Alien God System

Chapter 1916: why you?

Worthy of being the ancestor of my spirit beast, he really shocked the audience as soon as he shot, hehehe.

The Gibbon Monkey also looked proud and raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

Yang Feng ignored the eyes of the people around him, but looked at the evil **** coldly, then looked at the surrounding masters who were killed by him, and muttered: "You are so arrogant, there is no demon **** who manages this plane. Come to greet you?

Did you stuff him money? "

"How can it be?"

Cancan smiled, and the evil **** said embarrassingly: "People are civil servants, richer than us."

"Then you are so arrogant here?"

"This is not messing up, all the death gods and demons are busy hunting down those escaped prisoners, why don't I take the time to come here to fight the autumn wind.

It's just never expected, why is there a devil here?

I don’t know who you are, I remember you are not in charge of this dimension, right? "

"Well, I don't care about this dimension. I'm just a temporary beast god. I heard that someone is making trouble here."

"Beast God?

Beast gods should be based on divine bodies, how can there be such a demon **** as **** flame? "

"My wife is a demon."

Uh! The heart was stagnant, and the evil **** was speechless for a while.

This wife is a demon, can he use the flames of hell?

Can this public property be used so privately?

call! But before he wanted to understand, Yang Feng had already thrown a flame of **** directly.

In an instant, accompanied by a screaming scream, without three seconds, the evil **** was burned to ashes in full view.

Seeing all this, Xiao Yan was so shocked that he could fit a duck egg in his mouth, and hurriedly said, "Senior, what is your fire?

Actually worse than my ground fire? "

"Nonsense, this is a sacred fire, it must be stronger than yours."

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng ignored him, but looked at the gibbous monkey again and said, "Old guy, you've found the wrong person. This girl is a gangster, not the wanted criminal above."


Is this still a gangster?

Such a powerful strength..." "A powerful shit, did you burn him down without seeing me? "

Yang Feng laughed and shook his head, but turned his head back to think, this can't be blamed on him, the gods that came down from above, to them, are all the same as the top demon.

I don't pay attention to this evil god, but the mortals below are not the enemy of One Unity.

If these mortals are allowed to vent the news, there will obviously be a lot of false news, after all, they have no vision of discrimination.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng patted the arm of the gibbon monkey again and said, "Um...Although you admitted your mistake this time, you should actively report it next time you encounter this kind of thing. We would rather catch it by mistake. Over.

It’s just that your vision will be higher next time. What we are looking for is a demon with a much higher strength than this time, understand? "

Uh... The Gibbon Monkey opened his mouth stupidly, not sure why.


At this time, Xiao Yan hurriedly got up and said with a smile: "The person you are looking for is stronger than this demon, right?"

"Yeah, have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it, and I can't deal with this evil demon. If it's stronger than him, I guess I will die if I fail."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Yan rolled his eyes and thought about it for a while, "However, if the predecessor passed your sacred fire to me, I think I will be able to distinguish clearly if I encounter this kind of thing again!"

"Pass you?

Dream, wait until you rise to the realm of God. "

"Spirit world?"

Xiao Yan's eyes were stunned for a while, and his eyes were full of yearning, but he heard Yang Feng say again: "Also, your name is infringing, your life is infringing, you and your Patriarch, both of you have infringed, beware of potatoes coming to sue you! "


Xiao Yan couldn't help but be surprised.

Xun'er on the side is also unknown, so: "Senior, what infringement?

Why did Brother Xiao Yan infringe? "

"Not only is he infringing, you are also infringing, huh!"

Glancing at the two men, Yang Feng turned and left, leaving only the two monks Zhang Er, confused and confused.

What is infringement?

A quarter of an hour later, Yang Feng returned to the Holy Land of Spirit Beasts. In his teleportation formation, he saw that many planes had sent emergency notifications, so he rushed to the rescue one by one.

The results were varied, all the evil gods took advantage of the chaos, and none of them really found the wanted criminal.

Yang Feng calmed down the disputes on hundreds of planes, and he was tired, but he heard another alarm.

Yang Feng ignored it and wanted to take a nap first, but the alarm kept going on. He was also upset. After pressing the channel of that plane directly, he held his forehead and said weakly: "Come in, play early, nothing Retreat!"

"Old ancestors!"

puff! There was a muffled noise, followed by a screaming scream, and a slender figure stumbled in.

Yang Feng was already tired, without even looking at her, he muttered, "What's the matter?"

"Old ancestors, big things are not good!"

The woman has been kneeling in front of Yang Feng, not daring to raise her head. Although her voice is choked, she still respectfully said: "There are demons who have troubled the people, and my children have suffered heavy losses. I still hope that our ancestors will show great power and help our people tide over the difficulties. "

"Oh, just an evil god, how much trouble can it cause?

They are the soul.

Now the Demon God is not free, and when the Demon God pulls out his hand, he will take care of them, so bear with them. "

"But the ancestor..." "Okay!"

The woman wanted to say more, Yang Feng interrupted nonchalantly, "I am tired from the chaos around me, so let me rest for a while. Now the gods are not sufficiently staffed, otherwise I won't let interns. Go to this post.

In short, you must bear it first. There are also difficulties above. You must be considerate and go out. "

The body shook suddenly, and the woman was silent for a moment.

However, she didn't mean to leave.

After a while, the woman stood up abruptly and stared at Yang Feng fiercely: "You, as the ancestors of our monster race, we support you, respect you, and observe all the rules you set.

But now our disaster is approaching, you only know to shirk, then what use do we want you to do?

It's okay to brag about it, something to hide from you, our call for help has been sent for a month, you only have an answer now, and let us carry it ourselves?

We can't hold it anymore, oooooo! "

The woman was almost crying, Yang Feng also sighed, closed her eyes, and scratched her head: "Little girl, don't get angry, you have to believe in the gods, believe in the six realms, and believe that we beasts will definitely solve the problem for you.

We have received your request for help. It is not because we do not deal with it urgently, but because there is a time difference between the upper and lower bounds.

Wait a moment, I'll go back and have a meeting to decide. "

"Have a fart club, we are all going to extinction!"

The woman roared, her eyes flushed, and regardless of the difference between superior and inferior, she grabbed Yang Feng's arm and pulled it down, and shouted, "Come out with me to see what our entire monster race has become... …Huh, Yang Feng, why are you?"

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