Alien God System

Chapter 1924: Super perfect score

"Xu Changqing, in this inspection of the lower bounds, a total of 321 messages were reported, including 2 valid messages and 33 important messages. Comprehensive evaluation and an additional 2 points!"

"Lai Yongxin, during this inspection of the lower bounds, a total of 234 messages were reported, including 4 valid messages, 11 important messages, comprehensive evaluation, and 4 extra points!"

"Chen Huiru, in this inspection of the lower realms, a total of 858 messages were reported, including 1 valid message, 124 important messages, comprehensive evaluation, and an extra 2 points!"

... Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingbai continued to report the award order. After listening for a little bit, Zhong Lihun finally understood the above scoring criteria, and said in a low voice: "Brother Feng, it seems that 1 valid message is 1 point. Only 100 important news can get 1 point, and other news reports don’t count."

"Well, this is also to prevent someone from reporting useless news as much as possible in order to score points, which affects the above case resources."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng said with a smile: "Now, even if the Jin Family Gang knows the inside information, there is no advantage.

After all, this effective news and important news are unattainable. It is not just the number of messages that can be brushed up. "

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nodded, Zhong Lihun and others felt a lot of relief.

"Jin Shiyuan!"

At this moment, Liu Qingbai suddenly shouted, everyone present pricked their ears and began to listen carefully.

All the interns present wanted to take a good look at the official second generation who got inside information and how many points he could get this time.

"In this inspection of the lower realms, Jin Shiyuan reported a total of 1986 news, including 9 valid news, 356 important news, comprehensive evaluation, and an extra 10 points!"


hiss! Unconsciously, they all took a breath, everyone was shocked.

"how is this possible?

How could he find so many clues than others? "

"That is, how many planes does his chair connect?

How can there be so many messages and 9 valid messages? "

"Then the planes he was assigned are so disasterous and difficult, so much trouble happened?

Why didn't we meet?

Did all the fugitives run away from him? "

...... Everyone is chattering, it's hard to believe.

Ying Long had a cold face, turned his head and glanced at the golden tiger, and whispered in a low voice, "Tiger, did you cheat your son?"

"Master Ying Long, don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence."

"Do you think I don't know?

I'm afraid that more than half of those news were you got from other official beast gods and added to your son, right? "

Without speaking, the golden tiger was silent.

Ying Long sneered, and then said: "In fact, this matter is easy to investigate. The news of your son comes from different planes. Just look at those planes if the chair where your son sits is connected to you. Up."

"Oh, Lord Ying Long, why bother?

Everyone, colleagues, you can open one eye and close one eye.

It is rare that this time there is a subsidy, can I not make a fortune for my son?

What a big deal, when I owe you personal love this time, I will repay it twice, how about it? "

"You don't need to double back, you still have it now."


The golden tiger was unknown, so Ying Long made a strange arc at the corner of his mouth and glanced at Yang Feng below, and the golden tiger immediately understood.

"Shady, shady, shady..." At this moment, a student below refused to accept and immediately raised his arm and shouted.

Then one person began to protest, and a group of people protested together.

Jin Shiyuan's face sank, he glared at them fiercely, and cursed: "What's the shady?

What do you envy and hate about the points that Lao Tzu gets based on his ability?

Besides, think about it first, in whose territory you are now, do you still want the internship score? "

Uh! The heart stagnated, and the angry people immediately did not dare to speak.

After all, his own job is still being pinched in the hands of others, even if these people are dissatisfied, they can only dare to be angry with this dark world.

Jin Shiyuan raised his head triumphantly, and the younger brother on the side immediately complimented: "Boss, this time your extra score has been added a full mark. In the future, your strength will definitely surpass that of Yang."

"Well, if it weren't for the extra points this time, 10 is a full mark, and if I can't go up, based on my performance, it should be 12 points, plus my own internship score, this time I can get 20 points in one breath. Above, this is a twentieth level in a row, hahaha!"

Yang Tian let out a big laugh, Jin Shiyuan stared at Yang Feng again, gritted his teeth and said: "When I reach the 20th level, I must avenge that kick back, huh."

Report it back?

cut! With a slight movement of his ears, Yang Feng glanced at him, disdainfully.

Even if you go up to level fifty, you won’t be able to report back, don’t daydream..."Zhao Gongming, in this inspection of the lower realms, a total of 86 messages were reported, including 0 valid messages and 24 important messages. Comprehensive evaluation , An additional bonus of 0 points!"

"Zhong Lihun, in this inspection of the lower bounds, a total of 26 messages were reported, including 0 valid messages, 8 important messages, comprehensive evaluation, and 0 extra points!"

"Zhang Changgui..."... Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingbai once again informed the intern's results. Zhao Gongming, Zhong Lihun, and Yang Family helped many people, but they didn't get a point, or only scored one or two points, and immediately cried out in the toilet. in.

On the other hand, from the Jin Family Gang, they have long received internal news, and they frantically swipe the lower bound news. Although the number does not mean everything, they are so diligent and always rewarded. This can't help making many bald heads represented by Zhong Lihun's eyes red.

"Feng Yang, during this inspection of the lower bounds, a total of 0 messages were reported, including 0 valid messages, 0 important messages, comprehensive evaluation..." At this time, Liu Qingbai read Yang Feng's award order.

Upon hearing this result, Jin Shiyuan and the others couldn't help laughing together. Zhong Lihun and the others also helplessly stroked their foreheads, shook their heads and sighed, and smiled bitterly.

Hey, boss, your performance is not as good as ours. You really got shaved and bald. Our Yang family has been wiped out this time.

Yang Feng also smiled twice and shrugged helplessly, not worrying about it.

Who made him never come back to report it?

Does not meet the above award conditions.

Ying Long also shook his head and sighed. The judgment made by the Heavenly Dao Department was helpless. If he was in the Animal Dao, he could still say something, alas.

However, after Na Liu Qingbai glanced at the crowd below, he suddenly said: "Yang Feng, comprehensive evaluation, 15 extra points!"

Uh! In an instant, all the ridicule stopped abruptly.

Jin Shiyuan, who was still ridiculing Yang Feng unscrupulously before, immediately opened his mouth wide, like a duck caught by the neck, dumbfounded, and could not make a sound for a long time.


Yang Feng, who has scored 0 in all evaluations, why does the comprehensive evaluation award an additional 15 points, which is higher than my full score of 10, and has already reached a super perfect score. What is going on?

Not only him, even the Yang Family Gang and all the other interns were all dumbfounded at this moment. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure out his head and was dumbfounded...

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