Alien God System

Chapter 1960: substitute

Yang Feng stared at his solemn face for a long time, unconsciously a little embarrassed, but soon understood.

If the other **** is a piece of code, or some kind of data, these seventy-two pillars are all generated by this data, then he is now a central database.

As long as this database is okay, no matter how extinct the Seventy-two Pillars are, they can be reborn again.

But if their own database is destroyed, they will no longer be able to survive.

Therefore, they will protect themselves at all costs.

And Kaba's Shura Avenue can completely destroy himself.

"Don't God Lord!"

Seeing Yang Feng's eyes become more and more calm, Emperor Kuxu understood that he seems to have fully understood, and immediately said: "Your current strength has not been fully recovered, and it is not Na Kaba's opponent.

After your strength is gathered, it is not certain who kills who.

So now, we must take good care of yourself. Your existence is our hope. Let the old leave for the time being, and we must escape alive. "

Huh! As soon as the words fell, the Withered Great Emperor immediately stopped flying, and flew towards the huge hand shadow that had already caught up with them again, and then burst with a bang, blocking the hand shadow by a block.

But it only slowed the speed of the giant palm, and soon the giant palm chased and killed Yang Feng again.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng did not dare to neglect, and immediately increased his speed. He wanted to get rid of this giant palm's pursuit, but the speed of this giant palm was getting faster and faster, and the distance between the two was also getting closer.

Not to mention getting rid of him, it would be good if he could not be caught up.

Seeing this scene, Yang Feng's brows were condensed into a knot, and there was unprecedented anxiety in his heart.

At the same time, Kaba in the Shura Temple was closing his eyes lightly, cross-legged on the main seat, one palm slowly swaying in the void, with a playful smile on his mouth.

"This is the little mouse that popped out from somewhere. It escaped really fast.

But it's a pity, since I've been locked in by the old man's spirit, don't want to escape.

Go die, don't be the remnant of the gods, hum. "

"Why, Lord Kabbah, on the 326 plane, are there the remnants of other gods?"

Hearing his mumble, the **** Shura on the side couldn't help wondering.

Nodding slightly, Kabbah sneered and said: "This time there was an unexpected gain. The old man detected that many other gods' remnants were dispatched.

Most of them have been killed by the old man, but this little thing escaped quite quickly.

But no matter where he flees, he can't escape the chase of the old man, hahaha! "

"Of course, the opponent who was locked by you, Lord Kabbah, has no other way to go except death.

Avoiding and running away are nothing but futile, hum. "

The **** Shura on the side nodded firmly and smiled coldly.

call out! Over a prosperous city, an emerald green passage suddenly cracked through the ground. Yang Feng ran out in a hurry, then quickly closed the passage, opened a plane passage in the other direction, and got in.

It was the moment he had just penetrated, but seeing the void burst instantly, a huge hand shadow appeared on the plane of this technological civilization, and just in a moment, the entire plane was turned into nothingness.

Then the giant palm slapped again in the void, then opened another plane channel, got in, and chased behind Yang Feng's **** again.

Yang Feng looked back and stomped his feet with anger.

Damn, is this Kabbah’s mind a dog nose?

Why can't I get rid of it anywhere?

This has transformed more than a dozen planes, and it is also unambiguous. It instantly wiped out the creatures of more than a dozen planes, and was still chasing behind Lao Tzu.

If you keep chasing like this, I won't be able to run.

Ho **** ho! Anxious in his heart, Yang Feng felt that his soul was getting weaker and weaker, and his speed of shuttle planes became slower.

As for the giant white palm of Kaba, the speed remained unchanged, even much faster than before, and immediately caught up with Yang Feng's pace.

Zi Zi Zi... Ah! As soon as the white Shura giant palm came close to Yang Feng's back, it stirred up a burst of smoke.

Yang Feng swelled up, as if the entire back was burned by a red-hot soldering iron. He suddenly felt aroused. He quickly accelerated and advanced a little further, pulling away from the giant palm, but he felt a sudden feeling. The feeling of weakness spread throughout the body.

He knew in his heart that just when the giant palm slapped him on his back, although he hadn't completely slapped him to death, it had already damaged most of his soul and vented his power.

Now, he must find a place to replenish his spirit power, otherwise, if the spirit power is too weak and the speed slows down, he will be slapped by this giant palm and his soul will be scattered.

However, he is being chased by this huge palm now, how can he have time to replenish his spirit power?

Zi Zi Zi... Ah! There was another scream, as if killing a pig, Yang Feng's body was agitated, and he hurriedly increased his speed and moved away from the giant palm, but he was already dizzy, as if he was about to faint at any time.

When it's over, if you get another slap in the hand, it's probably going to be really gone. What should I do?

After shaking his body twice, Yang Feng felt that he was almost unable to support it.

Is it possible...Today is the day my Yang Feng died?

Hum! Suddenly, at this moment, I felt an invisible wave emanating from his body, and then I saw a green code chain flying out of his body.

Yang Feng raised his eyes and looked at it, knowing that this was the code that came out of the Brahma Realm of the Great Dream and hid in his body and would never find it again. He just didn't know what was the use of this thing.

But the code was immediately like a rope, enclosing Yang Feng who was still running hard, and then the green fluorescence flashed, and a soul exactly like Yang Feng appeared beside him.

Yang Feng was taken aback for a moment: "I'm going. I only heard that matter can be copied before, but isn't this unique? How can it be copied?"

Yang Feng couldn't understand, but he heard a buzzing sound, the huge white hand shadow was already approaching him again, and he was about to be photographed.

Yang Feng was taken aback, unable to control other things, and immediately transported all his magical powers to the giant palm.

However, the power of other gods and Brahma seals are useless.

Finally, Yang Feng roared: "The law of heaven, the destiny is locked, time and space are still!"

bump! Sure enough, it was useless, and the speed of the giant palm remained unchanged.

But it wasn't that the laws of time and space were useless, but that the opponent's spirit power and realm exceeded him too much.

The law of the heavens in the mere six ways, even if it is the forbidden art of the heavens, is by no means the enemy of this Kaba Dao divine art.

But just when Yang Feng's soul was about to be photographed by the huge palm shadow, the copied soul smiled at him, then suddenly turned his head, and slammed into the magnificent giant palm.

boom! With a burst, the entire plane channel was completely destroyed.

Yang Feng was shaken out by the terrifying shock wave instantly. He didn't know which plane he had reached, his eyes were black, and he passed out completely...

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