Alien God System

Chapter 1923: Award order

Hmm... staring at them tightly, Yang Feng groaned a little, then cursed: "Deserve it!"


Brother Feng, why don't you even..." "When someone assigns a task, you just do it, you are lazy and slippery, and you have no performance.

Now people are about to give performance bonuses, and you feel imbalanced. Isn't it right? "

"Brother Feng, you still have the face to talk about us?"

Hearing what he said, Zhong Lihun couldn't stop rolling his eyes and said: "We have returned so many dozens, but you are old, you haven't been back for seven days in a row, you are playing down here and reluctant to think about it. Humph."

It didn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng was noncommittal: "Yeah, I am playing down there so much, but I don't care about the bonus. How much can I add, cut!"

"a bit?

The full score is 10, big brother, which is equivalent to an internship! "


So high? "


After a long sigh, Zhong Lihun broke his fingers and said, "Boss, we have a base score of seven points, but this extra internship is not good. If you only get three points, the total will add up to ten points.

Others, if the internship score is only 5 points, but the extra internship score can get 8 points, it is 13 points.

What's more, the Jinjiabang people are just like us, they are all high-scoring bases, plus high-scoring internships, our internship scores this time, I am afraid that the gap between the other party's scores will fall by about ten, that is about tenth level. The strength gap of ah. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng rubbed his chin and thought a little, and sighed: "It's true, the gap is really big, but who would have thought that this internship would have an extra bonus?"

"The golden tiger must know it, but he just secretly told his son, without telling us, otherwise we could not be so slack."

"Well, indeed.

But if he tells everyone the inside news, wouldn't his son lose the advantage? "

It doesn't matter shrugging his shoulders, Yang Feng smiled and said, "Let's go, this is the end of the matter. It's useless for us to complain. Let's go and see what the award order is.

In addition, I would like to ask the old man Yinglong, why didn’t I get the internal information?

Everyone has someone from above, so why don't I have this special treatment?

Really shameless, cut! "

With that said, Yang Feng had already left the room with his crew.

Soon, everyone came to Longkou Square.

At this moment, the expansive flat ground was already full of people, all interns, from all gangs, gathered in groups.

Some are triumphant and seem to be more familiar with the Jinjiabang. They got internal news ahead of time. They performed well this time; some sighed and wailed. At first glance, they were like Yangjiabang and regretted the missed opportunity. ; Even more angry, furious, and at first glance, they are also angry at the official closure of the news.

In short, everyone has different emotions.

Whoosh! Suddenly, there was a burst of air, and Ying Long suddenly appeared in front of Yang Feng, concerned: "How about it, how do you think you performed this extra internship?"

"You still have the face to ask, why don't you have internal news, don't you tell me in advance?"

"Oh, I don't know either."

Helplessly, Ying Long sighed and said, "Don't look at me sitting higher, but some things are handled below. I can't grasp the first-hand information.

Golden Tiger is responsible for the matters of interns.

He deliberately concealed this matter, so I can't help it if he doesn't report it. "

"You are his leader, he is hiding from you, what can you do?"

"He conceals important things, and I can deal with him, but he has the right to do things cheaply.

Even he can say that this is a test for your interns, and it is reasonable. "

"I'll go, only to test us, not his son!"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said depressed: "I don't care about it myself, but my brothers have suffered a loss this time, and I feel uneasy."

"Don't worry, I will make up for this, and ensure that your prestige in your hands will not be lost."

Ying Long gave him a firm look, promised, and then hurriedly left him.

After another quarter of an hour, but after hearing a roar, a long-distance blue dragon immediately rose up in front of Longkou Square. The huge dragon head swept down in a crowd. When the noisy crowd was about to be frightened and silenced.

Then, three figures fell from the Jiutian section and landed on the top of the dragon head, two of which were old acquaintances.

The person on the left is Ying Long, the person on the right is a golden tiger, and the only person in the middle is a white-haired young man, his eyes are full of divine light.

It seems that even the two high-level executives of this brutal way, he has not paid attention to it.

"Hello interns!"

Looking down at the people below, the white-haired young man smiled slightly and walked a few steps forward: "My man is Liu Qingbai, the director of the Supervision Department of the Heavenly Dao. The felons who escaped all worked hard.

Although you are only interns, you have played a role within your capacity in this special event. I would like to reward you all on behalf of Lord Tiandao. "

Wow! There was thunderous applause, and all the interns present were excited.

Liu Qingbai waved his hand gently, suppressing the applause, and then said: "I want to come, everyone knows now, this award order is to give you award points in addition to the internship score.

Finally, after you return to Sanctuary Academy, you can exchange it for your own growth level with Dean Lu.

And the number of points that this extra score can get depends on how much you contribute to our special campaign of cracking down on gangs over time. "

"Then now, I will announce the award order!"

As he said, a roster suddenly appeared in Liu Qingbai's hands, and a light curtain that stretched for ten miles appeared in front of him. As he spoke the award order, all the information appeared on the light curtain.

"Liu Feng, during this inspection of the lower bounds, a total of 129 messages were reported, including 3 valid messages, 56 important messages, comprehensive evaluation, and an extra 3 points!"

"Brother Feng, what are valid news and important news?"

Upon hearing this announcement, Zhong Lihun mumbled softly.

Yang Feng rolled his eyes: "You ask me, who shall I ask?

This standard is not set by me. "

Seemingly hearing the following Xisui, Liu Qingbai moved his ears and explained: "Dear students, this effective news is the fugitive news.

If the news you report up is about fugitives, it is valid news, which is also the most important of all news.

However, in view of the chaos in the world now, and many evil **** punks ran and behaved, many of the following news of the unrest, in fact, did not make much sense to us. "

"Unless some evil gods are really unbelievable and have caused a devastating blow to the lower realm, and we need to deal with it immediately by the six gods. Such news is called important news, second only to the importance of effective news."

That's it! At this time, everyone understood.

It turns out that catching the evil **** is not a great achievement, or even a merit, but only if you catch a fugitive...

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