Alien God System

Chapter 1963: Ansuke

Bang bang bang! It was a young man who looked twenty-five and sixty-six, ragged, filthy, unable to see his appearance, and blood stains on his body, with a sad look, constantly kowtow to the tablets on the altar, crying sullenly.

However, as his prostrations continued one after another, the energy of faith gathered to those ancestral tablets like a stream.

It's a pity that at this moment, the ancestors were already hungry and left, and went to the gods to report for reincarnation, but Yang Feng, who was temporarily attached to that tablet, felt the clear spring, his brows trembled, and a little awake.

Although these powers of faith are not particularly surging energy, they can be regarded as a bowl of clear water in the desert, which can quench thirst.

Ding! A long-lost groan sounded: "The player's blood volume is too low, please replenish it in time, otherwise it will be life-threatening."

"I haven't heard it for a long time, so familiar voice."

After taking a few rough breaths, Yang Feng opened his eyes extremely weakly, and with a thought, a light curtain appeared immediately in front of him, marked with all his current attributes, and it was his Celestial system that returned. Up.

"It's weird, isn't my system sealed by that Lu Chengfeng, why can it be used now?"

Yang Feng was puzzled, but after thinking about it a little, he immediately understood: "Couldn't it be the palm of Nakaba that made it through?

After all, Nakaba, like Lu Chengfeng, is a man who raises the six elders.

The old thing wanted to kill me, but accidentally, he opened up my second line of Ren Du and took the system back, ha ha ha. "

"But his palm is heavy enough, I almost didn't get shot to death by him.

And now the power of this system seems useless, right?

The power of the Dao that I understand now is already above the magical skills given by the system. "

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile.

He knew in his heart that although the magical skills of the system were heavenly magical techniques, they were just ordinary heavenly magical techniques.

But the control of the destiny he had now was the forbidden magic of the heavens, which was above the ordinary magic of the heavens.

As for the moves such as the rebirth curse and the Brahma seal, they are even more powerful than the six magic arts.

At this moment, the magical skills given to him by this system at the beginning were like a chicken rib, and could not be his killer.

But as a childhood game, it is still worth remembering.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng looked at the control panel, all the skills were unlocked and they were still available, and he couldn't help but smile happily.

Bang bang bang! Suddenly, Yang Feng's ears moved, he heard the huge kowtow, looked up, and found the young man in front of him who was still kowtow, and the power of faith came to him.

"It turns out that he gave me some strength and awakened me?

It's just that I and him are not relatives, how can he have faith in me and provide the power of faith? "

But before he could figure out what was going on, there was a loud noise on the ground, and the gate of the ancestral hall was slammed open. A group of ferocious smirks walked in and said, "Huo Yanfeng, now come to you old folks from the Huo family." Bless, is it too late?"

"Liao Songxi, let me give the ancestors the last incense."

Suddenly, Huo Yanfeng stood up, his face instantly becoming firm.

Yang Feng was taken aback, ancestor?

When did I become the ancestor of others?

Moreover, my surname is Yang, so why did he become the ancestor of his Huo family?

Suspiciously, Yang Feng looked around, only to discover that he did not know when, he ran to the ancestral shrine, and he also attached the spirit to the ancestor tablet.

Therefore, this filial son and grandson of the Huo family will kowtow to him sincerely, and will also enshrine the power of sincere faith to awaken him.

But for some reason, this ancestral ancestral hall was not guarded by their Huo family ancestors, and instead let him occupy this memorial tablet.

Thinking like this, Yang Feng moved back in time and space.

Huh! In an instant, what happened a quarter of an hour earlier flashed in front of Yang Feng's eyes, and Yang Feng finally understood that it was the ancestors of the Huo family who saved his life.

It's just that these ancestors of the Huo family had no descendants for a long time and couldn't get their soul power to supplement, so they couldn't stand it anymore and had to go to reincarnation.

Otherwise, after death, most people become ghosts. As long as the family provides a place for shelter, and often worships and gives energy support, ghosts can always stay in the home and bless the descendants of the family. This is often said to be blessed by the ancestors.

Of course, this also has to be that the ghost is willing to stay in the family.

If people are unwilling and feel that they have done a lot of good things in this life, and can become emperor in the next life, they will naturally go to reincarnation, and your mortal descendants will not be able to keep them.

But now, it's not that the ancestors want to go to reincarnation, but the family has not worshipped for a long time.

Knowing everything to his chest, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile.

Fate is indeed fate! You Huo family ancestors saved my life this time, then I will retaliate and help your children and grandchildren tide over the difficulties.

It's just... Are your children worth helping?

Seeing that this ancestral hall is dirty, no one has cleaned it for so many years, isn't it an unfilial descendant?

Yang Feng shook his head, his face sighed.


What kind of incense?

You are the culprit who caused the entire Huo family to fall into the family, will your ancestors still accept the incense of your unfilial son?

Hahaha! "

At this moment, Liao Songxi stepped forward, turned around the kneeling Huo Yanfeng, and sneered.

Huo Yanfeng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with anger: "Yes, I am an unfilial descendant of the Huo family.

If I hadn't been tricked by your tricks three years ago and revealed my Huo family's non-passing exercises, how could my Huo family suffer the destruction of your Liao family? "


Is it a beauty trick?

Humph! "

With a cold smile, Liao Songxi said with contempt: "The toad wants to eat swan meat. Do you think my sister really likes you?

Don't look at your virtues, a dude, why marry my sister? "

Without speaking, Huo Yanfeng was so angry that his veins were exposed, his pupils were red, and he roared, "That bitch..." Touch! With a loud noise, Liao Songxi kicked him directly to the ground: "Why don't you keep your mouth clean, and **** like you can also swear words with my sister?

She is now the daughter-in-law of Master Tang Zhou Mu, you toad don't deserve to mention her at all! "

"Come on, kill!"

Yes! With a loud shout, all the small groups pulled out sharp blades and slashed at them.

Huo Yanfeng gritted his teeth, but quickly closed his eyes reluctantly. He didn't even mean to resist, but after listening to a series of loud bangs, the sharp blades in his hands all shattered.

The powerful recoil force immediately shook everyone back again and again, bleeding from the mouth of the tiger holding the knife.

"what happened?"

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, and Liao Songxi was immediately stunned.

Yang Feng smiled evilly and muttered to himself: "I can't think of this magical skill sharing, plus a one-minute real man's combo, it is still so kind to use, ha ha ha!"

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