Alien God System

Chapter 1965: You have a protagonist halo

An hour later, Huo Yanfeng had cleaned the entire ancestral hall completely, but he heard the majestic voice again: "Unfilial descendants come here, kneel down and talk back!"

"Yes, ancestors!"

Huo Yanfeng hurriedly came to the altar and knelt down again.

After pondering a little, Yang Feng asked, "Unfilial descendants, what happened to our Huo family?

Has it become a ruin? "

"Old ancestor, don't you know?"

"Can I not know?

I have been guarding here.

I want you to speak out in person to show your repentance, you unfilial grandson! "

Oh! Nodding guiltily, Huo Yanfeng's face sank after a little thought, and sighed: "Three years ago, our Huo family was still the first family in Yunyang City, and their Liao family couldn't keep up.

Just because our Huo family's fourth-rank martial arts, Bing Soul Xuan Tian Zhi, overwhelmed them.

It's a pity that I was so confused by the lard, I fell in love with their young lady, Liao Tingting, and stole the town's clan exercises to her. "

"As a result, they never expected that they were ambitions of the Liao family. After obtaining the exercises, they worked with the same group of masters of the three mountains and five mountains to study the flaws inside, and finally cracked this set of martial arts and came to the door.

As a result, the elders in the family were caught off guard and died in battle, and Yunyang City became the world of their Liao family. "

"You really are a prodigal."

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "I used to lose money, so I just lost some gold and silver assets, but I didn't defeat the treasure of the town house and my wife... uh..." At this point, Yang Feng After thinking about it carefully, it seems that Yang Feng had really lost both Yang Yuhuan and his family's ancestral property to others. If he hadn't taken the house in time, the Yang family would definitely be about the same as the Huo family.

Tsk tsk, I have to say that the prodigal of every rich family is exactly the same, or rich for three generations.

It's terrible that the descendants are not shameful! Huo Yanfeng glanced at the memorial tablet strangely, and said suspiciously, "Ancestor, were you a prodigal son before?"

"It's not as good as you, and the family is ruined. I should call your ancestor, cut!"

Yang Feng sneered, and Huo Yanfeng immediately lowered his head in shame.

Then Huo Yanfeng said leisurely: "Later, my family died, and my father tried his best to cover my escape. This escape was three years.

The Liao family has been chasing and killing me.

And now, three years later, I am coming back here..." "How?

Are you going to have an adventure, practice magic, and come back for revenge?

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, I am back, Xiao Yan, right? "

"No, I really have nowhere to go, thinking that even if I die, I will return to the roots of the fallen leaves, oooooo."

Speaking of this, Huo Yanfeng suddenly said: "Old ancestors, my family is ruined, without property, and hunted everywhere. It would be good to survive. How can there be capital for revenge?

Once upon a time, I also wanted to travel thousands of times, visit famous teachers, learn all the skills, and revive the family business.

But the reality is that other famous teachers see me as having no good at all and don't accept it at all.

I want to have an adventure, picking up a magic secret or something, but in the past three years, apart from being hunted down, I haven't picked up a single piece of hair.

Now I really can't live anymore. I just want to apologize in front of my ancestors. Fortunately, my ancestors manifested their spirits, and I was dying. "

Oh, this is fate! Shaking his head, Yang Feng couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "What does this show, it means you don't have the protagonist's aura.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

In the same way, some people jumped off cliffs and lakes without dying, and they could also easily pick up the magical canon and kill all directions.

It's not bad for you, you can't say anything, and you have achieved nothing. "

"But this is normal. How can there be so many adventures in the world?

99.99,999% of people will only get more and more unlucky when encountering this kind of thing, and it is difficult to stand up.

After all, the law of the world is that the more resources the rich have, the wealthier they will become.

The poorer people have fewer resources, they will become poorer and poorer.

People who have exercises have a wide range of friendships, and the more advanced exercises they will have, the stronger they will become.

People who have nothing, do not have great opportunities, and it is difficult to accomplish anything in their life. This is the essence of life.

You end up in this field, there is basically no hope of turning over. "

"Yeah, I have seen it through too. Rather than being chased for life, it is better to come back and apologize to the ancestor."

Nodding bitterly, Huo Yanfeng sighed slightly, but quickly, his eyes lit up again: "But now, since your ancestors have appeared, I immediately have the hope of reviving.

My ancestors, I hope you can support your children and grandchildren and revitalize the family. "


How to support? "

"That's... Do you see if there is any hidden treasure in our family? The peerless technique is handed down. Tell me, I must work hard to revitalize the family."

"Let's pull it down, the family path has been completed in this way, without two or three generations of accumulation, how can it be restored?

Do you think you are the protagonist of this world?

Am I good? "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng was noncommittal.

Huo Yanfeng couldn't understand it, but he still smiled and said, "I was hopeless, but this is not your manifestation. I can definitely help my children and grandchildren?"

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that. Since we are destined to meet each other, then I will definitely help you.

At this point, you can be regarded as the No. 2 protagonist in this world, with the protagonist's halo, hahaha. "

With a grin, Yang Feng said lightly: "But I have one condition. You let me live in your body and use your physical body to restore soul power."

"Living in my body? want to take me away? "

"Duoshe, you ass, I still look down on your weak body.

I am only injured now, and I need a physical body to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, repair the soul and replenish my strength.

Just borrow your physical body for a while, it won't hurt you, I will pay you back after I repair it, and I will compensate you. "

Uh, this... Huo Yanfeng hesitated and didn't answer. Yang Feng immediately said impatiently: "You are desperate and want to come back and ask your ancestors to commit crimes to death. Why do you hesitate so much?

If you don't agree, I will find someone else.

To be honest, if it wasn't for you to have no shortcomings other than the prodigal, and for the sake of not being bad-minded, I wouldn't necessarily find you.

Do you know how much blessing it is when Laozi restores his soul power body?

Letting you be Lao Tzu's possession would be cheaper for you, otherwise I will find others the same, and I will give all my fame, fortune, money and treasure to others. "

"Hey don't don't... ancestors, I am not greedy for fame and fortune, but you are our Huo family ancestor, how can you ask other children and grandchildren to help me if anything?

Be possessed, possess the pure blood of my Huo family, and be my descendants. "

"Unexpectedly, you still have a sense of family honor, good!"

Nodding his head, Yang Feng said again: "But I want to be attached to you, and I need a condition.

In addition to your own willingness, you have to have a sincere belief in me.

The more sincere the belief, the more relaxed I will attach it, otherwise I am afraid of rejection.

If it was okay before, I can still make it hard.

But with my current weak soul power, I'm afraid I can't resist rejection. "

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