Alien God System

Chapter 1921: Rebirth

Well! Her heart was stagnant, and Feng Yu couldn't speak. He could only look at the Yang family with extreme envy, forming a circle, cheering.

At this time, Yue'er, as the top five wife of Yang Feng, looked deeply at Jin Ling's soul and suddenly said: "Sisters, it's rare for us to reunite as a family today. It's better to celebrate.

It just so happened that it was the first time that we met with sister Jin Ling, and we had to get familiar with it, ha ha ha. "

I wipe it, this month it really depends on people eating.

I used to fight desperately for the order of entry, but now I see the main **** Jin Ling, I just call my sister.

Sure enough, I have confirmed my identity, it is someone who can't afford to provoke...Uh no, it's a god, so I'm afraid! Yang Feng glanced at her and shook his head with a grin.

Jin Ling also smiled slightly, waved her hand and said: "No, we have committed a great precept this time, we must go back quickly, otherwise there will be trouble."

"Yes, what do you get together?

I haven't taken the body off, what's the point of getting together?

What can you do?

Next time. "

Yang Feng also sighed indifferently, but it caused all the girls to blush and quench his mouth.

"Master, what are you talking about?

Shameless in front of the child! "

"What did I say?

I mean, if I have not come down physically, I can't drink and eat food anymore, so what kind of banquet is there?

But where did you think of it? "

Uh! There was a spirit in their hearts, and the cheeks of the girls became even more red.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Ling patted Yang Ritian on the shoulder and said: "Son, since you are okay, the few of us are relieved.

Now we have to go back, you take care. "

"Mother, don't worry, I'm okay, just..." Taking a deep breath, Yang Ritian looked at the devastated land, feeling sad: "The mountains and rivers are no longer there. The world has been ruined by the demon, only A few of us survivors are alone, alas!"

Jin Ling smiled, "What's this?

Silly son, don't forget, who controls the land here. "

"Wan Mu every spring!"

With that said, Jin Ling's hand seals a hit, and the entire green mountains and rivers destroyed by King Yinluo returned to the bright scenery of the past.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being overjoyed and admired Jin Ling, the lord god.

As expected to be the main **** of this plane, such a powerful supernatural power.

"How about it, son, are you satisfied now?"

"Thank you mother!"

Nodding excitedly, Yang Ritian said again: "The mountains and rivers have been restored. I wonder if those who died unjustly can pay back their lives?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Yang family also brightened their eyes and looked forward to it, but they were... uh, this... her heart felt stagnant, and Jin Ling's face sank: "Son, that... I'm just this The main **** of the plane can only control life, not death.

I can restore the bodies of those who have passed away, but the soul is to cooperate with the departments of Hungry Ghost Dao, Hell Dao, and Animal Dao in joint actions.

Besides..." "Besides, in order to cover up his whereabouts, the demon, after killing these creatures, will definitely not let these evil spirits enter the six reincarnations. I am afraid that they are completely ashamed and powerless now. "

Jin Ling stopped in the middle of the journey, and Yang Yuchan hurriedly added.

Hearing what they said, Yang Ritian's eyes couldn't help darkening, he closed his eyes reluctantly, and sighed: "There are no more creatures, only mountains and rivers, what is the difference between them and the dead.

What's more, the seniors who died for me, such as Uncle Aotian, Uncle Sima, Poison King, Corpse King and Sun Moon Star, they... alas! "

At this point, Yang Ritian choked up unconsciously.

The rest of the Yang family also bowed their heads in frustration.

Even the Lord God could not resurrect them, then they would have no hope anymore.

"Okay, why are you crying?"

Suddenly, a loud shout interrupted him. Yang Ritian looked up and saw Yang Feng staring at him proudly, cursing: "Don't you just resurrect someone?

You can't be a mother, isn't there a father here?

Are you looking for me? "

"Yang Feng, what do you mean?

There is nothing I can do in my place, what else can you do? "

Upon hearing this, Jin Ling immediately refused.

Yang Feng curled his lips disdainfully: "You first restore the bodies of all the beasts on this plane, and I will resurrect their souls!"

"Their souls must have been completely swallowed by King Yinluo, how can they be resurrected?"

"As long as you fix their bodies, I will fix their souls for you.

Otherwise, they will come back without being physically possessed, and they will have to return to it.

In short, this is my son's wish, and it depends on whether you as a mother can do it. "

Yang Feng smiled provocatively, Jin Ling glared at him, and without saying anything, immediately concluded the Yin Jue.

Yang Yuchan, who was on the side, seemed to want to do his best, and also began to seal the seal. The last two women said together: "Time turns, everything recovers, and the sun is restored!"

Hum! An invisible wave suddenly spread out centered on the two of them, and countless crowds and monsters appeared in various parts of the mainland.

It's just that at this time, all creatures have no godless eyes and are shaped like an empty shell.

Yang Feng glanced at it and smiled to Yang Ritian: "You see, this is your mother's law of time and space in the human world. It can only restore its appearance, not its essence. These resurrected creatures are like zombies..." "Shut up !"

But before he finished speaking, Jin Ling shouted loudly, "Didn't you say that you can attract their souls?

Come on? "

I come, I come! Raising his chin proudly, Yang Feng raised his eyebrows to Yang Ritian confidently: "Son, look forward to it, our Yang family's unique stunt, even your mother can't even know how to die!"

With that said, Yang Feng was already cross-legged in meditation, reading the scriptures, and his body was full of radiance.

In an instant, countless souls appeared in the clouds and sky under the recitation of this scripture, and then fell to the ground like a meteor and crashed into their own body.

However, after a short while, the entire spirit world regained its vitality, and all the dead humans and beasts came back to life, filled with excitement.

Jin Ling was also stunned, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The law of the great road, the death curse?

Isn't this the magical power that only the Ksitigarbha can know?

Why not even you..." "Yes, when I was doing my internship in Hell Road, I learned from the Ksitigarbha. He taught me this! "


Can you actually worship under the seat of Lord Ksitigarbha?

This... can he see you? "

"What does it mean that he can see me?"

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng immediately received his magical powers, stood up, gave Jin Ling a fierce look, and finally shook his head in disappointment: "Jin Ling, it seems that you don’t understand your family’s superior qualifications. .

Did you know that the Ksitigarbha king asked me to inherit his mantle, and he said that if I didn't learn from him, other people would be even less qualified.

I saw that he was sincere in his request, so he reluctantly agreed. "


With her mouth so open that she could lay down a goose egg, Jin Ling immediately became even more confused.

The dignified Ksitigarbha asked him to be his student. Is he such a big face?

Or is he really so qualified that even the Ksitigarbha cannot bear to give up?

Why didn't my old mother find out when I taught him before...

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