Alien God System

Chapter 1985: There is another god

In the early morning of the next day, in the **** gorge, Liao Tingting looked forward to the achievements of King Abeiro with great hope, expecting him to bring the good news of the destruction of the Huo family.

Mr. Mo on the side glanced at her and couldn't help but smile and said, "Madam, don't worry, this time the Cthulhu took action. Then the Huo family must die without a place to bury, there will be no surprises..." Suddenly, before he finished speaking, a black wind came suddenly.

When the two met, Liao Tingting hurried forward two steps, and said excitedly, "Master Abeiro, are you finished?"

"End your mother.

Bitch, you almost killed the deity! "

Click! Almost just in an instant, the black wind instantly turned into two giant claws, grabbed the two of them by their necks and lifted them up high.

Liao Tingting immediately became blood-red and almost unable to breathe. Mr. Mo was also frightened, tearing his throat and said, "Master Abelo, what's wrong?

What happened?

Why are you so angry? "

"You **** have the face to ask me?

Whoa, who said that the old ghost of the Huo family was on the ground? "

"Difficult... isn't it?"

"If he were on the ground, the deity could almost be killed by him?"

With a roar, King Abelo wanted to cry without tears when he thought of his embarrassment last night.

His image of being elevated in front of mortals on weekdays was completely lost last night.

Moreover, the dignified evil **** knelt down to three mortals. If this were passed back to the evil spirit circle, how could he have the face to see people?

Mr. Na Mo's pupils suddenly burst, and he looked at him in disbelief, "Master Abeiro, what do you mean...The old ghost of the Huo family is a **** in the sky?"

"Nonsense, at least he must have been a demon **** before, and he still holds the fire of **** in his hand."

Gasping for breath, King Abelo stared at the two men fiercely, gritted his teeth with anger: "You know, in the realm of the old ghost of the Huo family, he was definitely the six righteous gods of the gods before.

Are you actually pushing me to deal with him?

Are you trying to kill me?

Not to mention he has the fire of **** in his hand now, even without that thing, his divine realm is not known how many times higher than mine.

I've lost all my face this time. It would be nice to be able to return home with my life, do you know? "

Click! King Abelo’s clutches tightened, and the bones of the two of them also made bursts of crisp sound.

"It's all you, you two have suffered a thousand swords, the deity must kill you today!"

"Don't... don't... Lord Abelo, forgive me, cough cough!"

With her body convulsing constantly, Liao Tingting slapped the huge clutch fiercely, begging: "As long let go...we, you let us do anything," her eyes narrowed slightly. After a moment, King Abelo thought about it for a while, then slandered.

This time, it took a long time to go to a teacher, and it took a long time to get a little benefit, which is really a loss.

It's better to take advantage of these two idiots, and it's mental compensation.

"it is good!"

With both palms loose, Liao Tingting and Liao Tingting fell to the ground feebly, coughing ceaselessly. King Abeiro glared at them and exclaimed: "In one month, you will give me the souls of millions of boys and girls. , Come offer sacrifices, and the deity will let you go.

Otherwise, today, one month later, is your death date! "


Million in a month?

Is this time too tight? "

"If you can't, just prepare two coffins directly, huh!"

Two rough airs spouted from his nostrils, and King Abeiro once again turned into a black wind and went straight to the clouds, disappearing, but his threats lingered in their ears.

"Remember, don't even think about hiding.

The deity wants to find out your whereabouts, but it's easy, hahaha! "

As soon as she softened, Liao Tingting fell to the ground in a dazed face. Apart from fear, her eyes were despair.

Why would she provoke such a thing?

Mr. Mo also stroked his forehead with a sad expression, and they were completely powerless to deal with the evil spirit's revenge.

It seems that this road can only go until it gets dark, alas...At the same time, after a night of hustle and bustle, Yang Feng sat bored on the main seat of the Huo Family Hall, frowning, thinking deeply.

The King Abelo who was let go last night always gave him a familiar feeling, as if it was the one he killed.

But this is impossible.

Since King Abeiro had been killed by him, how could he appear here?

Could someone resurrect him with the magical power of the Great Dao?

No, what can an evil **** have to resurrect?

Furthermore, when he killed him, he used the power of the Yin and Yang Sutra of Heaven and Earth, that is, the energy of other gods.

A **** killed by this kind of power can’t be resurrected. Even Master Tiandao couldn’t have such an ability, but how could it... Yang Feng couldn’t figure it out. Huo Yanfeng looked at him deeply and saw that he had been silent. I couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Old ancestor, grandson has a question, I don't know whether to ask it?

"What's the problem?"

"Just...when did you return to heaven?

Why does your image look so young now?

I heard people say that the ghost will keep his appearance before death, which means you died young. "

"You want to control?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely, and said with a smile: "It's you, why did you let the evil **** go last night?"

"Well... God has a good life..." "Pull it down, this kind of high-sounding nonsense, it's almost the same if you go to lie to the three-year-old child outside, come with me?"

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng's eyes flashed brightly, he had already seen everything: "The evil **** is taking people's money and helping others to eliminate disasters, and has no grudges against you.

So if you suffer here once, you won't come again, and it won't be a big deal if you let it go.

In addition, if the evil **** is angry here, he will definitely go to Liao Tingting and the others. You want to kill someone with a knife.

By then, even if Liao Tingting and the others do not die, they will definitely be tortured by the evil god, right? "

Well! Without replying immediately, Huo Yanfeng licked his dry lips and smiled brightly: "Old ancestor, I am also for the sake of our Huo family. I can't just sit and wait for death. Waiting for the poisonous woman to send someone to kill us?

We must take the initiative, but you are still very weak and you are not suitable to deal with her from afar, so I can only go.

But my current strength is not enough to solve them, so I must work hard to cultivate, and it takes time.

During this period of time, wouldn't it be good for the evil gods they invited to harass themselves? "

"Then what if King Abeluo killed Liao Tingting and the others?"

"Then...I can only say that I am sorry that I can't avenge myself, alas!"

Shaking his head, Huo Yanfeng looked sorrowful. Yang Feng took a deep look at him and couldn't help but smile: "You shamelessly look like me back then, you deserve to be taught by me, ha ha ha."

Whoosh! Suddenly, a powerful spirit power wave swept across his head, Yang Feng looked up, his face sank suddenly, and shouted: "You all hide in the house, don't come out, another **** is here, but I don't know which **** it is. !"

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