Alien God System

Chapter 1926: Achievements in the Animal Way

So this is ah! Nodding clearly, Yang Feng also understood: "It's my good people and good deeds that were discovered by the leaders above. I thought it was the leaders above who thought I was handsome and gave me interview points, ha ha."

"Shady, absolutely shady!"

However, Jin Shiyuan still didn't believe it, and shouted: "How can he be an intern who can catch those murderous fugitives?

There is definitely someone here to give him merit! "

"Pull it down, you are good at reporting your merits."

However, as soon as his voice fell, Zhong Lihun said impatiently: "We can see the strength of Brother Feng.

You should also have learned how Feng is good, have you forgotten that kick?

He is not an average intern, he is better than all our interns. "

"That's just that his divine body is powerful, but he can't bring a divine body to the world."

"so what?

Brother Feng's spirit power is also very strong. When the Hungry Ghost Road practiced, Brother Feng used his own power to guard the entire purgatory ghosts within level 180 to 170.

It's just that you were not there at the time, but we all know that Brother Feng has the strength to suppress those powerful ghosts. "

This... His heart was stagnant, Jin Shiyuan couldn't speak, and finally he could only roar: "You are his people, and you all protect him, you don't count."

"They don't count, they are shielding him, are the people in our heavenly path department also collaborating?"

Suddenly, Liu Qingbai's face sank, and he shouted: "If you feel that this award order is tricky, you can ask for a review. We will check all the award orders to see if there is any trickery in it, how about? "

"Eh don't, don't mind if the child is angry for a while!"

But as soon as he finished his voice, Golden Tiger hurriedly laughed and smashed the field, then gave Jin Shiyuan a fierce look below, and shouted: "Okay, stop making trouble, be careful to pay yourself in!"

His mouth flattened, and Jin Shiyuan was silent.

Liu Qingbai rolled his eyes, and said in a strange way: "Sir Jin, your kid has to do some carving.

Otherwise, if you enter the Six Paths, you will suffer a big loss. "

"Uh, yes, yes, definitely!"

"It doesn't matter if you are not strong, but you must understand the rules.

Especially, don't get dirty on your butt, and look for **** on others. It's too annoying, huh! "

There was a rough breath in his nostrils, Liu Qingbai took the zhezi directly, and immediately turned into a white light, flew into the sky, disappeared, leaving only the golden tiger who had been wiping cold sweat.

Ying Long glanced at him and said with a smile: "Tiger, Master Liu gave you a lot of face this time. Otherwise, your little devil will have to be killed. You owe someone a favor."

"Oh, yeah, this stinky boy is really cheating, see Lao Tzu go back and pick him up, huh!"

The golden tiger gritted his teeth with anger, his eyes were fierce, and his eyes were murderous.

Jin Shiyuan took a look, and immediately shivered with fright, retreated into the crowd, and buried himself.

Ying Long smiled dumbly, patted his shoulder and said: "I want to teach my son, go back to teach, but don't forget what you promised me!"

"Don't forget, don't worry!"

Golden Tiger sighed and waved his hand, and then Ying Long nodded happily before announcing the end of the meeting to everyone and they could leave separately.

It's just that as soon as everyone left the scene, the Golden Tiger jumped in and flew away Jin Shiyuan.

A quarter of an hour later, Jin Shiyuan's horrible howl like a pig was heard from the office of Golden Tiger. The beast gods outside the door did not dare to go in. They neither dared to persuade nor control, let the boss Jin be ruthless. Discipline his ineffective son.

Ying Long came to Yang Feng, whispered a few words in his ear, and Yang Feng immediately nodded contentedly.

Then, after three more days, Yang Feng and their internship in Animal Dao ended, and everyone returned to the academy with their internship transcripts.

Facing Lu Chengfeng's performance check, Zhong Lihun and the others were downcast, as if they were lost in the exam.

Yang Feng glanced at them and said with a smile: "What's the matter, haven't you all come back with high scores?"

"Thanks to your care and the blessing of Master Ying Long, we people are all seven points, but there are no extra points.

But the Jin family helped those people, but each one got at least two or three points, and some even five or six points. This time it surpassed our nearly double the score. Thinking about it, I got angry, huh. ! "

Zhong Lihun's face was full of jealousy, Yang Feng smiled dumbly, and then looked at Zhao Gongming and the other brothers. As expected, all of them gritted their teeth with hatred, full of class hatred anger, and immediately teased: "Don't rush to get angry, maybe they will be the last Not as good as us."

"how is this possible?

Everyone enters the internship based on their relationships. In the end, the basic internship results will not be too bad. The gap will add points, but we... oh! "

Zhao Gongming and the others shook their heads and sighed, but suddenly they heard Lu Chengfeng shouting leisurely: "Jiang Shikui, the internship score of the animal road is 5 points, and the extra points are 3 points, a total of 8 points, 8 points!"


His body shook, Zhong Lixun looked at it strangely: "How is it possible?

Isn't that from the Jin family?

How did he get 5 points for his internship score?

If there is a golden tiger to take care of, it should be 7 points? "


Jiang Shikui was also dumbfounded and kept shaking his head: "Dean Lu, is this a mistake?

My instructor clearly said that I performed outstandingly in this internship. He gave me 8 points. How did it change to 5 points? "

"Then you have to ask your trainee instructor to go, I just look at the final transcript, blessed by God!"

Wow! Lu Chengfeng ignored him, and directly instilled the energy of level 8 into his body. Then Jiang Shikui could only take the score of several levels inexplicably missing with tears in his eyes.

"Shao Yingxiong, the internship score is 3 points, an extra 5 points, and the same 8 points!"


Immediately afterwards, Lu Chengfeng checked the score of a student again, and Shao Yingxiong was immediately shocked: "How is it possible?

I only get 3 points for my internship?

Obviously I performed so well in the animal life, the trainee instructor said that I won't lose 9 points, how can I..." "Ask your trainee instructor, God blessed! "

Lu Chengfeng shook his hand, ignored it, and continued to throw his aggrieved results to him.

Zhong Lihun, Zhao Gongming and others were all dumbfounded: "What's the matter?

It's from the Jin family again.

They all go in for internships based on relationships. Is their intern mentor so unfamiliar?

Then our transcript..." Thinking like this, Zhong Lihun suddenly flinched.

"Zhong Lihun, don't hide, hand in the report card."

At this time, Lu Chengfeng suddenly flashed and came to Zhong Lihun.

Zhong Lihun gave a wry smile, and had to hand in the transcript tremblingly. Lu Chengfeng glanced at him obliquely and said lightly: "It's rare to have an extra point this time, isn't it?"

"Well, the dean forgive me."

"What sin do I forgive?

This score is yours, and your strength is also yours. What does it have to do with the old man?

It's didn't do well this extra internship, right? "

"Dean, I am slack.

But I can’t blame me, the supervisor didn’t say that the internship has added value? "

"If you don't have any added value, you can't do it well?

So what do you do internship?

Remember, learn more, ask more, do more, it's good for you. "

Lu Chengfeng taught in earnest, Zhong Lihun nodded eagerly to admit his mistake, but with a buzzing sound, the golden light shot straight into the sky, and a huge cross floated out of his jade slip...

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