Alien God System

Chapter 1958: Vocation

"Yang Feng?"

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, Tang Aotian stared blankly at the man who was supposed to be punished by himself, his whole body stiffened, and his lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't speak.

Yang Feng didn't say a word, just smiled and looked down at him, but the expression in his eyes was no longer as plain as before, instead, he was full of powerful superiors.

Gurgle! After swallowing hard, Tang Aotian said solemnly, "Who are you... on earth?"

There was still no answer, Yang Feng was still smiling, but the seventy-two pillars below were already knowing how to understand them. They knelt down together and shouted: "Welcome to other gods!"

"Don't God?

Are you really a god? "

hiss! I couldn't help but take a breath. Although Tang Aotian had already guessed this possibility, when he really saw the evil seventy-two demon heads see their king, he couldn't help but be shocked, and the whole spirit couldn't help shaking. Up.

Who could have imagined that the ancient **** clan kid they had to deliberately remove in the Asura Way was actually the other **** that made the entire God Realm fearful?

Fortunately, they and the people of the True God Society have been trying their best to calculate against him, but they have all failed.

In the past, Tang Aotian could not figure out why, and thought it was this kid who had a big life, or those of the ancient gods who secretly protected.

Now he understood that these little tricks of theirs were more than enough to deal with a fledgling ancient protoss youth, but to deal with other gods, it was pure scheming, which only added a lot of laughter.

The other gods who were defeated by Master Hetiandao and the six elders of Tianyang at the time, are they the existence that they can easily eliminate with this little method?

If other gods die so easily, they are not other gods.

Ha ha ha... Tang Aotian couldn't help laughing, his face twitched, the laughter was full of abuse and sadness.

Yang Feng took a deep look at him: "Director Aotian, what are you laughing at?"

"Laughing, I don't know Taishan, why didn't I recognize you as a god?"

"Don't be too arrogant, you can guess that it's already pretty good, after all, the other great gods didn't see any clues."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng continued: "Now you have nowhere to escape, what are your plans?"

Raising his brows, Tang Aotian squinted at him, "Do I have any plans?"

"Of course, surrender or die!"

A green light emerged in his hand, and Yang Feng solemnly said: "Accept my power, you are my person, I will let you go back to the Asura Road, and if there is any trouble in the future, just give me a message."

"Do you want me to be your slave?"

"Not a slave, just a spy, how about it?"


Shaking his head with a smile, Tang Aotian's eyes flashed with a deep light: "The spies can still have a way to go, but after being infected by you and becoming your slave, that is, you can't survive and die."

"Maybe, but you have no choice, do you want to die?"

"I..." With a clenched fist, Tang Aotian suddenly waved the Shura knife, and the cold blade cut straight to Yang Feng's neck, but...ding! With a soft groan, the cold and arrogant knife beam stiffened firmly on the front third of Yang Feng's neck. Yang Feng just stretched out **** to pinch it firmly.

"Weak, too weak!"

Shaking his head, Yang Feng sneered and said, "Director Aotian, just now when you went all-out to break through their 72 punishable gods barriers, you have exhausted all your soul power.

With your current strength, this Shura knife is in your hand, no different from the toy of a three-year-old doll.

Want to kill me with this thing?

You are underestimating me, hum. "


Hearing what he said, the withered emperor below also sneered: "Tang Aotian, you are not underestimating our Lord Fietian, you are underestimating our seventy-two pillars.

Do you think we will let you who are still capable of fighting and get close to our other gods?

We have calculated how much your soul power has consumed. You are already exhausted now, so you should surrender obediently, hahaha! "

Without speaking, Tang Aotian's spirit gradually became transparent and weaker, but his face was still very firm, gritted his teeth, tried to withdraw the Shura knife in his hand, and then yelled again and slammed onto Yang Feng's head. Chop off.

But this time, the result was still the same as before, and his blade was easily caught by Yang Feng's two fingers.

Yang Feng looked at him with a puzzled expression: "I know I can't do it, idiot!"

"Lao Tzu is the **** of Shura, and it is a bounden duty to kill you other gods!"

With a roar, Tang Aotian seemed to use his last strength, his body began to tremble, but his pupils were still open, without a trace of retreat.

"Yang Feng, if you are only an ancient **** race, I will kill you, but he won't work hard.

But since you are another god, I will continue to kill unless I die! "

With a flick of his eyes, Yang Feng nodded clearly, exhaled a long breath, then flashed green light with his two fingers, and handed the Shura knife forward.

Sa! The cold blade passed through Tang Aotian's spirit in an instant. Tang Aotian's body shook, and a relief smile gradually appeared on his face, muttering: "I am the **** of Shura, and death is also the **** of Shura, haha!"

With a chuckle, Tang Aotian's soul disappeared.

Yang Feng looked back and sighed helplessly.

Although the director of Aotian was treacherous, cunning and cruel, he had to say that he was dedicated to his duties and had a firm belief in his own morality.

Such a person, regardless of enemy or friend, is awe-inspiring! "Go, Director Tang!"

Wow! In the temple of the Taoist Lord Shura, the twelve permanent lights enshrined in the left and right rows suddenly turned off one.

Kabbah, who was closing his eyes in the main seat, suddenly opened his eyes, looked over in disbelief, and shouted: "Aotian, the longevity lamp connected to Aotian Divine Soul has gone out. Aotian is dead?

How come... come! "

"Master Dao, what's the matter?"

A Shura **** rushed in and bowed in prayer.

Kaba hurriedly asked: "Where is Director Aotian?"

"Enlighten Master Kabbah, Director Aotian led three thousand Asura gods to the earth."

"Which plane did you go down to and what did you do?"

"Go to Plane 326 and say that the wanted criminal was found, but it is actually..." "What is it actually?"

Kaba asked urgently, and the **** Shura murmured immediately: "Actually, Director Aotian feels that the people below are not doing things at a disadvantage, so he will solve that kid himself.

Yang Feng! Click it! With his fists clenched suddenly, Kabbah knew what was going on, but he was still a little suspicious.

With Tang Aotian's strength, even if he met the great **** of heaven, he would never lose his life in vain, let alone this time with three thousand gods of Shura, how could he be killed in the lower realm?

Could it be that...Is it caught in the trap of those people from the ancient Protoss?

As soon as I thought of this, Kabbah's frightening eyes burst into flames...

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