Alien God System

Chapter 1922: Extra points

After restoring everything in the spiritual world, all the creatures are immersed in the joy of rebirth. Those high-level Yang family members who died in battle are even more grateful for Yang Feng’s departure this time, which once again brought them back to life and rescued them from the water and fire. .

Everyone said that they would spread Yang Feng's achievements to the mainland, so that people and beasts from all over the continent would come to visit the savior.

But as the gods are very busy, Jin Ling and the others soon returned to the God Realm, and Yang Feng had to return to their own jobs again to inspect the situation of other planes.

So after hurriedly telling a group of old friends, Yang Feng returned to the demon holy land.

"Um... If there is anything going on below, please send a message as soon as possible, and I will come as soon as possible."

Sitting on the teleportation throne, Yang Feng instructed the old patriarch below. The old patriarch bowed his orders, and Feng Yu on the side looked at him with complicated eyes, suddenly feeling a kind of inferiority.

Who could have expected that this kid was his crush before he left, but now he is back and becomes his ancestor.

The gluttonous Bailang who had just been resurrected was also very reluctant to say: "Big brother, this is going away, when will the little brother also go to the gods to meet the world, hehehe.

"You can wait until I stand firm. I didn't see that I'm just your ancestor intern now, haven't you turned up?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng let out a long suffocation, and his face suddenly became solemn: "Besides, the current situation in the God Realm is also very complicated.

You might as well stay below, lest you get involved in this whirlpool. "

Everyone understood, and Feng Yu looked at him worriedly.

They don't know what kind of crisis the God Realm has, but since even Yang Feng said so, it can be seen that the God Realm is not a good place.

Then, Yang Feng waved his hand to let the three of them go out. Only after both of them went out, Feng Yu turned his head and threw back in front of Yang Feng. Before he could react, he gently kissed his mouth.

Yang Feng was taken aback, and was stunned for an instant.

Feng Yu's cheeks were red, and he didn't say anything more, turning around and fleeing and left.

After waiting for a long time, Yang Feng came back to his senses, continued to switch plane channels, and went to other planes to save.

In this way, Yang Feng ran hundreds of planes in a row, most of which were small troubles caused by Cthulhu's casual lower realm, and only a few planes were caused by the turmoil caused by the prisoner escaped from prison.

However, under Yang Feng's Great Dao Invincible Brahma Seal, any six magic weapons and magic arts are defeated. Those fugitives were photographed by Yang Feng back to purgatory to serve their sentences, and some even went directly to the **** road, and they could never live beyond life.

Of course, all the magic weapons that were dropped by the prisoners were swallowed by Yang Feng, so they wouldn't be turned in.

After a few days, many intern beast gods, even formal beast gods, in the teleportation room of the God Realm Beast Dao, have awakened hundreds of times and reported their intelligence in the lower realm to the leader, only Yang Feng I slept for seven days as soon as I slept, and never woke up.

"see it?

After so many days, this kid has never come back. "

"Yes, let him do the investigation below, is he playing?

The soul hasn't returned for so long. "

"I guess he doesn't know that this grassroots investigation is also within the internship assessment, it can be extra points, hehehehe."

...Everyone was chattering with a mocking look on their faces.

At this moment, Jin Shiyuan walked in triumphantly, glanced at Yang Feng's side, sneered and said, "Why, hasn't this girl recovered yet?"

"No, it seems that he really took this private tour of the lower world as a vacation, Jie Jie Jie."

The people of the Jin Family Gang ridiculed, and when Zhong Lihun and Zhao Gongming watched all this, they jumped in a hurry: "Hey, hey, this fat guy must have known this extra internship a long time ago. Those in the Jinjia Gang also know that they are hiding from us."

"Sure, who made him be in charge of personnel affairs?

This task was released by Lao Tzu, and there is definitely an inside story. "

"Hate that we ignored it at the beginning, wasted so much time, and failed to provide much information about the lower realms.

After realizing this, they have already led us so much, damn. "

Gritting his teeth tightly, Zhong Li was so angry that his cheeks hurt. Then he looked at Yang Feng, who had never awakened and reported information from the lower realms. The corners of his mouth suddenly collapsed, and he said bitterly: "Brother Feng is suffering. The spirit is wandering outside, never After so many days, no piece of information was reported.

It's over, this time the loss is huge, alas. "

"All the interns, gather at Longkou Square, Shangfeng issued a commendation order to give you extra points, hahaha!"

Suddenly, a loud laughter sounded, and everyone looked back, only to see that the golden tiger was already standing at the door with a smile on his face.

Especially when he looked at his son Jin Shiyuan in his eyes, he was full of pride, and he felt like this kid was admitted to a prestigious school.

Zhong Lihun and others looked at them gloomily, cursing inwardly.

The news that this assessment can add points must be deliberately concealed by this girl. This time we are really miserable, huh.

Unfortunately, for this reason, they cannot appeal.

Could it be that they would not work well without rewards?

If this is known from the above, not only will there be no reward, but it will be even more contemptuous, which is not conducive to their internship.

Therefore, this dumb loss can only be swallowed secretly.

"Hey, how come that kid hasn't come back, how many days have it been?"

At this time, Golden Tiger glanced at Yang Feng's place, walked over in strides, patted his seat hard, and shouted, "Bring me back!"

Huh! Yang Feng's soul was fighting monsters on a plane in the lower realm, and suddenly he was pulled back by an inexplicable pull, and his soul returned instantly.

He squinted his eyes and slowly opened his eyes, Yang Feng glanced at the golden tiger in front of him, as if he had just woke up, and said annoyed: "What are you doing, I almost took that bastard, why did you take it? I pulled it back?

It's a pity that the baby on him is quite rare for me..." "You always play in the lower realm, right?

It's been so long and I haven't returned information once.

How did the old man tell you?

Let you find out the situation and report it immediately.

In the end you...heh, brat, you will regret it. "

"What do you regret?

Didn’t you come back to report? It’s not a big deal. As for when you are in my head, do you force me back. "

Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently, completely indifferent, and flew up.

The golden tiger stared at both pupils and roared: "The meeting has been held, and the top leader has issued a commendation order. All the interns will gather for me!"

With that, the golden tiger turned around and left with a big swing.

Yang Feng drew out his ears that were almost deafened, and said suspiciously, "What award?"

"Brother Feng, we were put together this time."

Zhong Lihun and others leaned in immediately and sighed: "This Golden Tiger concealed it from us when he arranged the mission.

It turns out that this additional internship assignment will give extra points.

As a result, we were negligent. When others were trying to report information on the lower realm, we were playing below, and we must have a huge gap with their scores, alas. "

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