Alien God System

Chapter 1920: Family reunion

Yang Feng rolled his eyes in disdain, his eyes stared, the armor immediately ran into Yang Ritian's arms and cursed: "What stolen goods?

The equipment dropped by Daguai, whoever finds it counts.

Obediently, put this thing away, it will be the heirloom of my Yang family in the future. "

"But..." "But what?

Do you have to hand in six agencies?

As the son of Laozi, why is he so stupid? "

Glancing at him diagonally, Yang Feng looked at the gray sky above his head again: "No one sees it anyway, are you afraid of a ball?

Put it away and put it away. In the future, this thing is a lost cultural relic, and no one will pursue it. "

Cancan smiled, and Yang Ritian saw that his father's kindness to see the flower offering Buddha was so gracious, so he reluctantly put it away.

Everyone on the side couldn't help laughing and covering their mouths. Even if the master of our family has been promoted to the gods, he still has the temperament to take advantage of death.

Then Yang Feng smacked his mouth again and said, "You said that King Yinluo has escaped from the lower realms. Apart from this stuff, didn't he bring any other treasures?

By the way, what is that black cloud in the sky? "

"Enlighten my father, I heard King Yinluo say that it is the treasure he stole from the road of hungry ghosts, Wan Xu Baojian.

It can cover the sky and illusion everything, so that the outside gods are not aware of anything happening here. "

Respectfully clasped his fists, Yang Ritian couldn't help but sighed: "If it weren't for interference with this thing, mother and the others would have discovered something wrong here."

Ok! Shen Shen nodded, and Yang Feng grinned: "Good stuff, I've received it. From now on, this will belong to our Yang family."


"Ah for what?

Didn't I say it?

All the treasures that fall from Daguai, whoever finds them counts.

What's more, we played the blame ourselves, of course it belongs to us. "

As he said, Yang Feng was already raising his hand, and the powerful soul power immediately drew the dark clouds in the sky to converge, and finally turned into a book, folded and flew down, and fell into his hand.

Yang Feng opened the folder and saw that there were various images painted in it, which were transformed into thousands of things. He wanted to change anything, so he put it into his storage space without saying a word.

"Daddy took this thing, maybe it will be useful in the future.

By the way, if you think about it, has the old demon lost any baby? "

"Uh... no more!"

Yang Ritian laughed dryly: "Father, it's pretty good to be able to pick up two such powerful artifacts. Why are you so greedy and want to pick them up?"

"Nonsense, does anyone think they have too much money?

Of course, the baby can pick up as many as possible..."Shoo! Suddenly, Yang Feng hadn't finished speaking, and the three streams of light flashed from the sky, and the powerful spirit power rushed toward this side.

Yang Feng was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "No, someone has come down.

Son, put the baby away quickly, don't let them take it away. "

"Every day!"


However, the three streams of light hadn't fallen yet, and two anxious shouts had already spread out suddenly.

When Yang Feng heard it, he was stunned. When the three streams of light came to him, an illusory figure appeared, but he saw that it was not someone else but Jin Ling, Yang Yuchan and Yan Yurou.

At this time, both Yang Yuchan and Yan Yurou were the master gods of the human world, and Jin Ling was the vice chairman of the God Realm Committee.

Seeing that the people were his two wives and sister-in-law, Yang Feng couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted him: "Hey, how come you are also coming down..." "Get out of the way..." "Don't get in the way!"

However, Jin Ling and Yang Yuchan didn't even look at him. They pushed him aside and rushed to Yang Ritian, caring.

"Son, what happened here, are you not hurt?"

"My heart, it's the first time I have seen my own son at such close distance. He is so old, right?"

The so-called worries about the mother of a thousand miles, Yang Ritian, as the soul of Jin Ling, the son of Yang Yuchan's blood, these two mothers are always paying attention to the movements of their sons in the world.

It's just that the God Realm has the rules of the God Realm. Even if this spiritual realm is under their control, you have to file a report and apply for filing once you want to go to the lower realm, and go through cumbersome procedures to get down.

So even though Yang Yuchan had been the main **** for such a long time, it was the first time the Nether Realm came to see his son, who had never met.

Yang Ritian was also very excited when he saw the two mothers descending to the world: "Mother Yu Chan, Mother Jin Ling, I thought I would have to go to the God Realm to see you, but I saw you so soon, I miss you so much!"

As he said, Yang Ritian excitedly held the two mothers in his arms.

"Smelly boy!"

At this time, Yang Feng glared at him with a gloomy expression: "How old is it to act like a baby with your mother?

Are you ashamed?

Sprinkle two in one go?

Quickly give one to the old man, and he lacks a hug in his arms. "

roll! Qi Qi glared at him, and the two women took a bite.

Yan Yurou also smiled brilliantly: "Brother-in-law, are you down too?"

"Yeah, isn't this an internship in the Animal Dao? I came down from the exclusive channel of the Animal Dao.

By the way, why are you also down? "

"Oh, it's like this. My sister and Jin Ling are always paying attention to the movement of the spirit world after the demon escape from the Hungry Ghost Road, fearing that something will happen here.

But for so long, there has been no waves in the spirit world, so we don't care.

But just now, my sister suddenly yelled, saying that the spirit world was full of grievances and there were countless casualties, so we were all worried about the safety of the day. "

"Yeah, because we were too anxious, we didn't have time to report to it, so we went down privately."

Yang Yuchan nodded slightly when he heard what they said, and then looked at Yang Ritian with a caring expression: "Sunday, what happened here?

Are you in any serious trouble? "

Smiling and shook his head, Yang Ritian said all the ins and outs, and finally looked at Yang Feng with gratitude and said: "Fortunately, my father went down in time, otherwise I am afraid we will be slaughtered."

"That's it, the other party stole the magic weapon of the Hungry Ghost Dao, covering the sky, no wonder we didn't notice anything."

Nodding clearly, Jin Ling is still a little scared thinking about it now, and full of self-blame. She actually neglected this, and then looked at Yang Feng and said, "My son, thank you!"

"Thank what?

This is not your son, he is not my son?

What can I thank you for saving my son?

Or thank you for being a mother. See you more? "

Yang Feng grinned, Jin Ling turned her head indifferently, but the corners of her mouth were slightly curled up.

Watching this scene, everyone in the Yang family followed and laughed happily.

Only Feng Yu looked at Yang Feng with complicated eyes, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The monster clan exhaled a long time, and he leaned to Feng Yu's side, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, "Look at this family. From old to young, it is not a formal god, but a **** back. It is so powerful.

Girl, when you can join in, you will ascend to heaven, tusk. "

"I am not a chicken, I [新笔趣阁] Phoenix!"

His heart was stagnant, and Feng Yu gave the old patriarch a sullenly.

The old patriarch smiled dumbly and sighed, "In the eyes of the gods above, is there a difference between a phoenix and a chicken?"

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