Alien God System

Chapter 1964: Grumpy ancestor

That's right, just when everyone's blades slashed towards Na Huo Yanfeng, Yang Feng attached his magical skills to him, immediately turning him into an invincible state within a minute.

No matter how powerful those people are in the mortal world, they are no more than mere mortals, how could they have broken this heavenly magic?

As a result, everyone is like hell, confused, why is this stinky boy suddenly invulnerable?

Huo Yanfeng was also inexplicable. He was already prepared to be divided by a chaotic knife, but in the end he didn't feel it, but the other party disarmed and surrendered.

"Huo Yanfeng, what martial arts do you use?

Or are you wearing a battle armor? "

After hesitating a little, Liao Songxi immediately understood something and roared.

Huo Yanfeng was slightly startled, touched his body, there was nothing, and his face was confused.

Liao Song was very unwilling, and roared, grabbed his head with one claw, and there was a blazing flame on his hand: "Three-rank high-level martial arts, burning heaven and cracking soul claw!"

Huo Yanfeng's heart was frightened. Seeing that Liao Songxi had used their unique martial arts skills, he was so scared that cold sweat appeared on his head, but it was...poof! With a muffled sound, Liao Songxi's unbelievable face froze immediately, and then he screamed straight into the sky like a pig.

what! With a twitch of his face, Liao Songxi backed away in pain, and tears were almost streaming out.

Looking at his previously awe-inspiring claw, at this moment, the bones were completely broken, turned into a pool of mud, twisted into twists, but it was shocked by the rebounding force of Huo Yanfeng's invincible golden body.

Seeing this, the neighbors hurriedly gathered around and cared: "Master, how are you?"

"Huo Yanfeng," There is no time to pay attention to them. Liao Songxi just looked at Huo Yanfeng in horror and said: "What the **** are you doing?

What exercises did you practice, why can't I hurt you?

Obviously three days ago, you were beaten by me to run around like a dog. Why am I hurting your hands now? "

You ask me, who do I ask?

Huo Yanfeng was still full of slurries now, not knowing what happened.

Obviously just now he felt that he was about to be caught by the opponent, but he never expected that he still felt nothing. On the contrary, the opponent scratched himself like he had caught a diamond.

At this time, a young man looked at the gloomy ancestral environment around him, and tremblingly said: "Young...Master, there is something wrong here, let's go quickly."


Liao Songxi's heart was stagnant, and Liao Songxi also looked around, and finally looked at the ancestor tablets of the Huo family, gritted his teeth severely, and cursed: "What's wrong?

These are just some wooden signs. I burned them and burned the palm of the sky! "

call! With that said, Liao Songxi had already hit those ancestral tablets with a palm.

In an instant, a giant flame ball appeared in the ancestral hall.

Huo Yanfeng was startled and roared: "Don't touch my ancestor's tablet!"

But he can only roar, and has no strength to stop it.

"Time and space transfer!"

Yang Feng didn't care, and the corner of his mouth curled up, and the huge fireball immediately disappeared before his eyes. When it appeared again, he had already come behind Liao Songxi.

boom! With a burst, Liao Songxi didn't react to anything. He directly touched a palm he personally issued behind him, burning a piece, then rolled his eyes, unconsciously spit out a mouthful of hot blood, and fainted completely.

And those ancestor tablets still stood there intact and majestic.

Seeing this scene, the little friends from the Liao family were all frightened.

"Fuck, it's really evil here, take the young master away!"

Wow! However, in a short while, everyone was gone, only Huo Yanfeng sat on the ground in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

He couldn't believe that the wooden sign that he had been enshrining since he was a child, uh no, an ancestor, actually appeared alive and saved his life here.

Suddenly, Huo Yanfeng burst into tears with gratitude, and knelt down three times again and said: "Thank you for your ancestors' life-saving grace. Unfilial descendants Huo Yanfeng will definitely add incense to the ancestors in the future, worship sooner or later, and be grateful for the great virtue."

"Don't just talk about it, you did it!"

Suddenly, a soft drink sounded.

Huo Yanfeng was taken aback for a moment, looked around at no one, and when he looked at the ancestor tablet on the altar table, his eyes almost fell out: "That... ancestor, are you talking to me?"

"Nonsense, of course it's me, is there anyone else here?"

"I'm going, the ancestor actually spoke, how come I have never heard of it before..." Pop! Huo Yanfeng was dumbfounded, but when he heard a crisp sound, his body was directly churned and slapped.

Yang Feng snorted, and said angrily: "I used to not speak because I saw that life was going well, and you still respect the elderly.

But now if you look at the living environment of the old man, the spider webs are all crawling on his head. If I don't talk, I have to eat the soil all the time. Why don't I clean the ancestral hall quickly?

You unfilial grandson! "

"Uh yes yes yes, ancestors calm down, I will clean now!"

Huo Yanfeng nodded in a hurry, and then Huo Yanfeng immediately started to do it, and at the same time he clutched his cheek that swelled up instantly, muttering in his heart, is this ancestor's temper?

Which generation of ancestors is it?

Snapped! There was another crisp slap on his face. He hadn't realized what was going on, Yang Feng's voice sounded again: "Smelly boy, what are you muttering?

Speak ill of your elders behind your back, and see if I won't kill you! "

"Uh, sorry, sorry, I won't say anything!"

His head shrank, Huo Yanfeng shuddered in fright, but listened...pop! There was another crisp sound, and Huo Yanfeng turned three times in place, and he was stunned: "Ancestor, I didn't say anything bad about you."

"You said in your heart, do you think I can't hear it?"

Uh! Huo Yanfeng couldn't help being more in awe.

I go, and I can hear what is in my heart, what is this ancestor?

Snapped! Another resounding slap slapped his face, and soon his cheeks swelled as high as a hill.

Suddenly, Huo Yanfeng was about to cry as he swept the floor.

This ancestor was too ruthless to act, not at all lighter than that of the Liao family. Is this our Huo family ancestor?

I don't love my children and grandchildren at all, oooooo! Love you ass! If it weren't for you to be the incense stick of the Huo family, I have inherited your Huo family's love, and relying on your prodigal ability to ruin the entire family with one person, I should teach you a lesson for your ancestors, huh.

Yang Feng smiled coldly, noncommittal.

At the same time, Liao Songxi was carried back to Liao's house by his subordinates. As soon as he entered the door, a middle-aged man with a big beard stared at him and said in surprise: "What's the matter, why is my son so hurt? Looks like, who did it?"

"Enlighten Patriarch, we have hit an evil."


Patriarch Liao was taken aback for a moment, and then those subordinates recounted the cause and effect.

Patriarch Liao furrowed his brows deeply, his eyes narrowed, "Huo family ancestors bless?


Even if there are a few old ghosts living in that wooden sign, it is impossible to have such a great power.

Could it be that it is not an ordinary ghost that lives in it, but a ghost with strong spirit power? "

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