Alien God System

Chapter 1917: Shot

Hey, what about this sound... With a light movement of his ears, Yang Feng heard the sound a little familiar, and finally squinted his eyes and opened them, but he saw that the person in front of him was not someone else, but an old friend, Feng Yu of the monster race princess.

It's just that at this moment, Feng Yu's face was covered with bloodstains, and his hair was messed up, as if he had experienced battles.

"Why are you?

Could it be that the plane I came from was the spiritual world governed by Jin Ling? "

"How could you..." Feng Yu was also dumbfounded: "This is the holy place where we communicate with the ancestors of the upper realm, why are you here?"

"Oh, I'm doing an internship in the Beast Dao of the God Realm, and now I'm an intern beast... Uh, bah, I'm an intern beast god, that is, your intern ancestor.

There have been big moves recently, and there is really not enough manpower. We interns will come to top it, hehehe. "

Yang Feng grinned and looked at Feng Yu's desolate look again, wondering: "It's you... what happened?

Have you never fought with people? "

"Yang bad guy, why are you here now?"

The corners of Feng Yu's mouth slumped, and immediately he hugged Yang Feng's body with an aggrieved expression, and he cried thinly.

Yang Feng was stunned, then patted her back lightly, relieved.

Then, after Feng Yu calmed down, he explained the ins and outs of everything.

It turned out that half a year ago, the entire spiritual world was suddenly enveloped by a layer of black cloud, and then their demon clan chief was taken possession of by something unknown, and began to smear the creatures and absorb the souls of the spirit world.

Countless human masters and monster clan masters have tried to stop them, none of them are opponents, and their strength is definitely not what this plane should have.

People can only hide around like mice and dare not confront them head-on.

But even so, he was able to find their whereabouts at any time and kill them all.

Hundreds of billions of human cultivators and monsters have now been destroyed, and the entire spiritual world has fallen into a doomsday state of death.

As a survivor of the doomsday, Feng Yu has always stayed at the ancestral land and sent a distress signal to it, but it was only now that Yang Feng arrived.

After understanding everything, Yang Feng rubbed his chin and muttered: "He can find your whereabouts at any time, indicating that his soul power is strong and can cover the entire plane.

Moreover, he can also seize the body of the old patriarch She, which is not like what the evil **** did. Could it be..." "By the way, what about the people in my family?" "

With that, Yang Feng asked again.

The corners of his mouth flattened, Feng Yu lowered his head in silence, without answering.

Click it! With a clenched fist, Yang Feng already understood, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he stood up suddenly and said: "Go, I will meet that thing that doesn't know anything."

"You go?"

Hearing what he said, Feng Yu couldn't help but hesitate: "Aren't you just a trainee beast god, and you are not official, in case you can't fight... Forget it, you should go back to the meeting and let them send an official ancestor. To handle it all."

Underestimate me?

Raising his brows, Yang Feng sprayed a rough air from his nostrils: "I tell you, I can't beat any regular employees. Are you afraid I can't handle this trivial matter?

Besides, other people's affairs have to be resolved through meetings, and for your own affairs, just do it and go! Grandma is a bear, and doesn't care about whose territory this is, she came here to go wild, damn! "

Swearing, Yang Feng swaggered out.

Feng Yu wiped out two tears, smiled happily, and hurried to follow...At the same time, on the other hand, on a ruin full of dead mountains and blood, the patriarch of the demon clan who had already been possessed and turned black, sighed. Staring at a young man who looked eighteen and eighteen, he sneered: "Yang Ritian, even if you are an innate saint, you are not the enemy of the old man.

Your spirit power is far from that of the old man, even if you have more artifacts, it will be hard to make up for it.

What's more, your artifacts are like **** in the eyes of the old man, not worth mentioning. "

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the young man didn't reply, just gritted his teeth and looked at the black sky above his head.

"No need to wait, it's been half a year. I still haven't found anything here. Your reinforcements won't arrive, ha ha ha!"

As if he knew what he was thinking, the patriarch couldn't help but smile and said, "I know that the main **** of this plane is your mother, but so what?

Before leaving the Hungry Ghost Road, the old man deliberately went to their Soul Resurrection Pavilion and stole some artifacts, one of which was this Wanxiu Baojian.

Covering the sky and the sun, everything is illusory.

The scene below that your mother saw is still singing and dancing, and you will not realize that this is already the world of the old man, hahaha! "

"Really, then I have nothing but desperate!"

With a chill in his eyes, Yang Ritian immediately hit the seal in his hand, and a series of sword qi shot at the old man: "Divine weapon, Zhu Shen Wanjian array!"

"This is the magic weapon of the human world."

After a glance, the old man curled his lips in disdain: "It's just for dealing with the evil god. It's a long way to hurt the old man."

Sunny! Rumble! With a soft drink, the entire space suddenly turned into a vast expanse of white, with cold murderous aura everywhere.

Before the sword light had time to get close to the old demon, they shattered into dregs in this murderous aura and disappeared.

And the murderous aura rushed to Yang Ritian from all directions as if it were substance, and everything it passed through became nothingness.

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking severely, and Yang Ritian hurriedly offered a magic weapon to resist.

"The Universe Cover!"

Sa! A golden light surrounded him, forming a protective barrier, but in a moment, it was broken into slag.

"Hanshan Bell!"

Sa! It was another ancient bell full of cold, covering his entire body.

The ten thousand years of cold air around has frozen the space, but it is still hard to resist the murderous intimidation, and it burst into **** with a bang.

The body couldn't stop shaking, Yang Ritian's heart was shocked, and he beat his hands again.

"Tianyang Jia!"

Wow! The gurgling and terrifying flames were like the sun, surging out, and immediately burned the entire sky, burning the entire sky red, but under the murderous strangulation, it was all shattered instantly.

At this moment, Yang Ritian was stunned, no longer able to resist.

Even with three artifacts, he couldn't stop the opponent's killer moves. He was already exhausted.

The old man glanced at him and smiled yinly: "Yang Ritian, you have a lot of treasures in your hands, but unfortunately the gap between you and me is too great.

I haven't done anything yet, you can't hold it anymore, Jie Jie Jie! "

"Every day!"



...At this time, there was a cry, and a group of the ladies and generals of the Yang family ran over crying and roaring.

When Yang Ritian saw it, he was so anxious that he was about to split, and shouted: "Aunts and uncles, don't come here, go!"

"Want to escape?

That's too late! "

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the old man immediately stared at his pupils, and a terrifying soul power impact immediately hit the ordinary mortals like a missile.

This collision will surely knock them apart.

Do not! Yang Ritian shouted, but he was helpless.

A wicked smile crossed the corner of the old demon's mouth and his chin was lifted triumphantly.

After this, no one in this world dares to oppose the old man, hahaha! "Destiny controls, time and space shift!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout...

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