Alien God System

Chapter 1957: Divine Enchantment

After a while, Tang Aotian clenched his fists tightly, and a touch of firmness flashed in his eyes suddenly: "Rush, rush back to the realm of God!"

Rush! Suddenly, the three thousand Shura gods were emotionally excited, and under the leadership of Tang Aotian, they rushed straight to Jiuxiao, wanting to return to the gods to report, but there was a burst of hot flames that filled the air, even if they blocked their way forward.

Some of the Shura gods in front of the row rushed in without fear of death, but within a second of entering, the whole spirit was turned into ashes and disappeared.

Tang Aotian was shocked, and hurriedly stopped, then the blade in his hand flashed, and he slashed forward: "Sura Dao, endless blade!"

boom! The terrifying murderous aura immediately cut a channel into that hot void.

Everyone was overjoyed, they were about to rush forward again, but only heard the tragic howls behind them. Looking back, I didn’t know when, a blood shadow shuttled in front of the three thousand Shura gods, with sharp teeth constantly. Biting on the necks of those Shura gods.

Anyone who has been bitten by him will have red eyes, and then bite, instantly losing his mind.

"Damn, Gorefiend Tianzun, this **** infection is not easy to deal with."

Tang Aotian's heart tightened, and Tang Aotian immediately flicked the knife back. The terrifying blade smashed the infected Asura brothers into ashes, and at the same time, the cold murderous aura forced the Gorefiend Tianzun to retreat.

"What a strong soul power, what a profound Shura Dao's state of killing, you deserve to be Director Tang of the Shura Adjudication Office.

If Lao Tzu is touched by the sharp edge of your Shura Handao, I am afraid it will not feel good, Jie Jie Jie. "

The Gorefiend Tianzun smiled treacherously, far away from Tang Aotian's attack range. Although he admired, he didn't have much fear in his eyes.

Tang Aotian gritted his teeth tightly, ignored it, and just told his brothers: "Listen, everyone, among the six realms, the Taoism of our Asura God is completely mutually exclusive with the power of other gods.

Our harm to these demon heads of other gods is even above the gods of heaven.

Therefore, as long as you try your best to release the Asura divine power of our Asura Dao, it will be difficult for them to infect us. "

"Yes, Sir!"

Hearing his words, everyone shouted in unison, their morale was very high, but it was...Boom! With a loud noise, a space and the hundreds of Asura gods in that space instantly turned into nothingness.

Withered Great Emperor stood there coldly, and sneered: "Director Tang, you are right.

Our Super Divine Dao and your Asura Dao are indeed mutually restrained like fire and water.

However, the attributes are mutually restrained, which means that the outcome is completely determined by strength.

When the fire is prosperous, the water is dry, and when the water is strong, the fire is extinguished.

Do you think these young Asura gods under yours can compete with those of us who followed other gods in the ancient wars?

In addition to strength, there are realms, they are all far away, hum. "

Well! Tang Aotian's heart was stagnant, and Tang Aotian couldn't speak. In the end, he could only gritted his teeth and continued to look at the clouds above his head, and shouted: "Brothers, connect Shura's divine power together, and continue to rush with me!"

Roar! With a roar, the Asura gods immediately turned into a sharp sword, towering into the sky, unstoppable.

The seventy-two pillars of evil spirits each used magical powers to block Tang Aotian's group.

But this time, Tang Aotian stopped paying attention to the casualties of his brothers wailing and wailing. He just kept rushing up, even if the surrounding Asura gods were killed less and less, he did not defend himself.

The brothers behind him also tried their best to cover Tang Aotian's breakthrough, completely disregarding his own life and death, and even used their own lives to resist the interception of 72 Zhusha.

As a result, in the deafening blasting sound, hundreds of Asura gods exposed themselves.

Tang Aotian rarely felt a sense of grief in his heart, but he still didn't look back, he was still rushing upwards, because he was afraid that once he turned his head, he would not have the courage to go up.

"Withered, why are you standing there stupidly?

He is running away. "

Voidwalker looked at this scene and cursed anxiously.

The Great Emperor also wrinkled his brows deeply: "Unexpectedly, these Shura gods are so united."

Under the desperate cover of those Shura players, they couldn't stop Tang Aotian from leaving.

Even the enchantment cage made by three or five of them was broken by the combined magical skills of these Asura gods.

What they want to stop now is not Tang Aotian alone, but the entire team of three thousand Asura gods.

"If we don't stop this kid and let him return to the God Realm, the other gods will be angry."

At this time, the Voidwalker roared again, and the Great Emperor Withered shook his body, and immediately roared: "Seventy-two pillars are assembled, the enchantment of God!"

Yes! With a loud shout, the seventy-two pillars of evil spirits immediately squeezed the seal.

In an instant, green light chains flew out of them, went straight for nine days, and then shuttled back and forth in the sky, turning into a large green net.

Tang Aotian's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked: "Fucked, this is their God of Death enchantment. Once it is tainted by this enchantment, it will be controlled by other gods.

Everyone, gather Shura's supernatural power to protect yourself..." At this point, Tang Aotian suddenly couldn't continue.

As if seeing the hesitation in his heart, the captains shouted together: "Pass all the power of Shura to Director Tang, and help Director Tang break through!"

"You..." "Director Tang, we know that with our Asura power, we can't resist the invasion of this other god.

Rather than annihilate the army, it is better to send you to stand out.

After all, in our place, you are the only one who has the ability to break through. Brothers will send you a ride and you must go back. "

"Brothers give you a ride!"

Wow! As soon as the voice fell, everyone shouted, and then everyone shone with a white light, like a blood transfusion, all lost to Tang Aotian.

However, before a while, Tang Aotian became a cold front with a dazzling white light, and slammed into the God of Death enchantment.

boom! The terrifying energy fluctuations shook the entire plane constantly trembling.

While the God of Death enchantment prevented Tang Aotian and the others from rushing out of this plane, it was also emitting a green light, continuously dissolving the power of Shura on them.

Those Shura team members, because they had passed all the power of their entire bodies to Tang Aotian, they were quickly soaked by the green light, turning into green stone sculptures, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Only Tang Aotian, relying on the power sent by more than a thousand team members, kept breaking through upwards, and the Shura divine power on his body melted as fast as snow meets the scorching sun.

In the end, at the moment when his whole body was exhausted, he finally broke through the barrier and went straight to the sky.

At this moment, Tang Aotian's excited tears came out: "I succeeded, I can return to the realm of God!"

"Don't be too proud!"

Suddenly, a sneer came, and Tang Aotian suddenly turned his head and looked down, and saw the withered great emperor coldly smiled and said: "What do you think of the Jade God enchantment with our 72 Pillars?

Do you think that you can break through with the power of a few thousand Asura gods?

We put you on purpose on purpose. "

Put me up on purpose?

Tang Aotian was puzzled, and saw that the Great Emperor withered his mouth and gave him a look.

Tang Aotian looked up suspiciously, but suddenly saw that Yang Feng had already appeared above his head, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth...

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