to punish us to death?

Our family is almost out of pot. "

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly hand in your soul contract. We are all in deficit."

"Hmm, you can lose money on the road and robbery business, how does your public manage it?

You leave it to my private economy to manage this job, and you will definitely make profits every year.

Even if it is operated by a fool, he must be profitable in this monopoly industry. "

"what did you say?

You little evil **** also deserves to operate a monopoly industry?

Believe it or not, I burned you to death? "

Wen Liang raised the flame in his hand and was so scared that King Abeiro shut up immediately.

All right, you have fire, are you good enough?

"Yeah, isn't this King Abeiro, how much money have you made here?"

At this time, another black light flashed.

As soon as King Abelo saw it, he hurried forward and asked, "Master Diablo, you are here.

I just opened in the Lower Realm, and I have already been punished with the souls of 100,000 boys and girls. Now this kid has to punish me. I really can't punish me.

Even if you cut the leeks, don't wait to plan the roots together, right? "


Already fined so much? "

As soon as Di Abro heard this, his expression was serious, and he looked at Wen Liang and said, "Xiao Wen, then I have to criticize you.

You can't punish people with a fine. Otherwise, who will we punish?

Blocking roads and robbery...Uh, bah, it's a fine industry. We want sustainable development.

Leeks are cut in one stubble, so you can't cut them with roots. "

"Oh, mentor, I haven't fined anything, don't listen to him nonsense."

"Not fined?"

Di Ablo looked at King Abelo suspiciously, and King Abelo immediately cried aggrieved: "You are not punished, but the other demon is punished?

I really have no soul to hand over now! "

"Another demon?

Who? "

At this moment, Di Ablo and Wen Liang looked at each other in a daze.

Isn't a plane only worthy of a demon?

How come there is a second one...

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