Alien God System

Chapter 1915: Xiao Yan's World

Seeing his solemn look, Yang Feng nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand and said: "Okay, I'm just about this, you go back first, and you will notify me when there is news."

"Yes, old ancestor, grandson bid farewell!"

Nodding his head cautiously, the pass-arm ape retreated.

Yang Feng grinned and rolled his eyes and muttered to himself: "Ancestor?

Unexpectedly, it hasn't been a month since I arrived in the animal life, and I have become their ancestor. This should be the intern ancestor, haha. "

"Oh, yes, I have to notify the next one."

After wandering around for a while, Yang Feng remembered what was going on, and immediately moved his mind, and a control interface appeared in front of him, showing the channels of each plane.

Yang Feng just raised his hand and slightly, his position has not changed, but the cloud in front of him buzzed and made a wave, which had already changed the channel.

"Leader of the soul race, ghost ghost wolf Qi Tian Mi, see ancestor!"

There was another strong voice outside, and Yang Feng coughed dryly: "Come in."

Yes! As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with high muscles stepped in. After seeing Yang Feng, he bowed and said, "Old ancestor, I don't know what is the order for this manifestation?"

"You are... soul beasts, right?"

"Uh... yes?

Why..." Qi Tian was taken aback for a moment, and blinked his bewildered big eyes, inexplicably.

This old ancestor is the ancestor of the soul beast, how could he ask such a question, as if he didn't know us?

Could it be a false ancestor?

"After you die, will there be a spirit ring?

There are ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, and a hundred thousand years? "

Uh... His face twitched, Qi Tianmu was scared into cold sweat, and couldn't help taking a step back. He said vigilantly: "Old... ancestor, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, don't be so nervous, I'm just curious to just ask, hehe."

With a grin, Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently, but secretly thought in his heart.

These six gods are really outside the law, no matter how plagiarized and infringed, it will be fine.

But this can't be blamed on the people in the animal life design department, after all, designing thousands of monsters is really not easy.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng looked at Qi Tian Mi up and down for a long time, and after seeing him straight in his heart, he comforted a few words and conveyed the spirit of the instructions above.

At this point, Qi Tianmu finally understood that it turned out to be a message, not to hunt him.

To tell the truth, as a high-level creature with added value like a soul beast, it usually faces being chased by humans on the entire continent, and is already worried and afraid to death.

As a result, if even the gods coveted his spirit ring now, he would be completely unable to live.

Fortunately, the gods are still cultivated and don't care about his mortal things.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Qi Tianmu asked Yang Feng for instructions again, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong, he hurriedly bowed and left.

Seeing him running away, Yang Feng couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and then went on to other planes to convey the wanted order above.

However, before he could finish his message, beep, beep...and one after another sirens sounded.

Yang Feng waved his hand lightly and called up the control interface, only to see a plane flashing red, very urgent.

This is the way for the following groups to urgently contact the ancestors of the God Realm. I think they must have discovered something and reported it urgently.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng immediately turned the teleportation channel to that plane and roared: "If there is anything important, come in and report."

"Old ancestor, there is a discovery!"

A familiar figure stumbled in, it was the gibbous monkey: "Enlighten the ancestors, there has been a very powerful evil demon in our mainland. The spirit beasts and human masters on the mainland can not beat him, presumably. The wanted criminal who escaped from above."

"Okay, take me to see!"

With a loud shout, Yang Feng immediately ordered the Tongji Monkey to lead the way.

Originally, if this kind of thing happened to other beast gods, it would definitely have to be reported according to the regular procedures. After all, the people who escaped from prison this time were all murderous people, and ordinary gods could hardly deal with it.

But Yang Fengyi is brave, so he doesn't care about this.

So he followed the gibbons to catch the wanted criminal happily. When the two came to a snow-capped mountain, they saw that a group of masters had been killed and injured, only a man and a woman two young men desperately resisting.

"Buddha's Fury Lotus!"

boom! With a burst, the entire sky was burned out of a hole, but the dark shadow opposite them was still unscathed, and continued to laugh with contempt.

"Er wait for mortals, you can't hurt me."

"Brother Xiao Yan, this person is so strong, we are not his opponents!"

"Xun'er, run away, even if I fall here today, I must destroy him and restore stability to the entire continent!"

...Xiao Yan?


With a flick of his brows, Yang Feng looked at all this with a speechless expression. He wouldn't even be the main gods of the human world... "Emperor Yan, don't worry, I have asked our ancestors to help."

At this moment, the gibbon monkey shouted loudly, and Yang Feng's heart suddenly burst.

Sure enough, those human Taoist gods also copied when they designed the human plane.

Alas, the God Realm lacks a copyright protection law.


Hearing what he said, Xiao Yan couldn't help but looked over suspiciously, and saw Yang Feng appearing in front of him like a ghost, and suddenly said anxiously: "Your ancestor only has one soul body?

How to help us?

You should know that even if he reaches the emperor rank, only the soul body can't display his full strength.

I think back then, when my teacher was just a ghost, his strength was mostly blocked. He..." "It's alright, don't underestimate me first, I'm mainly to confirm it, and the monkey said What is that evil demon of? "

Waved his hand indifferently and interrupted him, Yang Feng looked at the shadow again and said, "Hey, who are you?

Report your name, where did you go?

What are you doing here? "

"You want to control?"

call! The black shadow rolled his eyes, noncommittal, but suddenly saw an orchid flame in Yang Feng's hand suddenly ignite.

"The flames of hell?"

The body shook, and the black shadow suddenly urinated: "You, are the devil?"

"A small flame of **** can scare you into such a virtue?

It seems that you are not the murderer who escaped from prison. "

After taking a deep look at him, Yang Feng immediately realized that the black shadow also immediately reduced his arrogance, and laughed: "I am just an ordinary evil god, and playing soy sauce on this plane is harmless to society.

Please raise your hand high and let me go. I will never dare to do it again next time. "

Uh! With a twitch of face, Xiao Yan and Xun'er were both stunned as they watched this scene.

This ancestor of the spirit race is so powerful. Such a terrifying character is scared when he sees him. And this is still the case where the ancestor only has the soul. If he was in his heyday, what would his strength be? So terrifying?

For a moment, Xiao Yan looked at Yang Feng and his eyes were full of admiration...

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