Alien God System

Chapter 1966: Liao Weilong


After blinking confused eyes, Huo Yanfeng was unsure, so: "What does faith mean?"

"Just to believe, to believe from the bottom of my heart, to believe in what I said, to believe in the path I showed you, there will be no doubt.

Boy, do you believe in my ancestors? "

"Of course, of course I believe in my ancestors.

If you don’t even believe your ancestors, who can you believe? "

Huo Yanfeng loudly shouted very firmly.

Yang Feng nodded secretly in his heart and laughed.

In fact, Yang Feng had just deceived this kid. He said that he could find someone to possess him, which is impossible.

Because with his current weak soul power, the possessed person must cooperate with him, otherwise it will produce a repulsive effect.

Moreover, the possessed person must trust him unconditionally.

But in this world, he has no temple of his own, and no followers of his own. Why should people believe that he is a ghost?

Even if some people are deceived by him and are willing to possess them, they still don't trust him completely in their hearts, which will lead to rejection.

Fortunately, this kid surnamed Huo regarded him as his ancestor, which established a natural relationship of faith.

Children and grandchildren believe in their ancestors, and ancestors bless their children and grandchildren. There is no better condition for possession than this.

Therefore, Yang Feng basically can only be possessed by this Huo family boy, and he can't reveal his identity.

Otherwise, if this kid knew that he was not the ancestor of their Huo family, even if he didn't say anything, the trust in his heart would definitely be discounted, and it would be difficult for him to possess him.

call! After a long sigh of foul breath, Yang Feng secretly said that he owed the Huo family another favor.

"Boy, get ready, I'm going to get up on you, don't reject me!"

"Come on, ancestor!"

Huo Yanfeng raised his head proudly, and then saw a faint white light flashing out of the ancestor's tablet, instantly entering his body.

Huo Yanfeng shook his body and touched his body, as if nothing had changed: "Ancestor, have you come in?"

"Come in, it's good, there is no rejection, it means that you are still very filial to your ancestors, very good, hahaha!"

"But why don't I feel at all?"

With a deep frown, Huo Yanfeng shook his hands and feet, murmured: "The hands are still my hands, and the feet are still my feet. There is no feeling of getting out of control.

It is said that the possessed person will have difficulty in controlling his body. "

"Please, I just set up a nest in your body for a period of time, and I don't want to take you away, why do I control your body?

Don't think too much, I won't interfere with you if it is not necessary. "

"That's it!"

Nodding clearly, Huo Yanfeng smiled again: "By the way, ancestor, is you the only ancestor in this entire ancestral hall?

What about other ancestors? "

"You still have the face to say?

I haven't come to worship for three years, and the ancestors can't get incense to worship, and they are already running away from hunger.

I am the only one who is still holding the ground, and I believe you are filial and will definitely come back, otherwise I will run away too early.

I won't stay in this ruin, thinking about taking care of my children. "


Where are you going? "

"Go to reincarnation, it's impossible to be so hungry, right?"

"Really, that kid is really sorry to the ancestors."

Huo Yanfeng smiled awkwardly, and was even more grateful to Yang Feng.

The ancestors of the entire ancestral hall ran away, only this ancestor, thinking about the safety of future generations and grandchildren, sticking to it, really loyal.

boom! Suddenly, at this moment, a blast sounded, a middle-aged man dressed in a red robe and a sturdy waist, walked in staggeringly, eyes like thunder, staring at Huo Yanfeng in front of him.

Huo Yanfeng's body shook, and his whole body trembles immediately, cold sweat broke out: "Liao...Liao...Liao Family Patriarch, Liao Weilong?"

"what happened?

This is not your house... er, no, is it our enemy?

Why did you meet him like a mouse and a cat?

Hold your chest up and straighten your legs, and come out with a bit of courage! "

"Uh no no no no, ancestor.

You don't know, this Liao Weilong is the first-order peak powerhouse of martial arts. I am just a second-order samurai in the late stage. "

Huo Yanfeng shivered, his face turned blue with tension.

Yang Feng slapped his words, and secretly asked, is the level of strength of this plane the same as the spiritual world managed by my wife? I'm afraid it was the time when the main **** designed human civilization.

Then, Yang Feng said nonchalantly: "What does it matter that he is two steps higher than you?

You are a person who has the protagonist's aura and is open, afraid of him?

Listening to the ancestor's words, he walked openly and slapped him, it was all right. "

"Give... give him a slap?

I'm afraid that when I just walked over, he slapped my head. "

Gurgle! Swallowing hard, Huo Yanfeng tremblingly said: "And the ancestors, what halo you said, and where is the opening?

Is it an ancestral magic weapon?

Give it to me! "

"Stupid boy, ancestor, I am your halo and hanging.

There are ancestors here, are you afraid of a fart?

Stand tall and walk up, point to the nose of the old thing, and read to me..." Yang Feng shouted loudly in Huo Yanfeng's body. Huo Yanfeng took a deep breath and clenched his fists. In front of Liao Weilong, staring at him fiercely.

Liao Weilong squinted at him, his eyes filled with suspiciousness, "What are you looking at?"

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young..." Pop! With a crisp sound, that Liao Weilong slapped Huo Yanfeng back twice with a slap, his head was dizzy, his eyes were gold stars, he almost didn't faint, and he didn't give him a chance to pretend to be forced.

"Boy, it was the old man who led someone to destroy your family.

You want revenge, go straight, what shit? "

The corners of his mouth slumped, Huo Yanfeng was suddenly speechless, and he muttered in his heart: "Old Patriarch, he won't let me finish."

"Hey, this is weird.

In the general fighting operation process, there should not be a link between violent talk before the start. The villain pulls hatred on this process, and the protagonist pretends on this process. Those authors write like this. Why doesn't he act according to the rules? "

Yang Feng murmured, but Huo Yanfeng's face twitched and rolled his eyes.

Just do it, how can you say so much?

What rules are these, ancestors, are they ancient rules?

Obviously it's out of date now.

After seeing Huo Yanfeng slap himself in the face, Liao Weilong stood still and was still talking to himself. He stared at him and said, "Boy, I heard that the ancestral hall of your Huo family is very evil. , The ghost of the Huo family can help you, right?

Even my son hurt your hand.

That old man will come to meet the old ghosts of your Huo family in person this time, to see if these ghosts can save your Huo family's only seedling, hum! "

"Is that so? No need to say, just go up and smoke him."

At this time, Yang Feng also issued an order to Nahuo Yanfeng, shouting loudly.

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