Alien God System

Chapter 1983: Confess


With all expressions of joy, Huo Yanfeng and Li Xiaolan looked behind King Abeluo. Wherever they heard the voice, they saw a white light circling twice in the dark night sky, then suddenly turned into a phantom, appearing on everyone. before.

This was the first time that Yang Feng revealed his true body in front of everyone, and Huo Yanfeng was also startled when he saw Yang Feng's true face for the first time.

Unexpectedly, their Huo family ancestor actually grew so young, but soon he found that Yang Feng's face was extremely wilted, obviously very weak.

Yes, the ancestor said that he was injured and needed his physical body to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to recover from the injury. Then he is facing this demon now... Can't help but, Huo Yanfeng's heart that was just happy, suddenly tightened Up.

King Abelo looked back at Yang Feng and saw his weakness. He burst into laughter, "I said, "How come you can't find your old thing. It turns out that your soul has been severely injured and your soul power is so weak."

I'm afraid your current strength of spirit power can't keep up with a mortal at the general level, hahaha! "

"Ancestor, you go quickly and leave us alone.

Your great kindness, grandson Huo Yanfeng will be a cow and a horse in his next life, and he will repay you! "

Hearing what he said, Huo Yanfeng immediately confirmed his conjecture, couldn't help but hurriedly shouted.

Li Xiaolan is also very knowledgeable, and in the face of death, she doesn't shrink back a bit: "Ancestor, if you want to run, run quickly, we can live one by one."


Just like this, if I have to run when I see it, do I need my old face any more? "

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng sneered, but his heart was still warm for the care of these two juniors. Then he saw Li Long hair wrapped in the arms of King Abelo, and smiled: "Yo, in-laws, you Why was it also caught?

If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you running in front of the young couple's room? "

The corners of his mouth slumped, and Li Changfa couldn't help sighing: "Old ancestors of the Huo family, don't I want to see if they don't work hard tonight, I also want to hug my grandson.

Who ever thought that the day of their wedding today was both desperate, the heart of my old man...uuuuuu! "

"Come on, don't be sad, you will be fine with me."


Your cowhide is a bit too big, hahaha! "

Hearing what he said, King Abeiro couldn't help but laughed up to the sky again, and sarcastically said, "You can't protect the strength of your spirit power. Do you want to protect them?

The deity is not the weak mortal, but the dignified evil god.

You are a ghost and god, in front of the deity, just like an ant.

What's more, you are still a badly wounded ghost.

The deity will slaughter them in front of you now, and then clean up you! "

Click! As soon as the voice fell, the black air that was entwined with Li Changfa suddenly tightened, and Li Changfa's neck shrank suddenly, feeling that the bones all over his body were crushed, and his face was full of pain.


Huo Yanfeng and Li Xiaolan also screamed together, but when they saw Yang Feng only smiled, they murmured, "Time and space shift!"

Huh huh! Almost in an instant, the figures of the three disappeared all together, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived behind Yang Feng.

"Uh...what's wrong?"

Li Changfa loosened his body, and suddenly he breathed smoothly, and he was at ease, but he was a little dazed. He suddenly ran here for some reason.

Huo Yanfeng and Li Xiaolan were also full of surprises. They were happy that they had escaped from the tiger's mouth. Only King Abelo was shocked and stunned. the law of time and space?

Moreover, it is an extremely advanced law of time and space, and even the deity did not have any chance to react, and the opponent rescued the person.

This ghost... is it really on the ground?

Impossible, the ghosts and gods on the ground could not have such a high level.

Obviously, the realm of his law power is above himself, then he is... Grunt! After swallowing hard, when King Abeiro looked at Yang Feng again, he lost half of his previous ease.

Yang Feng chuckled, shook his head noncommittal, and muttered: "As a god, you should know that the power of gods is no longer limited to the pure power category. The use of realm and law power is the essential difference between man and god. .

Although I am seriously injured and weak in spirit power, the realm is still there.

If you want to compare the strength of the law with me, it will be far behind! "

"You, you...Where are you holy?"

At this moment, King Abelo was so scared that his tongue was shaking.

When the three Huo Yanfeng saw them, they looked at each other and opened their mouths in surprise.

Unexpectedly, even in the face of such a monster, our ancestors are still strong and strong enough to cover.

Yang Feng ignored their horrified eyes, just raised an index finger, gave a wicked smile, puffed, and a blue flame leaped happily on the fingertips.


With his body staggered, King Abelo was so frightened that his **** pissed, and his voice became thinner, and he screamed: " you a demon?

Help! "

With that said, King Abeiro had already jumped up and flew straight to Jiu Tian, ​​wanting to escape here.

How could he have imagined that the original task was to kill a ghost, and who knew he actually encountered a demon with **** fire. Isn't this stealing something into the police pocket and seeking death?

Suddenly, King Abeiro was about to cry, and in his heart he cursed Liao Tingting, the bastard, one hundred and eighty times. The information on this girl was not accurate at all, killing me, oooooo.

Yang Feng ignored the panicked little Cthulhu, only the corner of his mouth curled up and his fingers lightly hit.

Snapped! The blue flames at the fingertips burst open suddenly, and instantly filled the sky, like a flame cover, covering the entire Huo family and its airspace.

King Abeluo's forward body stagnated, and immediately stiffened.

When he looked down again, he saw Yang Feng tilting his head up and showing him a devilish smile.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helplessly, King Abeluo slowly fell down cryingly. As soon as he landed, he shivered and knelt down in front of Yang Feng, wailing: "A SIR, forgive me. I did not do it on purpose.

I also take people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

I really didn't know that the old Huo family ghost they were talking about was you. If you knew it, I wouldn't dare to come even if you gave me a hundred courage.

Forgive me, I know I was wrong, wow! "

Uh! With a twitch of face, the three of Huo Yanfeng couldn't believe that this big demon who had just looked fierce and evil had such a fragile side at this moment.

Our ancestor hasn't done anything to him yet, he has already kowtowed his head and begged for mercy and admitted his mistake. Isn't this too quick?

But how did they know that if this evil **** didn't confess the counsel quickly, and when the fire of **** was on his body, it would be wiped out in an instant. Then, if he wanted to recognize the counsel, there would be no chance.

To put it bluntly, it is these mortals who really know nothing about the power between the gods of the God Realm!

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