Alien God System

Chapter 1959: Extinction Tenchu

"Aotian, the old man will not let you die in vain.

Those who have harmed you, don't even think about coming back alive, including the kid! "

A rough breath full of killing intent came from his nostrils, and Kabbah asked coldly: "Which plane did you say they went to?"

"Uh... it's Plane 326!"

"Got it!"

Taking a deep breath, Kabbah slowly raised a hand, and then slowly pushed out against the void, gritted his teeth and said: "Plane 326, Extinction Tianzhu!"

boom! Suddenly, before Yang Feng and the others had time to communicate, they had a summary meeting, and they suddenly felt that the situation had suddenly changed, and the murderous air permeated the entire plane. At the same time, a pale palm that could not be seen at a glance fell from the sky, ruthlessly He pressed hard against them.

"I'm going, this, this... a palm from the sky?"

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, Yang Feng said in shock, "Who is this?

It looks like my Brahma seal, but obviously not.

My Brahma Seal is a sealing move that can drive opponents into **** and purgatory, but this move is obviously... kill! "

"It's Kabbah, the master of Shura, Kabbah, took the shot."

The body was trembling constantly, and the withered emperor, who had always been calm and steady, was also panicked at this time, and hurriedly said: "Don't go to the gods, retreat quickly, and retreat to other planes.

Otherwise, being photographed by the slap of this Kabbah would definitely be the end of the game. "

"Grandma, a bear, how does he know that the three thousand gods of Shura and Tang Aotian have been wiped out, otherwise he can't kill such a heavy killer, even his own people?

Haven't we all signal interference? "

"Oh, don't think about it, Lord God, run!"

The Withered Great Emperor stomped his feet in a hurry, and immediately gave the Voidwalker a look. Voidwalker understood that with a hand seal, he immediately opened up a green plane channel and urged: "Brothers, follow me. Come.

If you don't run, it will be too late. This Kabbah is obviously going to destroy us and this entire plane! "

Wow! The crowd nodded in a hurry, and then immediately rushed to the passage, but there were too many of them, and a group of people crowded in the passage and couldn't get in.

But the palm of Nakabha’s hand is almost instantaneous, wherever it passes, no matter the firmament or the sky, it turns into nothingness. When the creatures of this plane see it, they are also full of fear. Destroyed.

Yang Feng saw that the plane channel opened by the Voidwalker was too narrow, so he printed the tactics in his hand and opened another channel. As for which plane he reached, he couldn't take care of it anymore. He just made random points. .

"Hey, brothers, I also opened an aisle here. Don't squeeze that one. Come here and follow me."

"Oh, how can this work?"

Hearing this, Emperor Withered shook his head immediately and said: "This is your exclusive shuttle channel, how can we squeeze in?

There are too many people, the transmission speed of this channel will drop, or you should run away first, we are fine. "

"What's okay?

When I summon you, I will be responsible to you to the end.

Alas, I knew I was so nervous when I was escaping, so I should have called a little less.

Hurry up, come in quickly. "

Yang Feng kept urging, and the Great Emperor was helpless, and immediately waved, called the rest of the brothers here, and entered Yang Feng's transmission channel.

However, they are escorting Yang Feng's safety, and Yang Feng will go in before they will follow in.

Ever since, Voidwalker brought a wave, and Yang Feng brought a wave, and everyone evacuated in two planes through shuttle channels.

But before everyone could enter the passage, Kabbah's palm was already slammed down.

Suddenly, the entire plane instantly turned into nothingness, countless creatures and mountain planes disappeared, even that space and time disappeared without a trace, as if this plane had never existed in the universe.

The 326 plane completely disappeared from this mortal world in the blink of an eye.

There were more than a dozen Zhu Sha, who didn't have time to enter the shuttle channel, but also followed this plane, disappeared and turned into nothingness.

Yang Feng led a group of people and fled at the speed of the passage. He looked back and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "This action is dependent on me. It is not well organized. The brothers have suffered so much loss. I have to self-review."

"Don't you gods, don't say that.

Our Seventy-two Pillars were originally created by you, so we should have sacrificed all for you.

Besides..." Hearing what he said, the Rotten Emperor who had been with him hurriedly encouraged him, but he hadn't finished his words yet, but listening to the loud rumbling burst, a terrifying killing intent suddenly hit them all. People.

Everyone's hearts were stagnant, and when they looked back, they saw that the shuttle channel behind them was already shattering every inch, and the huge white palm, like a heat-seeking missile, chased their buttocks and flew over.

Wherever it passes, the passage collapses, everything becomes nothingness and disappears.

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, and Yang Feng screamed: "I'm going, what the **** is this Kabbah's palm? We have all left that plane, and he can still chase into our exclusive channel. ?"

"This can only be done by Asura's Dao Master Kabbah. Other gods raise the six elders, and even the gods do not have the ability.

This is the avenue dedicated to that old guy, killing endlessly! "

His brows were furrowed deeply, and the Great Emperor Withered looked at the giant palm getting closer and gritted his teeth hardly: "Don't you, Lord God, we have been locked by the old guy's divine mind.

As long as we do not die, I am afraid this palm will chase us to the end of the world. "

"Then what to do?"

Yang Feng was anxious, his face was unprecedentedly solemn.

Emperor Withered sighed: "There is no way, you can only take one step and count one step.

Now that so many of us are in the tunnel, the shuttle speed has slowed down.

If you are the only other god, you must be able to shuttle faster.

Brothers, don't burden the other gods, go and fight with Kabbana. "

Roar! With a roar, those Zhu Sha flying behind Yang Feng's **** immediately stopped flying, and flew towards the huge hand shadow instead.

Then, under the loud noise, the huge hand shadow was blocked, but in the end it continued to track the two Yang Feng.

Watching this scene, the Great Emperor Withered could not help but breathe out a suffocating breath, smiled and said: "Take the distance for the time being, Lord God, you are temporarily out of danger!"

"No... so many brothers, all were wiped out by that palm?"

"Yeah, but our shuttle speed is indeed faster now, they died well, ha ha ha."

Withered Great Emperor smiled, Yang Feng said angrily: "They died for both of us, can you still laugh?

Do you have a conscience? "

"Don't be a god, it's fine."

Shaking his head, the Great Emperor Withered smiled and said, "As long as you are fine, even if our souls are destroyed, we will come back to life."


Are you okay after you die? "

"Yes, because our soul center is with you."

Settling his head nod, the Great Emperor continued: "You are our creator. As long as you live, we can come back to life even if we die.

But if you have any shortcomings, even if we are alive, we will disappear in an instant.

Therefore, to protect your safety is our highest vocation! "

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