Alien God System

Chapter 1927: Victory? Lose-lose?


The pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, Zhong Lihun couldn't believe it, this time he could actually get a perfect score in the internship of the animal road.

Lu Chengfeng seemed to be stunned for a while, and then smiled: "Yeah, I didn't get a full score on my own site, but I didn't expect to get a full score back from Animal Dao. You guys are fine.

"I didn't expect it either."

With a twitch of face, Zhong Lihun turned his head and looked at Yang Feng, his eyes filled with gratitude. Yang Feng also grinned slightly and nodded secretly.

Lu Chengfeng knew all this well, and if he had his usual temper, he would have to stumble them.

In his eyes, all the results obtained without relying on real talents are false results.

However, thinking that they didn't get one extra point, he was already lost, and Lu Chengfeng didn't care about it, and directly gave him the blessing of heaven based on full marks.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's achievements continued to be reported, and the blessings of heaven also fell from nine days.

It’s just strange that during this internship, Jin Jiabang got the most extra points, but the base score for the internship results was lower than the others.

Although everyone in the Yangjiabang had no extra points, or only one or two points, the base score for the internship was among the best, basically around nine points and ten points.

In this way, the extra points of the Jin family and the base score were added to each other. No one from the Yang family had a direct base score. Only Jin Shiyuan got a full score of 20 points.

However, Yang Feng, the leader of the Yang family gang, had a super perfect score of 25 points, instantly rising to level 165, and overwhelming him.

In the end, regardless of the overall results or the top results, the Yang Jiabang completely defeated his Jin Jiabang.

The Jin Family Gang all lost to each other without exception on their own turf, and suddenly felt discouraged.

"Boss Kim, what is going on?

It’s okay if our internship scores are far worse than the other. Why are all of us generally low in internship scores, basically not exceeding 5 points?

The extra points we earn so hard to earn are meaningless. Anyway, they add up to nothing. "

"Yes, even if their Yang family has some people in the animal life, our base score should be similar to them.

But now, not only are we far inferior to them, we can't even match the base scores of other gangs. What is going on? "

"Boss, isn't it good for your father to speak in the animal way?

Isn't it about to be double-regulated? "

... twittering, everyone yelled for the point that they had scored so much and complained to Jin Shiyuan, but Jin Shiyuan was silent, still thinking of his father's candid feelings to him before he left.

It turned out that in order to get his son a high score, Golden Tiger concealed the above policy from Correspondence Long, which made Ying Long very dissatisfied and wanted to investigate the truth of his son's score.

In order to keep his son, the Golden Tiger had to agree to Yinglong's political exchange. This is the internship result of the Brutal Dao. The total score of each person in the Jin family can never exceed any one of the Yang family.

However, the extra internship results were evaluated by the Heavenly Dao Department. They couldn't control the animal life, so they could only suppress their internship results.

As a result, the scores of the Jinjiabang people are generally lower than those of the Yangjiabang and even the average interns. Who makes them get too many extra points?

"Yang Feng, wait and see for me, let's go to the human world to compete again, huh!"

Jin Shiyuan gritted his teeth with hatred, and the brothers on the side looked at him deeply, then sighed, somewhat pessimistic: "Boss, the animal road is our place, and we are all defeated.

The world has nothing to do with us, how can we fight? "

"Although I have no one in the human world, there is our alliance in the human world, and the two sides join hands. If you don't believe it, you can't fight him, huh!"

A thick breath came out of his nostrils, and Jin Shiyuan's eyes flashed with hot flames.

On the other hand, Yang Feng told Zhong Lihun and the others about the ins and outs, which immediately drew a burst of laughter from the crowd, and immediately felt much better.

"It turns out that's the way it is, okay, let them get rid of ceres before, do they still have to get rid of them?

Hahaha... Master Ying Long is really awesome! "

"But even if their scores are suppressed by our efforts, it seems that we are slightly better, but now think about it, we are actually losing both."

Seeing everyone rejoicing, Yang Feng murmured: "They concealed the above policies from us, which caused us to lose extra points.

But we took advantage of Ying Long's relationship to suppress their internship scores.

In general, we lost both and no one took advantage.

If they didn't hide it from us at the beginning, and we didn't look for relationships to suppress their scores, then our current internship scores would increase a lot, and that would be a win-win situation. "

"What is a win-win situation?

As long as that fat guy loses, what's the big deal of losing a few points? "

However, when he heard what he said, Zhong Lihun waved his hand indifferently: "As long as they live better than us, we can't stand it.

As long as we can hit the opponent, it doesn't matter if we suffer some losses.

Anyway, on the whole, this time our Yang family’s gang suppressed his Jin family’s side. See how they will go with us in the future?

Humph... the helper is mighty, the helper is invincible! "

"The leader is mighty, the leader is invincible!"

Suddenly, the sentiment was enthusiastic, and the people of the Yang Family Gang raised their fists, shouting Yang Feng's name passionately, and the look in his eyes became more admired and hot.

Yang Feng grinned slightly, ignored it, just thought silently.

He still remembers the words Ying Long said to him at the time, which would help him stabilize his prestige.

Now it seems that his prestige in the hearts of his brothers is not only stable, but also strengthened.

Such enthusiasm makes him a sage living in the hearts of his brothers.

It’s just that no one thought that although this struggle was won, his true interests were lost.

In other words, deep down in people's hearts, they don't care about benefits at all, they only care about winning or losing.

As Zhong Lihun said, as long as others live better than me, I can't stand it.

It is no wonder that if there was an internal economic crisis within a country, it would inevitably launch a war with the outside world and shift the conflict.

Because setting up an enemy to the outside world will not only cause the people of the country to ignore their true losses, but also praise the tough methods of supporting the ruler.

Get satisfaction from the pain and loss of others.

Ying Long probably knew this, so let's use the method of suppressing the Jin family to help Yang Feng consolidate his position in the Yang family.

Worthy of being a politician... Yang Feng smiled slightly, glanced at Zhong Lihun's excited eyes, waved his hand and said: "You are happy, go, go to the next internship, Human World.

There, but my family, hahaha! "

"Why, Brother Feng, you also have your own relationship background there?"

"Of course, Brother Feng's forces are pervasive!"

Roar! With a howl, everyone danced with excitement.

Because they know that this internship score is guaranteed again!

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