Alien God System

Chapter 1925: Deserved

"What the **** is going on?

How is the score evaluated? "

"I didn't understand why he didn't do anything, so he could exceed the full score standard?"

"Is there someone on this girl?

But even so, it's too arrogant, right? You don't have to do superficial work? "

......A crowd of people who are fully aware of it are all confused in their eyes.

Let alone them, even if the two executives, Jinhuo and Ying Long, looked at each other, they were inexplicable.

Yang Feng's extra points are too ridiculous.


At this time, Zhong Lihun quietly leaned to Yang Feng's ear and whispered: "Even if you have your hands and eyes open to the sky, you have greeted them, but at least like that fat man, do you do the data?

Even if everyone knows that this data is fake, it is to give the masses a respect. You still treat them as a fool.

But now I don't even do the data, but it's too pretentious.

Could it be that the broad masses of people do not even have the qualifications to be fools, are they all air? "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said nonchalantly: "I haven't done anything here. You know, I have just returned to my soul for so many days, and I heard about this extra bonus, so I came to the square to listen to the award order. Time to say hello to the top?"

"Then someone took the initiative to help you add points?"

After rubbing his chin twice, Zhong Lihun thought for a while and said: "But the person who helped you is also lazy. Since I want to give you 15 points, why not write down the reason?

Now you can get this score... a bit embarrassing. "

With that, Zhong Lihun glanced around, and as expected, everyone looked at Yang Feng with envy and hatred.

After thinking about it a little, Jin Shiyuan clenched his fists and roared: "Shady, shady, shady..." "What are you talking about, fat guy?"

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng immediately sarcastically said: "Are you still embarrassed to say that I am shady?

Did you wipe the **** off your butt? "

"Even if Laozi's buttocks are not clean, it is still a little bit. It is considered normal operation in the official second generation, and it is not as arrogant as you?"

Glancing at him, Jin Shiyuan roared: "You have been traveling in the lower realm for a few days. All of us have watched it with our own eyes. Have you come back and reported a message?"


Yang Feng was very straightforward and shook his head.

Jin Shiyuan sneered coldly: "No?

If you haven’t even reported a piece of news, let alone effective news and important news, then why do you get 15 points? "

"Where do I know?

Is this scoring standard not set by me? "

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng pondered a little, and then guessed: "Maybe my image is more handsome, magnificent, and graceful. It gives me image points.

You should know that there is an interview part in the civil service examination, which is very important.

Those who get the first place in the written test can be eliminated in the interview everywhere; those who get the bottom of the test will get a bonus in the interview and run first. Isn’t that justified? "

"Go to your mother's interview, you are a shady!"

With a roar, Jin Shiyuan looked up at Liu Qingbai on the top of the dragon's head and said: "My lord, please give us a reasonable explanation. Why does his performance go blank, but he got the highest score among us, and even exceeded I won the full score, I am not satisfied!"

"Is anyone dissatisfied with the above decision?"

With a raised eyebrow, Liu Qingbai immediately glanced at the golden tiger beside him and smiled: "This upright, upright young man is the Linglang?"

"Uh... he is so young, he is so offended, he still looks at Haihan, ha ha ha."

With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, the Golden Tiger heard the teasing among Liu Da's people, and immediately nodded with a bright smile, then glared at the fat son below, and said angrily: "Shut up, brat.

The above score, there must be the above reason, so don't question it.

Remember, questioning will not do you any good! "


I just refuse! "

"Yes, we are not satisfied!"

Jin Shiyuan was quite stubborn, shouting loudly, and the rest of the interns raised their arms and shouted.

Liu Qingbai shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly, "Is it an intern who hasn't entered the Six Paths yet? It's really strong and sharp.

When they enter the Six Ways and work for a period of time, it is estimated that they will not be so pretentious, ha ha. "

Busy nodded, Ying Long and Jinhuo both agreed.

"Well, since you are strongly demanding, then I will explain."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qing paled and shouted: "I said at the beginning, this award order is to commend those who have performed their best role in this special event. It contains, but not Limited to providing information.

Although Yang Feng didn't provide a piece of information to Shangfeng, he made a great contribution, so that Shangfeng gave a special award to Yang Feng. "

"Great contribution?

what? "

Everyone was still puzzled. Liu Qingbai smiled slightly and said: "Student Yang Feng has resolved 1,234 turmoil in the ordinary world this time, of which 12 wanted fugitives have been arrested, and 365 major vicious incidents have been suppressed, making outstanding contributions to assisting the six gods in the hunt.

Therefore, Shangfeng decided to make an exception and reward Yang Feng with 15 points. "


As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked.

They couldn't believe it. They were just doing spy work, but Yang Feng Xiafan actually took the initiative directly and caught all the wanted criminals back.

It is conceivable that the contribution of providing intelligence clues and direct arrest operations is definitely not the same.

Just... how is it possible?

He is just an intern, can he catch those cruel and terrifying felons?

Originally, for this additional internship mission, the above asked them and the interns to only provide clues and not need to catch the criminals personally, just considering that they are not strong now, if they act privately, they may suffer heavy losses.

However, it was never expected that Yang Feng, this kid, was totally indifferent to the work of whistleblowing. He was directly like an official **** and participated in the arrest.

From this point of view, it is really right for people to take this point! "Now you understand, Yang Feng, as a temporary worker, has achieved outstanding performance as a formal worker. Can you not focus on awards?"

Then, Liu Qingbai smiled slightly and said: "In view of the difficulty of Yang Feng's work, this 15-point award is far from enough.

Considering his next internship, so the above limited the award to 15 points.

Otherwise, I am afraid that future intern tutors will not be able to bring him, hahaha! "

Well! Jing, the entire square was silent all at once, only Liu Qingbai laughed loudly, resounding through the sky.

Everyone looked at Yang Feng as if they were looking at the monster, and there was no more dissatisfaction on their faces, just a deep awe.

Strong, really strong! These 15 points are really worthy of their name, and people have nothing to say...

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