Alien God System

Chapter 1914: Wife becomes a wife

The two surprise incidents had a huge impact. They were used by the two groups of senior officials in a political game, and they were mutually successful.

Tiandao checks and balances between the left and the right, playing with each other's hands. This is the internal situation of the six departments.

However, the two major institutions of Hungry Ghost Road and Animal Road were successively attacked by terrorists. Although some high-level officials in Liudao knew what was going on, they still had to explain to the outside world.

But this account cannot be honest, it is the result of internal fighting in one's own department, and the contradiction must be transferred to the outside, so all the black pots are thrown on the fugitives.

The leaders of the Tiandao Department launched a special campaign to crack down on criminals and evils, requiring all employees of the entire six departments to learn, even interns are no exception.

"These fugitives have disrupted the stability of the entire God Realm and must be severely cracked down and guarded strictly.

The six gods must be united with Lord Tiandao as the core..." Beast Dao, a beast **** delivered a core document to Yang Feng and other interns, and Yang Feng and others all squinted their eyes and their heads. A little bit, taking a nap.

"Your sister, when will the spirit of this **** document be delivered?"

"Let's bear it, if the agency holds a meeting, it's all the same.

Three minutes can give you three hours, snoring! "

"Moreover, there is no truth. It is purely to coax the second idiot. It is almost carved in the same model as MLM."

...Everyone looked listless, eyelids fighting, and some people even fell asleep on the table.

After half a day, the beast **** delivered the above instructions, regardless of the status of the people below, smiled and said: "Then the leadership spirit above is like this. Let me stop here. Do you have anything to ask? "

Hululu! There was a cry below, and the beast **** was not surprised, and said with a light smile: "Since everyone has nothing to ask, then this meeting is here, and the meeting is over!"


Finally finished? "

The bodies shook together. Those who had played chess with Zhou Gong for a long time finally woke up from their dreams and clapped enthusiastically, but they didn't wait for everyone to escape from this venue.

A familiar figure suddenly walked in from the door, it was the golden tiger in charge of personnel.

"That... everyone, please be quiet, let me add two more points!"

You... sister! Click it! As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him viciously, as if to kill.

The three most hated things in the world are that after the meeting, someone stood up and added two more points; after class, the teacher said to talk for two more minutes and let the leader go first in the face of the disaster.

Everyone finally got rid of this long and boring communication meeting. You ran in and said a few more words?

What can I say?

Isn’t the spirit of other people’s instructions already very comprehensive, can you add it?

For a time, the group was angry, and Sen Leng's gaze plunged into the golden tiger like countless sharp swords.

It seems that I have also felt the badness of these interns. The golden tiger shook his body and couldn't help but smiled: "I really only said two points. Everyone will bear it.

One is that recently everyone pays attention to their own safety, because these fugitives are extremely cruel, out of sight, and powerful.

If you encounter it, you must not fight hard, run as long as you can, and if you can't escape, try to deal with it and wait for support. "

"Secondly, add one more item to your internship content to help the orcs in the lower realm convey the above order, let them keep their eyes open, and if you encounter these fugitives, you must report in time!"

Yes! Determined to nod their heads, everyone shouted loudly, and then they all got up together excitedly, and they could play in the lower bounds.

"Then...Interns, follow me now.

The situation is urgent, get on duty immediately! "

Immediately afterwards, the golden tiger beckoned again, and everyone cheered and left, like a high school student who suddenly became a physical education class.

A quarter of an hour later, the Golden Tiger took everyone to a room that was too wide to see.

There, a group of beast gods were all sitting on a reclining chair, their eyes closed tightly, there was no breath, as if their souls were already separated.

After the Golden Tiger asked everyone to find an empty seat and sit down, he introduced: "Dear interns, this chair is an artifact that connects all the planes of the lower realm to my orc territory.

Sitting on the top, you can get out of your body at will, go down, convey the spirit of the gods' instructions, and let them cooperate.

Each chair is connected to several fixed planes, and you are now solely responsible for these planes. "

That's it! Nodding clearly, Yang Feng now finally understands how the monsters in the Demon Race Holy Land have contacted their ancestors.

"Remember, you must convey the information accurately and quickly. If the monster below finds a suspicious suspect, you must report it immediately without delay."

Then, Golden Tiger emphasized it again, everyone shouted, and they started to learn the tricks Golden Tiger demonstrated and activated this artifact.

Wow! Suddenly, everyone's spirits were in a trance, and they all separated and entered an inexplicable space channel. Yang Feng was no exception.

There are only endless shining stars and dark space in front of people, and there is nothing left.

When everyone's eyes flashed, they already appeared on a throne.

Yang Feng looked at the throne under him, just like when he first met Yinglong in the Yaozu territory, he couldn't help but chuckle.

He used to come to the sacred land of the demon race to meet the younger of the seniors of the gods. He didn't expect to sit on this throne so soon and became the seniors of the gods. He asked others to come and see him. This suddenly gave him a kind of daughter-in-law. The feeling of being a woman.

"The ancestor Zong Yu is noble, come here to remind me to wait, I don't know any instructions?"

Suddenly, an old voice came from the misty white air in front of him. Yang Feng's eyes lit up and he laughed: "Why... I am an ancestor?

Then..." "Come in! "

With a loud shout, after the cloud fluctuated for a while, a gray-haired old man walked in respectfully with his waist down. He walked in three feet away from Yang Feng and crowed down, his palms trembling with excitement.

"Old Fulin Clan elder, Liu Changkong, the ape monkey, listen to the words of the ancestors."

Spirit Race?

Isn't it a monster?

Rolling his eyes and thinking about it, Yang Feng immediately understood.

The beasts made by the beasts of humans and animals are not only a kind of monsters, but also spirit beasts, soul beasts and other creatures.

With a grin, Yang Feng said indifferently: "Through the gibbons, this lower realm of this seat wants to let you know. Your clan must pay close attention to the development of your continent recently. If a powerful evil spirit appears, you should report it immediately, without error! "

"Yes, ancestors!"

Nodding his head, the gibbons bowed and worshiped, but after thinking about it, he said: "That... ancestor, forgive my children and grandchildren to dare to ask, what happened?"

"A group of fugitives from the God Realm have escaped, lest they go private in the mortal world, let you pay attention.

Remember, they are not the existence that you can deal with. Once you find them, report them immediately, you know? "

"Uh... got it!"

Nodding hurriedly, the gibbons suddenly fell silent...

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