Alien God System

Chapter 1962: Ancestor


His body trembled slightly, although Kabbah also expected this to happen, but holding the last glimmer of hope, he was still shy and asked for it.

But in the end, there is still no hope of survival.

He knew in his heart that if this were the case, it was not that the King of Ksitigarbhas intentionally refused to make things difficult, but that he was really powerless.

Generally speaking, a creature killed by a low-level power can be resurrected with a high-level power.

For example, when a mortal dies, the power of the world generally cannot resurrect them, but the power of the laws of the six gods can easily bring them back to life.

After the spirits of the gods are scattered, the six laws of the general gods are unable to resurrect the same kind, but the strong who possess the laws of the great way have such magical powers, just like the death curse of the Ksitigarbha.

Yang Feng obtained the true biography of the Ksitigarbha King, and he also had the magical power to resurrect the gods.

However, there are only a few strong people who possess this kind of magical powers of the Great Dao. Besides, there are special skills in the art industry. Not every master who understands the magical powers of the Great Dao has the ability to resurrect the gods.

For example, the master of Shura, Kabbah, is also a peerless powerhouse who kills the Dao with his palms, but he can only kill, but he does not have the Dao magic of resurrection.

In addition, the gods who were beheaded by the great magic arts cannot be resurrected.

For example, those who were beheaded by Heavenly Raising Six Elders, Lord Heavenly Dao, and a few powerful men who mastered the great magic arts, the Ksitigarbha King could not be resurrected.

Among them, other gods and their subordinates are a special case.

Their power does not belong to the six laws, and is more different from the general Dao laws. The gods beheaded by their power are contaminated souls, even if the Brahma world will be removed from the name, and it is even more impossible to resurrect.

It is like a program that is infected by a computer virus. It must be deleted immediately. There is no possibility of recovery. Otherwise, the virus will follow this program and infect other programs.

After taking a deep breath, Kabbah bowed to Lord Tiandao in a somewhat lonely manner, then turned and left, but kept muttering: "The God of Asura, the **** of Asura, has always been at the forefront. One day, alas."

"It's rare, Kabbah also had such a sad time."

Seeing his back figure drifting away, Li Taibai couldn't help sighing.

Tian Dao nodded slightly: "After all, his love will die, but this also shows that what he said is true. There are indeed a lot of remnants of other gods on that plane, otherwise this head of Aotian will not fight bravely. died.

Then the destruction of the Kabbah is a top priority, and it is excusable. "

"Yes, Lord Tiandao!"

As soon as they bowed together, Li Taibai and Ksitigarbha King agreed.

At the same time, at the junction of God and Fan, as the Tianmen opened again, the interns who had been left behind in the mortal world returned one after another, but Yang Feng was the only one who was delayed. Everyone was worried and wondered if Brother Feng was in danger.

Alice returned to the God Realm, looking for Yang Feng's figure, anxious in her heart.

But after hearing that the 326 plane was completely wiped out by Asura Dao Master Kabbah, he was immediately stunned.

Because she knew that the plane that was destroyed by Taoist Asura was the plane where Yang Feng was.

At this time, secret agents from the Association of Hometowns found her and quickly took her back to the headquarters for surprise interrogation.

"Alice, where is Yang Feng now?

Why did the other interns come back, but he is the only one to be seen? "

"He..." Alice looked in a daze, hesitated for a moment and said: "He is on plane 326!"


Is it the plane that was destroyed by Kabbah first? "


"what happened?

Why is he on that plane? "

"I took him there, and there are ambushes in the true spirit..." "Alice!"

bump! Knock on the table hard, the interrogator roared: "You betrayed us and brought Yang Feng to the True God Association?"

"No, it's not that I want to take him, it's that he has to go. I said there was an ambush there, but he didn't listen, and I couldn't persuade him, woooo..." The corners of her mouth flattened, Alice forbear Can't help but choked up.

The interrogator was so angry that his lungs almost exploded: "He is going to commit a risk, will you let him go?

What do you eat?

We let you be by his side to protect him, not his subordinate, you..." Vincent listened outside the door, his brows were condensed into lumps, the original text of the gentleman, his eyes were rarely full of difficulties. Disguised anger.

"Damn, it's so hard to come up with someone who can cultivate a high position, but will it be ruined in the end?"

"President, what shall we do next?"

Ying Long looked at him with a solemn expression.

Taking a deep breath, Vincent murmured: "Send manpower to find the whereabouts of the kid on the plane below. I hope he can escape before Kabbah is destroyed."

"This... I'm afraid there is little hope, after all, it was Kabbah who shot, and he doesn't have the artifact to travel through the world!"

"He doesn't, doesn't he have it in others?

Otherwise, why would he ambush him in the mortal world?

Maybe he can grab someone else's artifact and escape, it's not impossible, just do his best. "

"Yes, President, then..." Nodding his head, Ying Long looked into the room again and said: "What should this Alice..." A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Vincent spit out a thick breath "I used to look at her too highly. I didn't expect that she could not even handle this little thing this time, or she did it on purpose?

Humph! Strengthen her scrutiny, if there is no new information to ask, just..." Ka! Vincent raised his hand and stroked his neck, Ying Long immediately understood, and nodded yes.

On the other hand, under a vast starry sky, a meteor flashed across the sky, and finally turned into a faint white light, and fell into a dusty ancestral hall, turning into a figure of Yang Feng.

It's just that at this moment, Yang Feng's spirit is extremely weak, almost wanting to disappear, lying on the ground, unable to open his eyes.

"Hey, where's the lonely wild ghost, actually begging for food came to us."

"But we can't get started here. It's time to reincarnate."

"Family is falling, there is no way, tut!"

... On the altar of the ancestral hall, as the rows of spiritual positions vibrated slightly, a series of old phantoms appeared in front of Yang Feng, and they kept surrounding him.

"This kid is going to die soon, right?

Look at this weak soul power, almost unable to maintain his figure. "

"Yes, the lonely ghost will not go to reincarnation, without soul power supplement, sooner or later, it will dissipate in the world."

"Aren't we the same? We haven't been offering incense for our descendants for so long, so we should also go, otherwise we will have to die, alas!"

Shaking his head, the illusory silhouettes floated up and disappeared.

Just before the last figure left, he looked back at Yang Feng, raised his hand, and threw Yang Feng’s soul directly onto a tablet on the table, and sighed: “We are all lone souls. See you here. It is also fate.

We are going to reincarnate, this ancestral ancestral hall, let you shelter.

As for whether you can survive, it depends on your luck. "

As he said, the figure turned around and disappeared, but after all the ghosts had left, but with a creak, the gate of the ancestral hall opened suddenly, and a stumbling figure walked in one step at a time, with both legs bent. , Immediately crawled down, and wailed: "The ancestors of the Huo family, the child Huo Yanfeng was not filial, and the Huo family was ruined. He came to make amends to the ancestors, oooooo!"

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